
Where’s The Manufactured Outrage Now? IRS Targeted “Progressive” Groups Too

Calling all those “concerned” Tea Partiers and Republicans who cried foul that the IRS targeted Conservative groups. Can you hear me? Are you out there? Here’s another bit of news for you to cry about. Documents released today revealed that the IRS “targeted” Progressives groups too.

Crickets… silence

The Internal Revenue Service targeted progressive groups applying for tax-exempt status in addition to conservative ones, according to IRS documents released by congressional Democrats on Monday.

The documents and an internal IRS report being sent to congressional committees reveal that the tax agency used terms that included “progressive” and “occupy” to flag progressive organizations for extra scrutiny before the 2012 elections.

The revelations greatly complicate the political scandal that has engulfed the IRS over the past few weeks. An inspector general report in mid-May revealed the tax agency had screened conservative groups with words like “tea party” in their name when considering applications for tax-exempt status. Lawmakers from both parties quickly denounced the creation of such “Be On The Lookout,” or BOLO, lists. Republicans in particular argued the finding proved the IRS was trying to tip the scales of the election during the heat of the campaign.

Apparently, when the talking point was “IRS is targeting the Teaparty,” everyone was up in arms. With the new revelation that Progressive groups were looked at in the same way, no one cares.

Shocked? Me neither.


6 Foods that Increase Hunger


1. Chewing gum
This bad habit stimulates the gastric juices, therefore saliva is produced and moves to the stomach fooling it into thinking there is food to be digested, making you hungrier.

2. Diet soda
This is not only highly harmful to your health, it can also make you hungrier, that to its high amount artificial sweeteners that could have the effect of triggering appetite but unlike regular sugars they don’t deliver something that will squelch the appetite.

3. High fructose corn syrup
Moderation is seemingly impossible with this evil ingredient, it interferes with the body’s metabolism so that a person can’t stop eating. It slows down the secretion of leptin in the body, which is a crucial hormone that tells you that you’re full and to stop eating.

4. Frozen dinners
These dinners don’t have enough calories or nutrients to fill you up, and there is not enough roughage to expand in your stomach.

5. Pastries and baked goods
White sugar and flour have no fiber or nutrients and they are normally packed with white sugar as well, this will send you through the roof and then you come crashing down much hungrier than you were before.

6. Sugary breakfast bars
This is practically the same as pastry, they are high processed and full of sugar, exchange them for real oatmeal, fruits and honey, or eggs and vegetables for a much better way to start your day.

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album Music

Earth, Wind & Fire Album, ‘Now, Then & Forever,’ Set For Sept. 10

NEW YORK — Earth, Wind and Fire initially wanted to release its new album around the 2012 presidential election, but the band realized it wasn’t satisfied with the songs it created.

“We have a lot more bells and whistles in place now and the record is better,” singer Philip Bailey said in a recent interview.

“Now, Then & Forever,” the group’s first album in eight years, will be released Sept. 10. Bailey said the band called co-founding member Larry Dunn and others to help produce its latest sound.


Tid Bits

45 Extraordinary Uses For The Lemon!


Most people are familiar with the traditional uses for lemons to soothe sore throats and add some citrus flavor to our foods.

However the diversity of applications for lemons far exceeds general knowledge and once you read the following list, you’ll likely want to stock at least a few lemons in your kitchen 24-7.
1. Freshen the Fridge
Remove refrigerator odors with ease. Dab lemon juice on a cotton ball or sponge and leave it in the fridge for several hours. Make sure to toss out any malodorous items that might be causing the bad smell.

2. High Blood Pressure
Lemon contains potassium which controls high blood pressure and reduces the effect of nausea and dizziness.

3. Prevent Cauliflower From Turning Brown
Cauliflower tend to turn brown with even the slightest cooking. You can make sure the white vegetables stay white by squeezing a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice on them before heating.

4. Mental Health
Lemon water can also prep up your mood and relieve you from depression and stress. Long distance walkers and world travelers as well as explorers look upon the lemon as a Godsend. When fatigue begins, a lemon is sucked through a hole in the top. Quick acting medicine it is, giving almost unbelievable refreshments.

