Politics Wall Street

Navy-Man Stands In Midst Of Oakland Tear Gas Street Holding Constitution – Video

A powerful video of a United States Navyman, standing in the middle of a tear gas-filled street in Oakland, holding a flag and a copy of the United States constitution. As he stands still, hands raised holding the Constitution facing the Oakland police, distant shots and explosions could be heard in the background.

Police in Oakland and nationwide are calling these Occupiers “violent” and are trying to justify the unnecessary brutal measures they’re using against American citizens exercising their rights, but when you see videos like the one below, you can’t help but wonder what is the real reason for the police actions, and exactly how much in “donations” went to their police department?

As far as the New York Police Department goes, we know that big banks have donated up to $4 million this year!

Stand with the Occupiers!

Herman Cain Republican

Herman Cain – “Imma Leave A Dime For You To Eat At White Castle.”

What would cause a Republican presidential candidate to make such a statement? It is so… insensitive! Does Herman Cain think he is better than anyone? Or is this just the socialist in him peeking out from under its conservative shell.

We’re not sure, but whatever it is, it takes a little more than a dime to eat a White Castle!


Teaparty To Bachmann – It’s Time For You To Go!

Michele Bachmann has worn out her welcome among her most loyal supporters – the Teaparty movement. She never had the support of the regular, normal thinking American, and now that President of the Teaparty group The American Majority Ned Ryun wrote, “It’s time for Michele Bachmann to go,” her already dead campaign just died again.

American Majority explains their reasons for burying Bachmann’s campaign, saying that although the congresswoman is the most vocal for the Teaparty movement and although she is the self-appointed leader of the Teaparty caucus in the House of Representatives, “she is a back-bencher!”

“I think it’s pretty obvious that Michele Bachmann is about Michele Bachmann… ”

“Let’s face it: she’s a back-bencher and has been a back bencher congressperson for years… This is not a serious presidential campaign.”

The group also accused Bachmann of trying to solidify her base now to get support for her new book. The group calls this obvious move by Bachmann, “a rightward shift,” saying, “(it) will come as the campaign works to hold on to its more conservative base of support in advance of the release of Bachmann’s new book next month.”

Surprise, Surprise!

Of course, Bachmann wouldn’t be Bachmann if she couldn’t find a conspiracy in this Teaparty message. She accused fellow Republican presidential hopeful Rick Perry of being the originator of the message. Bachmann told CNN, “If Gov. Perry has something to say to me, he can come out to the debates and say it. But this is egg on the face unfortunately for the Perry campaign.”

Mitt Romney Politics

Breaking News: Romney Is A Flip Flopper. That’s All – Ad

In our efforts to be fair and balanced, (well if Fox News could say it, why can’t we?) we bring you this ad by Republican candidate, Jon Huntsman. The fact that the ad criticizes Mitt Romney’s flip-flopping abilities, something we’ve tried to point out in previous blogs, is purely coincidental.

The ad.

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