Newt Gingrich Politics Republican

Ron Paul Attacks Newt Gingrich With The Truth

Ron Paul is doing what Mitt Romney still cannot do, attacking the Republican frontrunner (for now, that person is Newt Gingrich) in their race for the White House. This is Paul’s latest ad, pointing out some truths about Gingrich that should cause any Christian Conservative…. any human being for that matter, to take a second look.

Cancer Politics

ObamaCare Hater Apologies To President Obama After Cancer Diagnosis

She said she was “pretty mad” at the president for “ObamaCare.” So mad she was, that she changed her registration from Democrat to Independent and “blacked out the top of the “h” on my Obama bumper sticker, so that it read, “Got nope” instead of “got hope.”” But something happened to Mrs. Spike Dolomite Ward, that caused her to write an apology to President Obama in today’s LA Times. She was diagnosed with breast cancer and she now calls the Pre-Existing Condition part of the Health Care plan her savior.

I’ve been saved by the federal government’s Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan, something I had never heard of before needing it. It’s part of President Obama’s healthcare plan, one of the things that has already kicked in, and it guarantees access to insurance for U.S. citizens with preexisting conditions who have been uninsured for at least six months. The application was short, the premiums are affordable, and I have found the people who work in the administration office to be quite compassionate (nothing like the people I have dealt with over the years at other insurance companies.) It’s not perfect, of course, and it still leaves many people in need out in the cold. But it’s a start, and for me it’s been a lifesaver — perhaps literally.

Which brings me to my apology. I was pretty mad at Obama before I learned about this new insurance plan. I had changed my registration from Democrat to Independent, and I had blacked out the top of the “h” on my Obama bumper sticker, so that it read, “Got nope” instead of “got hope.” I felt like he had let down the struggling middle class. My son and I had campaigned for him, but since he took office, we felt he had let us down.

So this is my public apology. I’m sorry I didn’t do enough of my own research to find out what promises the president has made good on. I’m sorry I didn’t realize that he really has stood up for me and my family, and for so many others like us. I’m getting a new bumper sticker to cover the one that says “Got nope.” It will say “ObamaCares.”

Newt Gingrich Politics Republican

Before Being Elected, Gingrich Already Breaking The Law

He spent his whole life in Politics, you will figure that Newt Gingrich know what he can and cannot do before being elected to office.

According to the Washington Times, Newt Gingrich, the new flavor of the month and present leader among the few trying to beat President Obama in 2012, “promised conservatives on Tuesday he would ask former U.N. Ambassador John R. Bolton to be his secretary of state if he’s elected president next year.”

But is that legal? Can Gingrich make such a promise even before the elections happen?

Apparently not!

 Here’s Title 18, Part I, Chapter 29, Section 599 of the U.S. Code:

“Whoever, being a candidate, directly or indirectly promises or pledges the appointment, or the use of his influence or support for the appointment of any person to any public or private position or employment, for the purpose of procuring support in his candidacy shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if the violation was willful, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.”

Politics Republican

Little Boy Tells Bachmann Of His Gay Mother

She prides herself in her ability to “fix”gay people. Infact, Michele Bachmann and her husband have a business dedicated to “praying the gay away.” So one could only imagine the horror Bachmann felt, as little Elijah whispered these words in her ear, “my mother is gay and she don’t need fixing.”

The look on Bachmann’s face after the revelation was made is priceless!

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