5. Refresh Cutting Boards
No wonder your kitchen cutting board smells! After all, you use it to chop onions, crush garlic, and prepare fish. To get rid of the smell and help sanitize the cutting board, rub it all over with the cut side of half a lemon or wash it in undiluted juice straight from the bottle.

6. Respiratory Problems
Lemon water can reduce phlegm; and can also help you breathe properly and aids a person suffering with asthma.

7. Treating Arthritis and Rheumatism
Lemon is a diuretic – assists in the production of urine which helps you to reduce inflammation by flushing out toxins and bacteria while also giving you relief from arthritis and rheumatism.

8. Prevents Kidney Stones
Regular consumption of the refreshing drink — or even lemon juice mixed with water — may increase the production of urinary citrate, a chemical in the urine that prevents the formation of crystals that may build up into kidney stones.

9. Keep Insects Out of the Kitchen
You don’t need insecticides or ant traps to ant-proof your kitchen. Just give it the lemon treatment. First squirt some lemon juice on door thresholds and windowsills. Then squeeze lemon juice into any holes or cracks where the ants are getting in. Finally, scatter small slices of lemon peel around the outdoor entrance. The ants will get the message that they aren’t welcome. Lemons are also effective against roaches and fleas: Simply mix the juice of 4 lemons (along with the rinds) with 1/2 gallon (2 liters) water and wash your floors with it; then watch the fleas and roaches flee. They hate the smell.

10. Anti-Aging
Lemon water reduces the production of free radicals which are responsible for aging skin and skin damage. Lemon water is calorie free and an antioxidant.

11. Fruit and Vegetable Wash
You never know what kind of pesticides or dirt may be lurking on the skin of your favorite fruits and vegetables. Slice your lemon and squeeze out one tablespoon of lemon juice into your spray bottle. The lemon juice is a natural disinfectant and will leave your fruits and vegetables smelling nice too.

12. Treat Infections
Lemon water can fight throat infections thanks to its antibacterial property. If salt water does not work for you, try lime and water for gargling.

13. Deodorize Your Garbage
If your garbage is beginning to smell yucky, here’s an easy way to deodorize it: Save leftover lemon and orange peels and toss them at the base under the bag. To keep it smelling fresh, repeat once every couple of weeks.

14. Keep Guacamole Green
You’ve been making guacamole all day long for the big party, and you don’t want it to turn brown on top before the guests arrive. The solution: Sprinkle a liberal amount of fresh lemon juice over it and it will stay fresh and green. The flavor of the lemon juice is a natural complement to the avocados in the guacamole. Make the fruit salad hours in advance too. Just squeeze some lemon juice onto the apple slices, and they’ll stay snowy white.

15. Purges The Blood
We consume a lot of junk food or food with a lot of preservatives and artificial flavours. This builds up a lot of toxins in the blood and body but daily consumption of lemon water helps to purify the blood.

16. Make Soggy Lettuce Crisp
Don’t toss that soggy lettuce into the garbage. With the help of a little lemon juice you can toss it in a salad instead. Add the juice of half a lemon to a bowl of cold water. Then put the soggy lettuce in it and refrigerate for 1 hour. Make sure to dry the leaves completely before putting them into salads or sandwiches.

17. Oral Health
Lemon juice also stops bleeding gums and reduces toothaches

18. Lighten Age Spots
Why buy expensive creams when you’ve got lemon juice? To lighten liver spots or freckles, try applying lemon juice directly to the area. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then rinse your skin clean. It’s a safe and effective skin-lightening agent.

19. Create Blonde Highlights
For salon-worthy highlights, add 1/4 cup lemon juice to 3/4 cup water and rinse your hair with the mixture. Then, sit in the sun until your hair dries. To maximize the effect, repeat once daily for up to a week.

20. Make a Room Scent/Humidifier
Freshen and moisturize the air in your home on dry winter days. Make your own room scent that also doubles as a humidifier. If you have a wood-burning stove, place an enameled cast-iron pot or bowl on top, fill with water, and add lemon (and/or orange) peels, cinnamon sticks, cloves, and apple skins. No wood-burning stove? Use your stovetop instead and just simmer the water periodically.

21. Clean and Whiten Nails
Pamper your hands without a manicurist. Add the juice of 1/2 lemon to 1 cup warm water and soak your fingertips in the mixture for 5 minutes. After pushing back the cuticles, rub some lemon peel back and forth against the nail.

