Barack Obama BLM Politics

Donald Trump Fanatic Arrested with Bombs After Threatening Barack Obama

Donald Trump and the Republican party just lost a vote as John Roos, one of Trump’s biggest fans, is now in custody.

A fanatical Donald Trump supporter, who was arrested by the FBI in Oregon this week after repeatedly threatening to kill President Barack Obama and federal agents, had multiple pipe bombs in his home, authorities alleged in court on Friday.

John Martin Roos, a 61-year-old from Oregon, has been charged with communication of a threat in interstate commerce, and additional charges are likely forthcoming. Roos first came onto the federal government’s radar after a “concerned citizen” brought Roos’ Facebook and Twitter postings to the FBI’s attention in February, according to an affidavit from Special Agent Jeffrey Gray. (Excerpts, below, from Roos’ postings contain explicit language.)

In one Jan. 31 Facebook post cited by the FBI, Roos referred to agents as “pussies” and wrote he would “snipe them with hunting rifles everywhere.” (Despite his threats to kill members of law enforcement, he also complained on Facebook earlier this month about the “liberal media … slamming police.”) In a post in November that was also cited by the FBI, Roos spoke out against accepting refugees and threatened to kill Obama.

“Obama you goat fffing fudgepacker, the refugees are men of fighting age. Black lives matter! Sure we need someone to pick cotton and wash cars. Paris, burn diseased muslim neighborhoods to the ground and start over with human beings. Obama you are on a hit list,” he wrote in a post that appears to have been removed.

Beyond what was mentioned in the affidavit, Roos regularly posted on both Facebook and Twitter about his support for Trump and his hatred for Obama, who he called a “muslim faggot” and other derogatory terms. He indicated he wanted to kill Obama’s family and made other racist and sexist statements about Michelle Obama. He also made negative references to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, singer Beyonce, Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly and reporter Michelle Fields, and said he believed that the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was killed by Obama. He praised Ann Coulter and Stacey Dash, and posted several links to posts on


John Boehner on Ted Cruz – He is “a miserable son of a bitch”

Former Republican House Speaker, John Boehner, is not holding anything back when talking about a member of his Republican party and congressman, Ted Cruz. In an interview on Thursday, Boehner referred to Cruz as “Lucifer in the flesh.”

“Lucifer in the flesh,” Boehner told an audience at Stanford on Wednesday night, according to the Stanford Daily. “I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life.”

In fact, Wednesday night was not the first occasion that Boehner has compared Cruz to “Lucifer,” using the epithet last month during a question-and-answer session with reporters at the Futures Industry Association conference in Boca Raton, Florida.

Boehner is also credited with calling Cruz a “son of a bitch”, saying, “I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life.”


Bernie Sanders Explains Why He’s Laying Off “Hundreds” of Campaign Staffers

MSNBC and the rest of the so-called “news” media have been calling for Senator Bernie Sanders to give up his campaign for the Democratic nomination and endorse his opponent, Hillary Clinton. And although Sanders have said time and again that he wants all 50 states to have their voice heard in the nomination contest, calls for him to end his campaign grew louder after Tuesday’s losses to Clinton.

Well the media salivated today when sources say Sanders would lay off some campaign staffers. Media outlets couldn’t wait to report that this action meant Sanders had accepted defeat. Sanders was forced to explain the obvious – that with only 14 states left to vote, having staffers in states that have already voted made no sense.

“We want to win as many delegates as we can, so we do not need workers now in states around country,” Sanders told The New York Times. “We don’t need people right now in Connecticut. That election is over. We don’t need them in Maryland. So what we are going to do is allocate our resources to the 14 contests that remain, and that means that we are going to be cutting back on staff.”

Sanders declined to say exactly how many staffers would be let go but gave some clues as to the scale of the cuts.

“It will be hundreds of staff members,” he said. “We have had a very large staff, which was designed to deal with 50 states in this country; 40 of the states are now behind us. So we have had a great staff, great people.”

Sanders added that the staffers would be rehired if he is able to win the nomination.

Barack Obama Politics

8 Year Old Flint Resident Writes Obama, Obama Responds

Mari Copeny, an eight year old resident in Flint Michigan who was affected by Republican Governor Rick Snyder’s decision to use led contaminated pipes for Flint’s water system,  wrote a letter to President Obama and got a response from the leader of the free world.

