Ben Carson Carly Fiorina child molester Donald Trump Politics

Carly Fiorina Defends Ben Carson From Donald Trump’s Venom – Trump Fires Back

Hey, did you hear about the crazy 95 minute harangue by Donald Trump the other night? In it, Trump attacked everybody, but he especially had some choice words to say about Ben Carson, comparing him to a child molester.

Crazy, yea I know. Trump thought that because Carson mentioned in one of his books that he was pathologically violent when he was a teenager, Trump thought that was the same as being a child molester!

The soft-spoken Carson was not going to stand up to Trump, so Carly Fiorina decided to do it for him.

“Donald, sorry, I’ve got to interrupt again,” she wrote, referencing Trump’s protestations that she ‘interrupts everybody’ during the most recent GOP debate.

“You would know something about pathological. How was that meeting with Putin? Or Wharton? Or your self funded campaign? Anyone can turn a multi-million dollar inheritance into more money, but all the money in the world won’t make you as smart as Ben Carson.”

Fiorina’s post garnered more than 27,000 times. Trump responded in a series of five tweets on his Twitter account, telling Fiorina to apologize repeatedly.

“Carly, not just you, I also told Gov. Kasich to “let Jeb talk, give him a chance” because Kasich was constantly cutting in,” he wrote.

Less than a minute later, he wrote “Carly—I did graduate from Wharton and did very well. Who is your fact checker? Will you apologize?”

“Ben Carson said in his own book that he has a pathological temper (and) pathological disease. I didn’t say it, he did. Apology?”

“I only said I was on (“60 Minutes”) four weeks ago with Putin—never said I was in Green Room. Separate pieces—great ratings!”

“(Fiorina) had to inject herself into my factual statements concerning Ben Carson in order to breathe life into her failing campaign!”

Barack Obama Ben Carson Politics

Trevor Noah Shows Carson The Craziness of The Obama Vetting Process – Video

Ben Carson thinks the media is against him. The man is running for president and he expects the media to give him a free pass by ignoring his inconsistent statements about his past. Any questions by the media pointing out his lies and falsehoods are immediately shut down by Carson himself, and the usual Republican talking-points attacking the “mainstream media,” follows. Attacking the media plays well with his right-wing, and usually earns Carson more good favor among his Republican base.

Carson, convinced that he is the only presidential candidate ever to be vetted by the press, issued a challenge to the media – to find another president, namely President Obama, who went through the vetting process the way he is.

“If you could find me where that has happened with someone else, I’ll take that statement back,” Carson said, referring to his claim that Obama was not vetted.

Trevor Noah from Comedy Central took him up on that challenge.


Ben Carson Politics

Juan Williams – Ben Carson is “more Urkel than Thug Life” – Video

“This reminds me of a lot of rappers,” Juan Williams said, as he responded to Fox Host Chris Wallace’s statement about Carson’s so-called violent past and the media’s coverage of it. “They hype, they embellish, they exaggerate for the sake of presentation — the biography in this case.”

“With the high school incidents… I think it turns out he’s more Urkel than Thug Life,” he added. “And that’s the Ben Carson I know. I know the guy and I’m just telling you, he’s a wonderful guy but I never thought of him as any kind of thug or attacking people.”


Ben Carson Politics

Ben Carson Admits he Lied To The American People

But wait, in today’s politics, Republicans are looking for the most outlandish candidate to represent them in the election. This lie by Carson might be all he needs to solidify his position as a leader in the Republican Party, and be the party’s nominee for president.

Ben Carson’s campaign on Friday admitted, in a response to an inquiry from POLITICO, that a central point in his inspirational personal story was fabricated: his application and acceptance into the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

The academy has occupied a central place in Carson’s tale for years. According to a story told in Carson’s book, “Gifted Hands,” the then-17 year old was introduced in 1969 to Gen. William Westmoreland, who had just ended his command of U.S. forces in Vietnam, and the two dined together. That meeting, according to Carson’s telling, was followed by a “full scholarship” to the military academy.

West Point, however, has no record of Carson applying, much less being extended admission.

“In 1969, those who would have completed the entire process would have received their acceptance letters from the Army Adjutant General,” said Theresa Brinkerhoff,a spokeswoman for the academy. She said West Point has no records that indicate Carson even began the application process. “If he chose to pursue (the application process), then we would have records indicating such,” she said.

When presented with these facts, Carson’s campaign conceded the story was false.

“Dr. Carson was the top ROTC student in the City of Detroit,” campaign manager Barry Bennett wrote in an email to POLITICO. “In that role he was invited to meet General Westmoreland. He believes it was at a banquet. He can’t remember with specificity their brief conversation but it centered around Dr. Carson’s performance as ROTC City Executive Officer.”

“He was introduced to folks from West Point by his ROTC Supervisors,” Bennett added. “They told him they could help him get an appointment based on his grades and performance in ROTC. He considered it but in the end did not seek admission.”

Carson would have needed to seek admission in order to receive an offer of free education from West Point. Also, according to West Point, there is no such thing as a “full scholarship” to the military academy, as Carson represented in his book.

