Domestic Policies News Politics Texas

Christie Does Dallas

It’s one thing to sit in the owners box and discuss politics or bidness with a somewhat straight face and an unemotional posture.

Then there’s what Governor Chris Christie did on Sunday evening with Dallas Cowboy’s owner Jerry Jones. Christie looked like an unabashed fan who had just won a side of beef in a bet after America’s Team came back from 13 points down to win their playoff game against the Detroit Lions. He never got to actually hug Jones, so much as wrapping his hands near the owner’s underarms and besides, Christie never looks good when his feet leave the ground.

So now to the political fallout. This was not a good moment for the Governor. First of all, he has three teams from which to choose in his own market–the Giants, Jets and Eagles–yet he chose to go halfway across the country to essentially be a win-chaser and to actually look like he was in thrall to Jerry Jones. Christie wants to appear as a lunch pail every day Jersey guy, but now that’s been jettisoned as the Presidential-Candidate-In-Waiting shows his true colors. I’m sure he’s had the money conversation with Jones and they look like they’re real pals, which means something in a race that will also feature the former Governor of Texas.

Then came Christie’s reaction, which was, as usual, defensive, heavy handed, sanctimonious and humor-free.

Mr. Christie, characteristically, doubled down in the face of criticism. He seemed happy to replay the incident when he called into the Boomer and Carton show on New York’s WFAN sports radio, as it gave him another chance to boast of his closeness to Mr. Jones. He gave details on the locker room celebration that the camera did not capture, saying that Dez Bryant, the wide receiver, was the first person to hug him. “Dez knows exactly who I am, yes,” the governor assured his hosts.

Why would the governor want to boast of his closeness to Jones? Aren’t the Tisch’s and the Johnson’s wealthy enough? Or do they see right through Christie’s act?

This is but one episode in what will become a complete circus once Christie enters the presidential race and unveils his true persona to the American people. They will then learn what we in New Jersey already know; Christie has no shame and no filter. These will be his greatest strengths at the beginning of the campaign, but will ultimately prove to be his undoing.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest


Fox News Upset The President Dined at Fancy Restaurant and Not “Olive Garden” – Video

Now this happened while Mr. Obama was on vacation with his family in Hawaii. The President of the United States took his wife, The First Lady of the United States, to a fancy restaurant and the right winged echo chamber had their next talking point – Obama must be an uppity negro with an uppity appetite!

The right winged media had a field day covering the story. WorldNetDaily, Breitbart News, and the Daily Caller were among the other right-wing rags that were offended by this choice of gourmet feasting. And of course, it was also featured on the Fox Nation website. Even more “mainstream’ outlets like The Hill and Mediaite ran with it. But the hypocrisy only validates the widely circulated meme about Fox News as being “Rich people paying rich people to tell middle-class people to blame poor people.” Why the President and his family cannot enjoy an evening of fine food and drink is never explained.

On is Fox News show, Neil Cavuto’s even had the nerve to ask if there were no Olive Gardens in Hawaii.

But the Fox will be Fox and ever since 2009 when Obama took office, bashing every move he made has been Fox’s number priority. So if Obama eat at a fancy restaurant, Fox will bash him. If Obama orders a burger at a local burger joint, Fox will bash that too like Sean Hannity did in the second video below.

Fox “News” – So transparent, it’s not even funny!

The Burger Caper!

House of Representatives Politics

John Boehner Wins with 216 Votes – Louie Gohmert got 3… That’s right, 3!

The crazy nutcase from Texas who got 3 votes will not be mentioned in this post. He got 3 votes!

The House has re-elected John Boehner to be speaker in the new Republican-led Congress, despite opposition by tea party lawmakers that underscored party divisions.

The Ohio Republican garnered the votes of 216 GOP lawmakers as Congress convened Tuesday. That was enough for him to win a third two-year term leading the House.

But in an embarrassing slap, 25 Republicans voted for other candidates or voted present. They consider Boehner to be too accommodating and not conservative enough.

Their repudiation of Boehner was an awkward display of GOP schisms at a time when party leaders want to show voters that they can govern effectively. They want to show they won’t be forced by tea party legislators into unwinnable, unpopular showdowns with President Barack Obama.


Watch John Boehner Fight to Keep His House Speaker Position – #Vote

Coming up soon, the new Republican led house votes on their new House Speaker, whether that be John Boehner or some even crazier like Louie Gohmert is left to be seen!

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Two More NYPD Cops Shot in The Bronx

NBC is reporting that authorities are questioning a suspect in connection with the Monday night shootings of two NYPD officers responding to a robbery call in the Bronx, police and law enforcement sources say.

The man being questioned went to NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital in upper Manhattan with a gunshot wound to the back. Authorities are investigating if he is connected to the shootings of 30-year-old NYPD officer Andrew Dossi and 38-year-old officer Aliro Pellerano.

Pellerano was shot in the abdomen and arm near East 184th Street and Tiebout Avenue in Fordham at around 10:30 p.m. Monday, officials said at a news conference early Tuesday. Dossi was shot in the arm and lower back. Both are in stable condition at St. Barnabas Hospital, the NYPD said.


White House Weighs in on Ranking Republican’s Connection to KKK Leader David Duke

Photo: ROD LAMKEY JR/AFP/Getty Images

Sticking to their true colors, the Republicans in Congress anointed Steve Scalise as their new House Majority Whip, the same Steve Scalise who gave a speech at a David Duke white supremacy event in 2002. That Steve Scalise is now the third ranking Republican in Congress. And the White House is weighing in on that sad fact.

During his Monday briefing, one day before the start of a new congressional session, Earnest said it will be up to House Republicans to decide if Scalise should keep his leadership post despite his admission that in 2002 he spoke to a Louisiana group created by former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. But, Earnest went on, if Republicans do keep Scalise as one of their leaders, it will reflect on their party’s values at a time when the GOP is trying to reach out to voters of color.

“There’s no arguing that who Republicans decide to elevate into a leadership position says a lot about what the conference’s priorities and values are,” Earnest said during the briefing.

“Ultimately, Mr. Scalise reportedly described himself as ‘David Duke without the baggage,'” he continued, referring to a comment Scalise allegedly once made to a reporter. “It will be up to Republicans to decide what that says about their conference.”

basketball NBA Sports

Watch Stephen Curry’s Insane Between The Legs Hesitation Move – Video

I’m not a Golden State Warriors fan, but this beautiful between-the-legs hesitation move by Stephen Curry in the first quarter of a game against Oklahoma, was straight up bawling!

Maybe I need to pay more attention to this Golden State Warriors team…


Jon Stewart Has Endorsed Sen. Melvin Dickpic-Tweet for President in 2016 – Video

Now after carefully considering all the potential candidates for president in 2016, Jon Stewart settled on who he thought was the best person among the group of wannabes – Sen. Melvin Dickpic-Tweet.

For example, former Sen. Jim Webb, a Democratic hopeful, is defending more than $90,000 in payments from his PAC to his family members for work on his website.

“So you’re saying Jim Webb is embroiled in a scandal involving a website,” Stewart said. “It’s the most ironic fall from grace since Sen. Melvin Dickpic-Tweet.”

Stewart took a look at the field on both sides, including Sen. Bernie Sanders, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Fox News host and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and more. After carefully considering the candidates, Jon Stewart announced his pick for 2016.

Get those Dickpictweet ’16 bumper stickers ready…


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