Hello my name is Mari Copeny and I’m 8 years old, I live in Flint, Michigan and I’m more commonly known around town as “Little Miss Flint”. I am one of the children that is effected by this water, and I’ve been doing my best to march in protest and to speak out for all the kids that live here in Flint. This Thursday I will be riding a bus to Washington, D.C. to watch the congressional hearings of our Governor Rick Snyder. I know this is probably an odd request but I would love for a chance to meet you or your wife. My mom said chances are you will be too busy with more important things, but there is a lot of people coming on these buses and even just a meeting from you or your wife would really lift people’s spirits. Thank you for all that do for our country. I look forward to being able to come to Washington and to be able to see Gov. Snyder in person and to be able to be in the city where you live.

Thank You
Mari Copeny

The President’s Answer


Senator Leads Clinton Crowd in Donna Summers’ “She Works Hard For The Money” – Video

It was the weakest Donna Summers impersonation I had ever heard or seen. Watch as this Senator tried on Summers’ song, “She Works Hard for The Money” while trying to juice up the audience at a Hillary Clinton event.


Female Ted Cruz Lookalike Takes the Internet by Storm – Video

She made her national and international debut on the Maury Povich Show and has commanded the discussion on the Internet since.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Mississippi native Searcy Hayes. Hayes has had 5 different men tested. She’s trying to find her baby.

After being on the show and the Internet buzz she caused, Povich invited Hayes on the show to talk about her newfound fame.



Bill Maher Explains 25 Things You Didn’t Know about Ted Cruz – Video

Bill Maher, host of HBO’s Real Time, took a few moments to inform his audience of 25 things they didn’t know about Ted Cruz!

For example, did you know that the stick Ted Cruz shoves up his ass is called “Hank?” Or that when Ted Cruz looks into a mirror he does not see his reflection? Or that he spent his freshman year stuffed into a locker?

Bill Maher explains more


Domestic Policies Donald Trump presidential

The Neutering of Trump. Just Spayin’

Word is that Donald Trump will act more presidential from this point forward. Of course, not everyone is buying it, but the New York primary seems to have marked a turning or shifting point in the GOP race, if for no other reason than it looks more and more like Trump will be the Republican nominee this fall. Yes, I know that many party stalwarts are still trying to undermine his campaign and delegate count, and they say that even if Trump is 10 or 20 delegates short of 1237 that they will stop him, but that’s easy to say in late April or even May. Come July, when angry Trump supporters gather in the streets or threaten to walk out or support him for a third-party run, the GOP will relent.

But, as we have read over the past few days, that might not be necessary because Trump now understands that if he really wants to be taken seriously as president, he’s going to have to tamp down his comments, become less controversial, and appear like, well, a politician.

Welcome to the end of the Trump phenomenon.

It’s not like he commands a majority of the GOP popular votes, because even his most dominant showings are barely over 50%. At best he commands 35-40% allegiance among the party’s base supporters. That, in no way can translate into an electoral victory in the fall. He has simply insulted and lied and shifted his positions too many times for him to capture the vital center from which all presidential aspirants must live during the campaign.

Take for example the Cook Political Report’s map of electoral votes. Can Trump really win Iowa after not capturing it in the caucuses? Are Nevada and Colorado really toss-ups given what he’s said about Mexican immigrants? Virginia just elected a Democratic governor. Will Trump convince enough of those voters to switch to him? The only way he can do that is by fleeing from his bombastic past and embrace a boring future.

Trump has built his campaign on the provocative and the vague, but if he wants to appeal to more voters he’s going to have to leave all of that behind and hope that most voters forget that he ever said such things. This will not happen. Also, his most loyal supporters don’t want another politician in the White House. They want a real maverick who says what he believes, even if, possibly especially if, it’s misogynist, racist, anti-Muslim and largely made up of magazine articles he’s recently read. Will they continue to support a Trump who pivots to the party line?