Ben Carson Politics

Rap is all Black People Understand, So Here is Ben Carson’s Rap for Blacks – Audio

I am personally offended that the only black man in the race for president thinks the only way he can reach black people is to rap to them. Are you kidding me? So is it Carson’s thinking that black people cannot understand policies or don’t know or maybe just don’t care about the issues?

That this man is running for president is a joke. That he is the leading candidate in the Republican field for president is a travesty!

Here black people, this one’s just for you because rap music is apparently all you know!



Ben Carson Politics

Pure Insanity – Hillary Clinton and Ben Carson Tied in Nationwide Poll

It is times like this when I know my theory is correct, that Americans love punishment. How the hell is Ben Carson – a man who gives me the urge to flush the toilet everytime he opens his mouth, how can this man be tied with Hillary Clinton – the former Secretary of State – for president?

Pure insanity!

Clinton is ahead of Republican Donald Trump by eight points among registered voters, 50 percent to 42 percent.

She leads former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush by four points, 47 percent to 43 percent.

And Clinton holds a three-point advantage over Sen. Marco Rubio, 47 percent to 44 percent, though that’s well within the poll’s margin of error of plus-minus 3.4 percentage points.

But against Ben Carson, who is now leading the GOP horse race in the NBC/WSJ poll, Clinton finds herself in a tied contest, 47 percent to 47 percent.

The reason why Carson performs better versus Clinton than the rest of the GOP field is due to Carson’s standing among independent voters.

Ben Carson Donald Trump Politics

New NBC Poll – Trump is Number 2, Trump is Number 2, Carson Leads All

Donald Trump must be pulling his weave out right about now. In a new NBC poll, Trump is no longer the leader as Republicans are slowly coming to their senses. They are now choosing Ben Carson as the Republican standard-bearer for their party’s march into the presidential election… so much for coming to their senses.

The new poll conducted between October 25 to October 29, finds that among the Republican candidates for president, 29% prefer Ben Carson as their party presidential nominee. The Trump comes in second with 23%, followed by Marco Rubio at 11% and Canadian born Ted Cruz at 10%. The Republican establishment candidate of choice, Jeb Bush, comes in at a measly 8%.

The other candidates are not worth mentioning.

Ben Carson Donald Trump Donald Trump jeb bush News Politics republican debate

More Bold Predictions: This Debate Changed Everything

October 28 is a very special day in my life. It was 43 years ago that I became a man and realized the meaning of that old, old adage, “That’s the first time I stood up in front of people, bored them, and they gave me money afterwards.” Mazel tov indeed.

So it was with a nostalgic eye that I sat down and watched Episode 3 of the Far Right Follies, otherwise known as the GOP presidential debate. It was a rough affair for the moderators and included some captivating moments, such as when Ted Cruz took all of his time to call out the CNBC network and accuse the Democrats of being Communists or when Marco Rubio rhetorically punched Jeb! Bush (a guy with glasses on) or when Chris Christie almost knocked over his podium trying to tell us that Congress has stolen our Social Security.

The result?

Well, that thudding sound you heard later Wednesday night was the sound of four campaigns hitting Loser’s Gulch: Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina and Jeb! That’s right folks; it looks like none of these four will ever be elected president. Now, I will hedge a bit and say that Jeb could bounce back, but I find that rather unlikely. It’s also possible that many of Trump’s supporters could find their way to Christie, but the net effect of that would be the good Guv’nor polling at 3% instead of 1%. Then again, Christie always wanted to be in the 1%, didn’t he?

Trump, Carson and Fiorina are done because they didn’t do enough to rouse their campaigns beyond the protest votes that are the cornerstones of their combined millions. Carson is in the best position to stick around, but his past comments about guns and the Holocaust and Muslims will make him radioactive to the larger Republican, and general population.

As for Jeb!, my view is that his performance on Wednesday now makes it easier for the Republican establishment, which was never crazy about his candidacy, to finally break free of their Bush III concerns. Put more succinctly, the GOP doesn’t need him anymore. They have Marco. And Ted. And even Johnny the K. from oHIo.

Jeb’s answers and his demeanor were underwhelming at best, and he hasn’t really seemed presidential since he entered the race. He might be the smart one, but there’s something to be said for the son who wanted so badly to both please and punish his father that he sold his soul to the reborn and allied himself with Karl Rove. Jeb’s timing is just as bad as Chris Christie. Their electoral opportunities have passed them by and they might be the only ones who didn’t get the text.

The realignment of the GOP field will take a little time to adjust, but by the holidays the lineup should look radically different, if not in numbers, then at least in the polls. I expect the GOP primary electorate to shift themselves to candidates who have some experience in governance even as they call for the actual end of governance itself. Marco Rubio is now the favorite, followed by Ted Cruz.; Trump and Carson will fade. Bush will crash.

As for the national election, this realignment will make Hillary Clinton the favorite until further notice. She will be able to unite the Democratic Party around her by the end of March and can then spend time honing her general election message and raising obscene amounts of cash in the hopes that she gets elected, replaces a conservative justice and gets the Citizens United case reversed. Then she can raise modestly obscene amounts of cash for her next run.

