
Cantor Prefers Debate Instead Of Helping American Citizens

Putting politics ahead of the American people, RepubliCON Eric Cantor earlier this week called for more debates and disagreements on where to get relief for the victims of Hurricane Irene. If Cantor had his way, Washington politicians, who can’t even seem to agree on what day it is, will have months of debates before finding the necessary funds to help Americans in need.

Well the American people are speaking out, and below is a video released by, perfectly expressing the disgust and disappointment Americans have in this new RepubliCON party.

Barack Obama Featured job creation

Joe Walsh Will Boycott Speech On Ways To Create Jobs

Joe Walsh – remember him? He’s the Teaparty Republican who prides himself on how conservative he is. So conservative in fact, that his own family is taking him to court for child support.

Well Joe has decided that hearing the President of the United States give another address is not something he wants to partake in. The United States congressman has decided to boycott Mr. Obama’s speech next Thursday.

 “I don’t see the point of being a prop for another of the president’s speeches asking for more failed stimulus spending and more subsidies for his pet projects.

“The president needs to stop the speeches, get out of his office and away from all the White House academics and start talking to real people out there. They’re the ones who are going to create the jobs, not White House paper-pushers and bureaucrats.”

It’s amazing how just about a month ago, the Republican talking point was, “where is the President’s plan?” Now that the President is asking all elected officials to come to the table and work on behalf of the people who elected them, Joe Nelson and his kind don’t want to anything to do with it. They apparently have better things to do. Nelson, a member on the Small Business Committee is planning a meeting with that group instead, which is equivalent to him spending the afternoon clipping his toenails, as no job policy decisions are expected from his get-together.

Meanwhile, the American people wait for some form of cooperation from their elected leaders. Instead, all we get is showmanship and childish political games.

Politics Republican Sarah Palin

Even Fox News Poll Shows – 74% Say No To Sarah Palin

This is not a liberal poll, it was done by Sarah Palin’s own employer.

The Poll, supervised by Anderson Robbins Research and Shaw and Co. Research, was conducted from August 29th to 31st, and asked 911 registered voters various questions. Among the questions asked, was this one about Sarah Palin; LOL. Good stuff!!!

Barack Obama Mitt Romney Politics

Are Women Smarter Than Men? Presidential Poll Has The Answer

Although it’s still way too early to make any accurate predictions for the 2012 presidential election, a new Quinnipiac Poll taken between August 17th to 23rd shows, that although newly announced Republican candidate Rick Perry is leading his fellow rivals, Mitt Romney still stand a better chance.

While Perry leads the Republican field, Romney poses a stronger challenge to Obama in a general election, according to the Aug. 16-23 poll of 2,730 voters, which has a margin of error of 1.9 percentage points. Romney and Obama each would win about 47 percent of the vote in a November 2012 match-up, according to the poll. Obama topped Perry 45 percent to 42 percent, the poll showed.

What’s even more fascinating however, is this piece of information; the poll also found that “men and white voters prefer Romney to Obama, while the president leads both Romney and Perry among women.”

Again, this is more proof that women are truly smarter than men. Listen to the women guys!

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