22. Cleanse Your Face
Zap zits naturally by dabbing lemon juice on blackheads to draw them out during the day. You can also wash your face with lemon juice for a natural cleanse and exfoliation. Your skin should improve after several days of treatment. Lemon water is also a cooling agent, best way to beat the heat.

23. Freshen Your Breath
Make an impromptu mouthwash by rinsing with lemon juice straight from the bottle. Swallow for longer-lasting fresh breath. The citric acid in the juice alters the pH level in your mouth, killing bacteria that causes bad breath. Rinse after a few minutes because long-term exposure to the acid in lemons can harm tooth enamel.

24. Treat Flaky Dandruff
If itchy, scaly dandruff has you scratching your head, relief may be no farther away than your refrigerator. Just massage two tablespoons lemon juice into your scalp and rinse with water. Then stir one teaspoon lemon juice into one cup water and rinse your hair with it. Repeat daily until your dandruff disappears.

25. Get Rid of Tough Stains on Marble
You probably think of marble as stone, but it is really petrified calcium (also known as old seashells). That explains why it is so porous and easily stained and damaged. Those stains can be hard to remove. If washing won’t remove a stubborn stain, try this: Cut a lemon in half, dip the exposed flesh into some table salt, and rub it vigorously on the stain. But do this only as a last resort; acid can damage marble. Rinse well. Use These Lemons To Clean – Easy and Effective

26. Remove Berry Stains
It sure was fun to pick your own berries, but now your fingers are stained with berry juice that won’t come off no matter how much you scrub with soap and water. Try washing your hands with undiluted lemon juice, then wait a few minutes and wash with warm, soapy water. Repeat until your hands are stain-free.

27. Soften Dry, Scaly Elbows
Itchy elbows are bad enough, but they look terrible too. For better looking (and feeling) elbows, mix baking soda and lemon juice to make an abrasive paste, then rub it into your elbows for a soothing, smoothing, and exfoliating treatment. Rinse your extremities in a mixture of equal parts lemon juice and water, then massage with olive oil and dab dry with a soft cloth.

28. Headaches
Lemon juice with a few teaspoons of hot tea added is the treatment of a sophisticated New York bartender, for those who suffer with hangover headaches–and from headaches due to many other causes. He converts his customers to this regime, and weans them away from drug remedies completely.

29. Chills and Fevers
Chills and fevers may be due to a variety of causes; never the less the lemon is always a helpful remedy. Spanish physicians regard it as an infallible friend.

30. Diptheria
Skip the vaccine for this disease. Lemon Juice Treatment still proves as one of the most powerful antiseptics and the strong digestive qualities of the fruit are admired around the world. With the juice every hour or two, and at the same time, 1/2 to 1 tsp. should be swallowed. This cuts loose the false membrane in the throat and permits it to come out.

31. Vaginal Hygiene
Diluted lemon juice makes a safe and sane method of vaginal hygiene. Though it is a powerful antiseptic it is nevertheless free from irritating drugs in douches and suppositories.

32. Forget The Moth Balls
A charming French custom to keep closets free from moths is to take ripe lemons and stick them with cloves all over the skin. The heavily studded lemons slowly dry with their cloves, leaving a marvelous odor throughout the closets and rooms.

33. Stomach Health
Digestive problems are the most common ailments but warm water and lime juice is the solution to most digestive problems. Lemon juice helps to purify the blood, reduces your chances of indigestion, constipation, eliminates toxins from the body, adds digestion and reduces phlegm.

34. Disinfect Cuts and Scrapes
Stop bleeding and disinfect minor cuts and scraps by pouring a few drops of lemon juice directly on the cut. You can also apply the juice with a cotton ball and hold firmly in place for one minute.

35. Soothe Poison Ivy Rash
You won’t need an ocean of calamine lotion the next time poison ivy comes a-creeping. Just apply lemon juice directly to the affected area to soothe itching and alleviate the rash.

36. Remove Warts
You’ve tried countless remedies to banish warts and nothing seems to work. Next time, apply a dab of lemon juice directly to the wart using a cotton swab. Repeat for several days until the acids in the lemon juice dissolve the wart completely.

