Donald Trump Featured

KKK and White Nationalist Group Making Robo Calls for Donald Trump – Video

The Republicans have nominated a man for president who has seen favor with groups like the KKK and White Supremacists. And now in the last days of before the general election, these racist groups are going all out, doing everything they can to get their man in the oval office.

This is what these white supremacists are saying about their candidate, Donald Trump

The American National Super PAC makes this call to support Donald Trump. The white race is dying out in America and Europe because we are afraid to be called “racist.” Donald Trump is not afraid.

Another call said this;

The white race is being replaced by other peoples in America and in all-white countried. Donald Trump stands strong as a nationalist. The American National Super PAC makes this call in support of Donald Trump.


Halloween Racism

UCA Student’s Halloween Costume – Bill Cosby in Blackface – PIC

They apparently thought it would be fun. But the fact that these students paid no attention to the insensitive nature of their racist display speaks to the level of ignorance allowed in our society.

There they are, posing proudly in their Halloween costume, one of them supposedly dressed as Bill Cosby and sporting a ‘blackface.’ After the picture starting making its way around social media, the president of the school at University of Central Arkansas (UCA), Tom Courtway, was forced to issue an apology and acknowledged a call for justice.

“A short time ago we were made aware of a picture on social media showing what is purported to be a UCA student wearing blackface.

This picture is highly offensive and repugnant, and this representation goes against all we, at UCA believe in and stand for. This institution embraces all races, cultures and nationalities. We strice each day to be welcoming, inclusive and diverse, and will always continue to do so.

The matter will be investigated by the appropriate university offices, and we can assure the UCA family and all others that it will [be] dealt with accordingly.


arrested Featured

Police Union President Apologizes for ‘Arresting’ Fake Hillary Clinton

It’s Halloween. Time for the Republicans to make their voices heard and then apologize when their insanity is called.

The president of a Medford police union said he used “poor judgment” when he posed for a photograph with a person dressed in a Hillary Clinton orange prison-inspired costume that went viral on social media.

Harold MacGilvray of the Medford Police Patrolmen’s Association said the photo was taken spontaneously during a community festival on Saturday afternoon and was “absolutely not” taken to make a political statement.

“These were Halloween costumes. It was meant totally as a joke,” MacGilvray said in an email to the Globe. “I apologize if this offended anyone in any way. I never expected this sort of reaction. It was poor judgment on my part.”

Donald Trump Featured sexual assault

“Shark Tank” Star Recalls the Time Donald Trump Talked About Her Breasts Size

And yet another woman. Trump would call her a liar just like the other 12 so far.

Barbara Corcoran, well-known for her appearances on “Shark Tank,” came forward on CNN to tell of the time the Republican choir-boy Donald Trump, put his hands up in front of her breast and compared them to his wife’s breast.



FBI Obtains a Warrant to Search Weiner’s Computer for Hillary’s Emails

While the rest of the world assumes the FBI has already found incriminating emails from Hillary Clinton on Weiner’s computer, MSN News is reporting that the FBI just obtained a warrant to search Anthony Weiner’s computer for emails related to the Hillary Clinton private server probe.

The warrant came two days after FBI director James Comey revealed that the emails were linked to Weiner’s estranged wife, top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

The FBI already had a warrant to search Weiner’s laptop, but that only applied to evidence of his allegedly illicit communications with an underage girl.

Comey’s disclosure of the emails ignited fierce criticism, particularly from Clinton, who called the move an “unprecedented” departure from FBI policy.

On Sunday, Democratic Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid scolded Comey as well, saying in a letter that he “demonstrated a disturbing double standard for the treatment of sensitive information, with what appears to be clear intent to aid one political party over another.”

Donald Trump Featured

Trump in 1990 – “I don’t think [adultery] is a sin”

Watch the “Christian Conservatives” rush to Donald Trump’s defence on this. Despite the fact that adultery is considered a sin in the Bible, these “Christian” voters would somehow make an excuse in Trump’s case.

During the early months of 1990, Donald Trump was a frequent presence in the tabloids of New York City, often gracing the cover of The New York Postwith new details of his ongoing separation from his first wife Ivana.

As he deftly tried to juggle the split while courting Marla Maples—who went on to become his second wife—Trump gave a revealing interview to reporters Esther Pessin and Bill Hoffmann for the February 23, 1990 issue of the Post. In it, he declared that adultery is not a sin and hinted at his own extramarital affair, almost urging the tabloid to reach the obvious conclusion. It colors Trump’s impression of himself in the 90s and onward as a playboy who could have any woman he wanted, no matter their marital status or desire for his attention. 

