Halloween Racism

UCA Student’s Halloween Costume – Bill Cosby in Blackface – PIC

They apparently thought it would be fun. But the fact that these students paid no attention to the insensitive nature of their racist display speaks to the level of ignorance allowed in our society.

There they are, posing proudly in their Halloween costume, one of them supposedly dressed as Bill Cosby and sporting a ‘blackface.’ After the picture starting making its way around social media, the president of the school at University of Central Arkansas (UCA), Tom Courtway, was forced to issue an apology and acknowledged a call for justice.

“A short time ago we were made aware of a picture on social media showing what is purported to be a UCA student wearing blackface.

This picture is highly offensive and repugnant, and this representation goes against all we, at UCA believe in and stand for. This institution embraces all races, cultures and nationalities. We strice each day to be welcoming, inclusive and diverse, and will always continue to do so.

The matter will be investigated by the appropriate university offices, and we can assure the UCA family and all others that it will [be] dealt with accordingly.


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