Barack Obama health care law Mitt Romney ObamaCare Politics

Report: President Obama Modeled “ObamaCare” From “RomneyCare”

In a newly released ad by Rick Perry, Mitt Romney was asked whether he would take the same health care law he enacted in Massachusetts and apply it nationwide. Mitt Romney is heard saying, “Yes,” he will.

Well in newly released documents, it seem Romney got his wish. The documents show that President Obama used Romney’s plan, even employed some of Romney’s people to model the Affordable Health Care program he signed into law over a year ago.

MSNBC reports;

Newly obtained White House records provide fresh details on how senior Obama administration officials used Mitt Romney’s landmark health-care law in Massachusetts as a model for the new federal law, including recruiting some of Romney’s own health care advisers and experts to help craft the act now derided by Republicans as “Obamacare.”

The records, gleaned from White House visitor logs reviewed by NBC News, show that senior White House officials had a dozen meetings in 2009 with three health-care advisers and experts who helped shape the health care reform law signed by Romney in 2006, when the Republican presidential candidate was governor of Massachusetts. One of those meetings, on July 20, 2009, was in the Oval Office and presided over by President Barack Obama, the records show.

“The White House wanted to lean a lot on what we’d done in Massachusetts,” said Jon Gruber, an MIT economist who advised the Romney administration on health care and who attended five meetings at the Obama White House in 2009, including the meeting with the president. “They really wanted to know how we can take that same approach we used in Massachusetts and turn that into a national model.”

In an apparent move to get the conservative vote, Romney flip flopped saying he would not apply the Massachusetts Health care model nationwide. He now believe that each state should implement their own plan.

If Romney wins, the debates between him and President Obama regarding RomneyCare and ObamaCare should be very interesting.

Mitt Romney Politics

Byran Fischer Calls Mitt Romney “Tacky, Impolite and Rude!”

Bryan Fischer, the head of the American Family Association, have repeatedly attacked Mitt Romney‘s Mormon religion. Given the opportunity to respond to Fischer’s constant claims about his beliefs, Romney used a small part of his speech at the Values Voters Summit last week to briefly address the situation. Although the Republican presidential hopeful did not call Fischer by name, Fischer came out swinging after hearing what Romney said.

So what did Romney say at the podium that ruffled the feathers of Mr. Fischer?

We should remember that decency and civility are values too. One of the speakers who will follow me today has crossed that line I think. Poisonous language doesn’t advance our cause. It’s never soften a single heart or change a single mind. The blessings of faith carry the responsibility of civil and respectful debate. The task before us is to focus on the conservative beliefs and the values that unite us. Let no agenda narrow our vision or drive us apart.

Bryan Fischer was besides himself. How dear Romney say these things about him? Below is Fischer’s response, as recorded on his radio show;

It was just an odd thing to me, it was just bizarre because I did not think that Mitt Romney would fall for the bait. I mean, the Left was trying to goad him into attacking me and I didn’t think he would do it – I thought he had too much class for that. What he did was completely and utterly lacking in class. It was tacky, it was impolite, it was rude, he insulted his host in the presence of the guests; the host who had made it possible for him to speak to the pro-family community. I just thought he had more class than that.

When I came out into the main lobby outside of the room where we were meeting, I was just besieged by the media, just inundated, enveloped with media. I had never experienced anything like that before and the only reason was because Mitt Romney attacked me. So they wanted to know what I thought about that and I explained that I thought it was pretty tacky, I thought it was unpresidential of him to do that. And they said “when Governor Romney was referring to your ‘poisonous language,’ what was he talking about?’ I said “I have absolutely no idea.”

Jesus used poisonous language. He was the one who referred to the Pharisees as a brood of vipers. I’ve never said that about anyone. I mean, Jesus used far more incendiary and inflammatory language than I have ever used.

CNN Iowa Politics State of the union

No Worries In Bachmann Camp. Everything Is Under Control *wink wink*

The Michele Bachmann campaign has hit a bump in the road… a rather big bump indeed. A bump so big, that the beleaguered congresswoman may not be able to power her herself over it, and the media is taking note.

Appearing on CNN’s State Of The Union, Bachmann was asked about her disappearing acts in recent polls and debates, and if her campaign for the Republican presidential nomination is coming to an end. The candidate saw things differently, denying that her campaign was in any trouble. If fact, listening to Bachmann, you will be lead to believe her campaign is going according to plan;

“I think we are doing a good job getting our message out on job growth and on turning the economy around. That’s what we’re working on.

We’re not focusing on the day-to-day. Because as you have seen with many of the other candidates, candidates go up, candidates go down and what we’re very concerned about is making sure that the message gets out there, because it is not about any one of us, it is about turning the economy around and creating jobs.”

In must be something in the water. The Latest poll released on Monday and conducted by Washington Post/Bloomberg has Bachmann coming in at fifth place. She received a grand total of 4% of respondents wanting her to win.

But have no fear Teaparty fans, everything is under control. Again, Bachmann on State Of The Union:

“We’re just starting a kick-off today of four days here in New Hampshire and we’ve got a wonderful experience in Iowa and we’ve been in South Carolina, Florida, we’ve worked very hard and we have very strong numbers in those states and we’re looking forward to continuing that.”

And at the end of September, Bachmann appeared at the evangelical Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va., and likened herself to the “comeback kid.”

“She’s in a position where delusion is presenting itself as the only opportunity, and it exists only in her mind,” said Chris Ingram, a Republican strategist not working for any of the GOP candidates. “Whenever you’re in the position to start referring to yourself as the comeback kid, that’s an acknowledgement that things aren’t going real well.”

Yes folks, everything is under control!

occupy wall street Politics

Police Arrest 100 Protesters At “Occupy Boston”

Report from The Boston Globe

At 1:20 a.m., the first riot police officers lined up on Atlantic Avenue. Minutes later, dozens of sheriff vans and police wagons arrived and over 200 officers in uniforms and riot gear surrounded the Greenway.

Police Superintendent William Evans and Commissioner Edward F. Davis watched from across the street. Evans gave the crowd two minutes to disperse from the park, warning that they would be locked up if they did not comply.

The crowd of protesters, energized by the sudden appearance of the Boston and Transit police officers, chanted, ‘‘The people united will never be defeated,’’ “This is a peaceful protest,” and “the whole world is watching.’’

About 10 minutes later, the first officers entered the park and surrounded the group. Evans, using a loudspeaker, gave one more warning and then each protester was individually put on his or her stomach, cable-tied, and dragged off as others tore down tents and arrested and detained people on the fringe of the park.

About 100 people were arrested, Davis said. One police officer was hit in the face.


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