The Post, often friendly to Trump during his current presidential campaign, has not publicized its archives prior to 1998 but The Daily Beast obtained some of the old issues which document Trump’s views at the times.

“Do you think adultery is a sin?” Trump was asked in the February issue.

“Very good question,” he responded. According to the report at the time, Trump paused and then said:

“I don’t think it’s a sin but I don’t think it should be done.”

The reporters pressed: “Would you do it?” After which, Trump coyly responded “I’ll let you guess.”

Donald Trump Featured Rape sexual abuse

Rape Charges Against Donald Trump – Lawsuit Filed in New York – Video

The rape accusation comes from “Katie Johnson” and a lawsuit, originally filed in California but dismissed because of filing errors, has been refiled against Donald Trump in New York. Katie alleges that the multiple incidents began in 1994 when she was only 13-years-old.

In a statement attached with her filing, the plaintiff (listed as “Jane Doe”) wrote;

I traveled by bus to New York City in June 1994 in the hope of starting a modeling career. I went to several modeling agencies but was told that I needed to put together a modeling portfolio before I would be considered. I then went to the Port Authority in New York City to start to make my way back home. There I met a woman who introduced herself to me as Tiffany. She told me about the parties and said that, if I would join her at the parties, I would be introduced to people who could get me into the modeling profession. Tiffany also told me I would be paid for attending.

The parties were held at a New York City residence that was being used by Defendant Jeffrey Epstein. Each of the parties had other minor females and a number of guests of Mr. Epstein, including Defendant Donald Trump at four of the parties I attended. I understood that both Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein knew I was 13 years old.

Defendant Trump had sexual contact with me at four different parties in the summer of 1994. On the fourth and final sexual encounter with Defendant Trump, Defendant Trump tied me to a bed, exposed himself to me, and then proceeded to forcibly rape me. During the course of this savage sexual attack, I loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but he did not. Defendant Trump responded to my pleas by violently striking me in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted,

Immediately following this rape, Defendant Trump threatened me that, were I ever to reveal any of the details of Defendant Trump’s sexual and physical abuse of me, my family and I wold be physically harmed if not killed.

A New York based website posted that “a federal lawsuit filed in New York accuses Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump of repeatedly raping a 13-year-old girl more than 20 years ago, at several Upper East Side parties hosted by convicted sex offender and notorious billionaire investor Jeffrey Epstein.

“The suit, first reported by the Real Deal, accuses Trump and Epstein of luring the anonymous plaintiff and other young women to four parties at Epstein’s so-called Wexner Mansion at 9 East 71st Street. Epstein allegedly lured the plaintiff, identified in the suit only as Jane Doe, with promises of a modeling career and cash.”


Donald Trump & Jeffrey Epstein Rape Lawsuit and Affidavits by davidbix on Scribd


More info found here , here, and here.

Donald Trump Politics

Stop The E-Mail Panic! Hillary Will Still Win!

Come on now, be honest. Did you panic on Friday night? Are you still panicked over the emails that might cost Hillary the election and cost you your sanity? Are you angry that Hillary set up a private email server in the first place? Even angrier that FBI Director James Comey had the gall to insinuate himself into the election?

I’m here to tell you that you are wasting precious emotional and intellectual capital by doing any of those things. Hillary Clinton will be elected president on November 8 and chances are good that the Democrats will control the Senate, if only because Vice president Tim Kaine will be around to break ties.

What makes me so confident you say?

First and foremost, there doesn’t seem to be anything that indicates this new batch of (10,000+) emails came from Clinton’s server. They are messages that Huma Abedin had because she was printing them out or they were duplicates of emails that Clinton had already given to the FBI. Of course, there could be some messages that we don’t know about or ones that Anthony Weiner saw and shouldn’t have, but that’s what the FBI is looking at. The GOP can say all it wants about investigating Clinton’s server, but that’s not an issue here.

Also, the Clinton campaign will make this about James Comey, and will do so effectively. He will need to defend his actions when other Justice Department officials told him that they opposed releasing such a bombshell so close to a presidential election date. He will ultimately need to say that he doesn’t know what’s in these emails and that to conclude that the are in any way incriminating would be wrong. Then the GOP will attack him and the story will continue to be about James Comey, not Hillary Clinton.

I understand why he sent his letter to Congress, because to sit on this information until the election was over would open him up to accusations that he wasn’t following the law. And obviously if there was something incriminating he has his duty to release it, but there isn’t any. In fact, his letter to FBI employees states specifically that they don’t know what’s on the computers. This is irresponsible. Imagine if you did that on your job. The job you would then lose, I mean.