37. Bleach Delicate Fabrics
Avoid additional bleach stains by swapping ordinary household chlorine bleach with lemon juice, which is milder but no less effective. Soak your delicates in a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda for at least half an hour before washing.

38. Clean Tarnished Brass and Polish Chrome
Say good-bye to tarnish on brass, copper, or stainless steel. Make a paste of lemon juice and salt (or substitute baking soda or cream of tartar for the salt) and coat the affected area. Let it stay on for 5 minutes. Then wash in warm water, rinse, and polish dry. Use the same mixture to clean metal kitchen sinks too. Apply the paste, scrub gently, and rinse. Get rid of mineral deposits and polish chrome faucets and other tarnished chrome. Simply rub lemon rind over the chrome and watch it shine! Rinse well and dry with a soft cloth.

39. Replace Your Dry Cleaner
Ditch the expensive dry-cleaning bills (and harsh chemicals) with this homegrown trick. Simply scrub the stained area on shirts and blouses with equal parts lemon juice and water. Your “pits” will be good as new, and smell nice too.

40. Boost Laundry Detergent
For more powerful cleaning action, pour 1 cup lemon juice into the washer during the wash cycle. The natural bleaching action of the juice will zap stains and remove rust and mineral discolorations from cotton T-shirts and briefs and will leave your clothes smelling fresh. Your clothes will turn out brighter and also come out smelling lemon-fresh.

41. Rid Clothes of Mildew
Have you ever unpacked clothes you stored all winter and discovered some are stained with mildew? To get rid of it, make a paste of lemon juice and salt and rub it on the affected area, then dry the clothes in sunlight. Repeat the process until the stain is gone.

42. Eliminate Fireplace Odor
There’s nothing cozier on a cold winter night than a warm fire burning in the fireplace — unless the fire happens to smell horrible. Next time you have a fire that sends a stench into the room, try throwing a few lemon peels into the flames. Or simply burn some lemon peels along with your firewood as a preventive measure.

43. Neutralize Cat-Box Odor
You don’t have to use an aerosol spray to neutralize foul-smelling cat-box odors or freshen the air in your bathroom. Just cut a couple of lemons in half. Then place them, cut side up, in a dish in the room, and the air will soon smell lemon-fresh.

44. Deodorize a Humidifier
When your humidifier starts to smell funky, deodorize it with ease: Just pour 3 or 4 teaspoons lemon juice into the water. It will not only remove the off odor but will replace it with a lemon-fresh fragrance. Repeat every couple of weeks to keep the odor from returning.

45. Reduce Asthma Symptoms
In addition to a general detoxifying diet, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice before each meal, and before retiring can reduce asthma symptoms.

* If you do consume lemon peel, stick to organic lemons to reduce your pesticide exposure.

Source: Prevent Disease

arrested Entertainment Sports Television

Scottie Pippen has just been Arrested for Felony Assault

Law enforcement sources tell us, Pippen turned himself in to authorities in Malibu moments ago.   He’s being booked for felony assault with intent to commit great bodily harm.

Pippen allegedly brutalized an autograph seeker outside Nobu restaurant Sunday night.  The man was knocked out after Pippen allegedly punched him in the face and kicked him repeatedly.

Read more: TMZ

Entertainment Music

Bobby “Blue” Bland Dead at 83

The world lost a music legend on Sunday as Bobby “Blue” Bland died at 83 years old.

Known as “the Lion of the Blues,” Bland ushered in the blending of Southern blues and soul in songs like “Turn on Your Love Light” and “Further on Up the Road,” proving to be a true pioneer in the world of music.

According to the Associated Press, the legend’s son, Rodd Bland, said that his father died at approximately 5:30 p.m. on Saturday (June 23) due to complications from an ongoing illness at his Memphis, TN, residence. He was surrounded by relatives during his last hours.

h/t – BET

News trayvon martin


“F**king punks, these a**holes always get away.” Those were the words spoken by prosecutor John Guy during his opening statements this morning as the murder trial of George Zimmerman began in Sanford, Florida. These exact words are, of course, the ones that came out of Zimmerman’s mouth during a 911 phone call he made to say that then-17-year-old Trayvon Martin was in his gated community acting suspiciously.

Guy and the rest of the prosecution are out to prove that not only did Zimmerman follow and shoot Martin because he unfairly profiled him as someone who would possibly commit a crime, but that he shot the teen because he “wanted to.”