Ain’t democracy great? Amen.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Ben Carson Donald Trump Politics

Donald Trump Explains – Polls “are not very scientific” When He’s Losing

Donald Trump is all about the polls. He basically has nothing else to talk about on the campaign trail so at every stop, he’ll take the podium and talk about how “unbelievable” it is that the polls have him leading.

“Can you believe it?” He’ll ask his followers as he point to yet another poll showing him leading. “Even in this NBC poll, I’m ahead.” Then he’ll point the audience’s attention to what the poll says, ‘Trump leads in the polls! ‘“This is unbelievable,” he’ll  say.

That was then, this is now.

As polls after polls show Ben Carson leading Trump in the early voting state of Iowa,  Donald Trump has become the biggest critic of polls. In an interview on MSNBC’S Morning Joe, Trump was asked to explains why polls are great when he’s leading, but bad when he’s behind.

His explanation? Poll are “not very scientific” when he is losing.

“How do you justify or explain attacking polls where you’re behind but celebrating polls when you’re ahead?” Bloomberg Politics managing editor Mark Halperin asked Trump on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“I believe in polls. I generally believe in polls,” Trump said. “The thing with these polls, they’re all so different. They’re coming from all over the lot where one guy is up here, somebody else is up there, you see swings of 10 and 12 points immediately, even the same day.”

“So right now its not very scientific,” Trump continued. “I think it’s very hard when you have this many. But over all Mark, I am a believer in polls, they say something. At least they spot a trend.”

Ben Carson Donald Trump Politics

Ben Carson on Donald Trump’s Politics – It’s “Mud Pit Stuff”

“I don’t have any reaction,” said Ben Carson, when asked in an interview to respond to Trump’s attacks on him. “I don’t do, you know, mud pit stuff. There are so many other important things to deal with.”

That was Ben Carson taking the high road after Donald Trump unleashed his expected political attacks on Carson. In case you haven’t been following, Ben Carson has taken the lead from Donald Trump in Iowa, and like the mature politician that he is, Donald Trump has taken to the campaign stump to dump on Carson.

In an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Trump said that he cannot understand the numbers from Iowa and cannot figure out why Carson is leading him in the state.

“I’ve done really well with the evangelicals and with the tea party and everything and I just don’t understand the number, but I accept the number,” Trump said. “It means I have to work a little bit harder in Iowa.”

Later on in the interview, Trump criticized Carson on trade, saying “I like Ben, but he cannot do with trade like I do. He can’t do with a lot of things like I do, so we’ll just have to see what happens.”

On immigration, Trump complained that Carson is “very weak” on immigration, saying “He’s very, very weak on immigration and I’m very strong on immigration. Ben Carson is very, very weak on immigration. He believes in amnesty strongly. He believes in citizenship. He’s going to give citizenship to people who are here illegally — you can’t do that.”

And on the stump, Trump hit Carson’s “energy level,” saying Carson’s has “lower energy than Bush.”

Yep, the mud pit is where Trump lives, it’s where he dwells. It’s all he knows and for now, Carson has decided not to descend to his level. Unfortunately for Carson, the mud pit is apparently where much of the Republican base lives, that’s why they are so in love with the donald. They understand him, he understands them. They all wallow in the mud together.

Ben Carson Donald Trump Iowa Politics

Poll – Ben Carson Leads Donald Trump in Iowa

Donald Trump has been knocked off his pedestal in Iowa, as the crazy talk from Ben Carson is paying him huge benefits in the early voting state.


en Carson has knocked Donald Trump from his perch atop the field in Iowa, according to the latest Quinnipiac University poll of Iowa Republicans.

Carson has opened up an 8 percentage point lead over Trump with the help of women and white evangelicals, who overwhelmingly favor the soft-spoken former neurosurgeon over the outspoken billionaire. About 28% of likely caucusgoers said they support Carson, 20% back Trump, 13% support Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and 10% are for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

The survey is the first major poll to find Trump trailing by a significant margin nationally or in the four early states since a CNN national poll taken June 26-28, which showed Trump behind Florida Gov. Jeb Bush 12% to 19%.

Ben Carson Politics

Money Calls – Ben Carson Suspends Campaign to Sell his New Book

You wouldn’t have Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson to kick around any more… well, at least for the next two weeks. The Republican is suspending his campaign to promote his new book.

Can you say priorities?

According to ABC News, Carson has put his public campaign events on hold to focus on fundraising events and stops to promote his new book, A More Perfect Union. He is scheduled to hold book signings next week in Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa.

Carson’s last public event was a health care town hall meeting in Des Moines, Iowa, on Oct. 2. He will not appear at a public campaign event again until the next Republican presidential debate in Boulder, Colorado, on Oct. 28.

Carson’s campaign staff will not travel with him while he’s on his book tour to avoid the unsavory image that he’s using his presidential bid to make money, a spokesman told ABC. But there are legal issues at hand, too. Federal law prohibits candidates from using campaign resources to profit personally.

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