
Fox News Upset The President Dined at Fancy Restaurant and Not “Olive Garden” – Video

Now this happened while Mr. Obama was on vacation with his family in Hawaii. The President of the United States took his wife, The First Lady of the United States, to a fancy restaurant and the right winged echo chamber had their next talking point – Obama must be an uppity negro with an uppity appetite!

The right winged media had a field day covering the story. WorldNetDaily, Breitbart News, and the Daily Caller were among the other right-wing rags that were offended by this choice of gourmet feasting. And of course, it was also featured on the Fox Nation website. Even more “mainstream’ outlets like The Hill and Mediaite ran with it. But the hypocrisy only validates the widely circulated meme about Fox News as being “Rich people paying rich people to tell middle-class people to blame poor people.” Why the President and his family cannot enjoy an evening of fine food and drink is never explained.

On is Fox News show, Neil Cavuto’s even had the nerve to ask if there were no Olive Gardens in Hawaii.

But the Fox will be Fox and ever since 2009 when Obama took office, bashing every move he made has been Fox’s number priority. So if Obama eat at a fancy restaurant, Fox will bash him. If Obama orders a burger at a local burger joint, Fox will bash that too like Sean Hannity did in the second video below.

Fox “News” – So transparent, it’s not even funny!

The Burger Caper!

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