“George Zimmerman didn’t shoot Trayvon Martin because he had to. He shot him for the worst of all reasons – because he wanted to.” The prosecutor also took time to poke holes in Zimmerman’s account to police about what happened on that fateful night in February. Guy claimed that statements made saying Martin had his hand over Zimmerman’s mouth aren’t true seeing as Zimmerman’s DNA wasn’t found on Martin’s body, and the teen’s DNA wasn’t found on Zimmerman’s gun or holster, refuting claims that Martin got his hands on Zimmerman’s firearm during their fight, according to Guy.

h/t – Madamenoire

Featured paula deen Racism racist

Paula Deen Dropped by Pork Company

They’re dropping her like a hot potato.

Paula Deen has been DROPPED by Smithfield — a company specializing in pork products.

Deen had a line of hams with Smithfield … part of The Paula Deen Collection. 

The company tells TMZ, “Smithfield condemns the use of offensive and discriminatory language and behavior of any kind.”  The statement goes on … “We are terminating our partnership with Paula Deen

Entertainment Music Television

Chris Brown has been Accused of Badly Injuring a 24-year-old Girl Inside Nightclub

A 24-year-old woman is accusing Chris Brown of assault after he allegedly shoved her to the ground in an Orange County nightclub Saturday. The victim told TMZ the alleged assault was so violent, she may need surgery.

Deanna Gines filed a police report in Ahaheim after she says Breezy attacked her in the VIP section of the Heat Ultra Lounge, where he performed this weekend.  Deanna tells us, the shove was deliberate and she fell hard on her knees.

death Featured New Orleans

New Orleans: 5 Year Old Shoots Self in Head

But don’t worry, guns don’t kill people, people kill people. That twisted way of thinking comes from the NRA and the Republican party.

According to their reasoning, the gun had nothing to do with this 5 year old’s death. She could have also bludgeon herself to death with a rock.

A New Orleans mother is facing murder charges after her 5-year-old daughter, who was locked their home alone, died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.

Investigators told WWLTV that 28-year-old Laderika Smth admitted that a gun was in the home where she had left her daughter while she went to the store.

New Orleans police were called to the home just before 11 a.m. on Sunday and found the 5-year-old girl lying on the bedroom floor. A .38 revolver was also recovered at the scene.

“See that little girl was probably going through the house and she probably ran across the gun, probably thought it was a toy and started playing with it,” neighbor Amber Rodriguez told WVUE.

After being rushed to a local hospital, the girl was taken off life support Sunday evening.

child Featured Transgender

Court Rules: Transgender 6 Year Old Could Use Girls Bathroom

A transgender 6-year-old child who was told she was no longer allowed to use the girls bathroom at her Colorado elementary school scored a major victory Sunday.

The Colorado Civil Rights Division weighed in on the side of first-grader Coy Mathis, who was told in December to stop using the girls restroom at Eagleside Elementary School in Fountain.

“Schools should not discriminate against their students, and we are thrilled that Coy can return to school and put this behind her,” Coy’s mother, Kathryn Mathis, said in a statement. “All we ever wanted was for Coy’s school to treat her the same as other little girls. We are extremely happy that she now will be treated equally.”

The family recently moved to Denver, 80 miles from Fountain, so Coy will be attending a different school in the fall, FOX31 reported.

Coy was born a boy, but identified as a girl at a very young age and began to dress that way. After allowing Coy to use the girls bathroom until December, Eagleside ordered the child to use the boys restroom, a staff bathroom, or the nurse’s bathroom, according to 7News in Denver. Coy’s family responded by filing a civil rights complaint


Where In The World Is Edward Snowden

Apparently, the NSA snitch didn’t board his flight to Havana Cuba.

Boarding is over. Aeroflot agent says Snowden not on plane.
— Miriam Elder (@MiriamElder) June 24, 2013

11:18pm BST—Max Seddon of the Associated Press says that he is standing next to Snowden’s seat on the flight – and “he ain’t here”.

12:33pm BST—

Miriam Elder sends more from Interfax and its “source familiar with Snowden’s situation”: “Snowden is probably already outside the Russian Federation. He could have flown on a different place. It is unlikely journalists could become witnesses to his flight.”

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