I would think not.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

ann coulter Donald Trump Politics

Ann Coulter Hates “the new” Donald Trump

Ann Coulter is slowly beginning to realize that Donald Trump is nothing more than a cunning Republican politician, who has master the art of  saying whatever is necessary to get votes. The loose-mouth Trump made a political name for himself and Republicans like Coulter fell in love with his 3rd grade mannerism – a trait they look for in their leader.

But the politician in Trump is looking forward to bigger things than the elementary level maneuvering necessary to win the Republican base. Trump wants more, and the mare basics would not appeal to this larger audience. So Trump is surrounding himself with party insiders, people who know the ropes, people who could help him navigate his way out of the muck Republicans wallow in, and into a more generally accepted mode.

Donald Trump is a politician, and he is changing, and the Republicans stuck in the muck cannot accept his change.

Slowly, Ann Coulter and the other juveniles in the Republican party are beginning to realize that they have been fooled. Fooled by a 3rd grade Republican politician and his 3rd grade mannerism.

Donald Trump Immigration Politics

Trump Tells Republican Voter that He’ll Deport Members of Her Family – Video

She is a registered Republican but has undocumented immigrants in her family. An anomaly, yes, I know. Everybody knows Republicans don’t have immigrants as part of their family, right? I mean, that’s just unheard of! But in this unheard of situation, the registered Republican anomaly needed to know what will happen to her family if Donald Trump becomes president.

…if Donald Trump becomes president… I shudder at the thought!

In a town hall meeting, the Republican anomaly explained that although she has a family member in the military protecting America, there are members of her family here illegally and they have been here for illegally for 25 years. What will happen to them if you are president? She wanted to know.

Trump answered;

They’ve been here how many years? We’re going to do something. For people that have been — look, we’re either going to have a country or we’re not going to have a country. But many people are very fine people. and I’m sure these are very, very fine people. They’re going to go, and we’re going to create a path where we can get them into this country legally, okay? But it has to be done legally.

“You will deport them first, right?” Asked the host.

“They’re going to go, and ” Trump said. “Then come back and come back legally.”

I cannot guarantee it, but I’m sure the registered Republican anomaly will vote for Donald Trump in the election. Republicans aren’t very bright.



Another Icon has Died – R.I.P Prince

“It is with profound sadness that I am confirming that the legendary, iconic performer, Prince Rogers Nelson, has died at his Paisley Park residence this morning at the age of 57,” the pop star’s publicist, Yvette Noel-Schure, said in a statement. “There are no further details as to the cause of death at this time.”

The Carver County’s Sheriff’s Office had confirmed earlier that it was investigating a death at Prince’s Paisley Park complex in Minnesota. But the sheriff’s office didn’t release details about the identity of the person who died or the circumstances.

Prince — a singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, producer and arranger — “was widely acclaimed as one of the most inventive musicians of his era, drawing upon influences ranging from James Brown to the Beatles to Jimi Hendrix,” the Associated Press noted. Born Prince Rogers Nelson, the Minnesota native was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2004.

Donald Trump Politics

Donald Trump Prefers Harriet Tubman on the $2, Not the $20

A perfect example of why a certain segment of the Republican party love Donald Trump – because he say the things they think! 

In case you haven’t heard, Harriet Tubman,  an African American abolitionist who helped free slaves on the Underground Railroad, was recently chosen to be featured on the front of the $20 bill starting in 2020. Andrew Jackson, the current holder of that position, will be placed on the back of the bill.

This decision has obviously caused a raucous among those who cannot stand to see an African-American acknowledged for doing something good and apparently, Donald Trump, the new Republican leader, is one of these people.

I guess the $20 bill is too popular. They want her on a bill that is hardly in circulation.

“Andrew Jackson had a great history and I think it’s very rough when you take somebody off the bill,” Trump said during a town hall interview on NBC’s “Today” show.

“Andrew Jackson had a history of tremendous success for the country,” Trump added.

“I think Harriet Tubman is fantastic. I would love to leave Andrew Jackson and see if we can maybe come up with another denomination. Maybe we do a $2 bill,” Trump said Thursday.

“I don’t like seeing it. Yes, I think it’s pure political correctness,” he added.

“I would love to see another denomination … I think it would be more appropriate,” Trump said.

Now I must say that Donald Trump is not the originator of this idea, it was first said by another Republican and supporter of Donald Trump, Republican mastermind Ben Carson.


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