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Donald Trump about 10-Year-Old Girl – “I am going to be dating her in 10 years” – Video

What man would look at a 10-year old girl and began formulating thoughts of being with her albeit, in 10 years? A grown man looks at a 10-year-old girl and is so intrigued or turned on by her that he couldn’t help but say “I am going to be dating her in 10 years.”

How sick is that?

In a December 1992 wire brief in the Chicago Tribune, Trump is described as having spotted a youth choir singing Christmas carols at the Plaza Hotel in Manhattan. He asked two girls how old they were. When they said they were 14, Trump, then 46, replied, “Wow! Just think — in a couple of years, I’ll be dating you.”

On Wednesday, CBS News reported a similar scenario involving a 10-year-old girl around the same time, when Trump was between his first and second marriages.

In footage from the archives of CBS-owned “Entertainment Tonight,” Trump asks the child if she is planning to ride the escalator at Trump Tower. After she says yes, Trump turns to cameras taping a Christmas special for the show and says, “I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?”



Racist Father Kept his 10 Year Old Daughter Away From Her Black Friend’s Birthday

Of course we have a black president and yes, it is 2015. But there are those who are intent on keeping racism alive and they are doing their best to pass their horrid thinking on to the next generation.

Parents of a young girl have spoken of their shock after their daughter received a letter from her classmate telling her she might not be allowed to attend her birthday sleepover because she is black.

A ten-year-old girl wrote the note for her friend Harmony Jones at a school in Memphis, Tennessee, after she was invited to her birthday celebrations, WREG reports.

The letter read: “Maybe I will not be able to go to your birthday sleepover because my dad will not let me go because you are black. Not trying to be races [sic], but my mom let me no [sic] Happy birthday!’

Local civil rights activist Lasimba Gray described the note as “regrettable” but said he hoped it could be used as a learning curve.

“Fifty-two years since the Dr. King ‘I have a dream speech,’ you would think that the basis for racism would disappear, but evidently it is being perpetuated by those who teach it,” he added.

Harmony’s father Christopher Jones said he was shocked that his daughter received a letter of this nature. “It angered me a little bit,” he told the network. “It hurt me that my 10-year-old girl had to deal with this, and I myself never thought I would have to deal with this.”

“I guess as parents we have to be more aware and more conscious of what we teach our children.”

The girl’s family has not commented on the letter.

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