The other nonissue is that most voters have already made up their minds and either have voted or wouldn’t dream of voting for Trump. This is where polarization works to Hillary’s advantage. If the GOP had a reputable candidate and the election was close, then I could see being worried. But Donald has already overreached by calling this as big as Watergate and I’m assuming that Comey will need to clarify that the FBI doesn’t know what it has, so that will undercut Trump’s attempts at blaming anything specific on Hillary. Plus, the email issue is nothing new and it won’t erase the terrible things that Trump has said over the course of the campaign.

What about the polls, you say? The polls have been tightening, right? Well, yes and not-so-yes. The margin by which Hillary has been leading, since July, I might add, is getting a bit smaller, but that seems to be because recalcitrant Republicans who were repulsed by Trump’s misogyny are coming back to the party. They’ll regret it later, but Trump’s improvement has been almost entirely built on his getting a greater share of GOP voters than he did earlier this month.

Most state polls, which are the ones that we should be watching, show that he’s behind in most of the swing states and has never led in the Electoral College projections since the campaign started. He could even win Ohio, Nevada, North Carolina and Florida and still lose, assuming that Clinton wins Virginia, Colorado, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania, which she will, so I don’t know why you’re bothering me about this. Probably because you’ve been consulting the mainstream press, which has an interest in creating uncertainty so you’ll continue to consume their messages. Please stop.

The most important thing that Democrats can do now is to vote. I know that some thought that Hillary had this in the bag, but that’s not true if people don’t vote for her and Democrats for House and Senate. Vote early if you can. This election is too vital not to.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Donald Trump Politics

Hillary Leads Trump in 3 Battleground States

These are the polls Donald Trump hates. He loves the polls from his campaign showing him in the lead. Reminds me of Mitt Romney.

Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump in the crucial battleground states of Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Colorado, while the Republican presidential nominee leads his Democratic rival in Arizona, according to new polling.

Clinton holds an 8-point lead in Pennsylvania, according to a CBS News Battleground tracker poll out Sunday morning, and has 3-point leads in North Carolina, 48 percent to 45 percent, and Colorado, 42 percent to 39 percent.

Trump is up by 2 points in Arizona, 44 percent to 42 percent.

BLM Boston Racism

Cops Wife Blames Black Lives Matter for Crime that Never Happened – Video

Have you ever wondered why Black Lives Matter even exists? It is because of crooked cops who use their badge and gun to murder innocent people, And it’s also because of people like Maria Daly, who filed a false report claiming her home was burglarized, and that Black Lives Matter did the crime.

In this case, the wife of a Massachusetts police officer blamed Black Lives Matter for what turned out to be a bogus invasion of her home. Maria Daly faces charges for filing the false report.

Daly, who is married to an officer on the Millbury police force, claimed in an Oct. 17 police report that robbers busted into her home and stole jewelry and cash in the middle of the night.

The burglars spray-painted “BLM,” shorthand for Black Lives Matter, on the side of the house before dashing off with about $10,000 worth of loot, she told police.

“We woke up to not only our house being robbed while we were sleeping but to see this hatred for no reason,” she wrote on Facebook after she reported the “crime” to cops.

The cop’s wife continued: “If you would have asked me yesterday about this blue lives and black lives matter issue my response would have been very positive. Today on the other hand I have so much anger and hate that I don’t like myself.”



Stock Markets Plunged After FBI Announcement on Hillary Clinton’s Emails

But…but… Donald Trump is supposed to “Make America Great Again!” Wouldn’t such an announcement by the FBI boost Donald Trump, even giving him a sure path to the White House? Why would the Stock Market react this way to this announcement?

Because Trump is all talk, that’s why. And economists have already said that if implemented, Trump’s economic policy would be disastrous. That his economic policy would explode the debt and plunge America into an economic black hole!

Donald Trump Featured

Donald Trump Voter Arrested for Voter Fraud

You hear that Donald? It’s one of YOUR VOTERS.

Donald Trump regularly claims that the presidential election is “rigged” against him, thanks in part to “all too common” instances of voter fraud. “Watch Philadelphia. Watch St. Louis. Watch Chicago, watch Chicago. Watch so many other places,” the GOP nominee urged his supporters at a recent rally.

Election experts typically respond by pointing out that instances of fraud by voters at the polls are actually remarkably rare.

But they do happen. Case in point: Police in Des Moines, Iowa, said Friday that they had arrested Terri Lynn Rote, 55, on suspicion of voting twice in the general election.

Rote, a registered Republican, allegedly submitted ballots at two different early-voting locations in Polk County, Iowa, according to local media reports. She has been charged with first-degree election misconduct, a felony.

“I wasn’t planning on doing it twice. It was a spur of the moment,” Rote told Iowa Public Radio. “The polls are rigged.” She said she feared her first vote for Trump would be changed to a vote for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

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