Barack Obama Energy Politics United States weekly address

Tax Cuts For The Rich – Not Right, Not Smart, Must End – Obama

President Obama in his weekly address;

Now, I don’t have a problem with any company or industry being rewarded for their success. The incentive of healthy profits is what fuels entrepreneurialism and helps drives our economy forward. But I do have a problem with the unwarranted taxpayer subsidies we’ve been handing out to oil and gas companies–to the tune of $4 billion a year. When oil companies are making huge profits and you’re struggling at the pump, and we’re scouring the federal budget for spending we can afford to do without, these tax giveaways aren’t right. They aren’t smart. And we need to end them.

Barack Obama Birthers Reverend Al Sharpton United States

Republicans Have Put The President On The Rhetorical Slave Auction Block

We’ve already heard the outcry from many Americans about the shame they felt when they watched President Obama succumb to the racism of the Birthers movement. The Reverend Al Sharpton and Professor Michael Eric Dyson expressed their thoughts on The Ed Show. And Mr. Dyson said it best;

Here is a man, Barack Obama. As brilliant as they come, as smart as any president has ever been, as articulate as any man has ever been to occupy that office. As well trained and well educated, and yet, well mannered, well behaved, civil. He has not been defensive, or nasty or vicious, and yet this man has been brought to the bar so to speak, to prove his humanity.

He’s been put up on the rhetorical auction block of Republican slave thinking, to be made to appear again as a victim to be examined, to see if he’s worthy or not of the legitimacy that they can confer.

See the full video below.

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Medicare MSNBC Politics Republican United States

Ron Paul Will End Medicare, Medicaid And Social Security

Ron Paul, the Libertarian who caucuses with Republicans in Congress, wants to get rid of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security… and he’s running for President of the United States in 2012 with those cuts on his agenda.

Mr. Paul appeared on MSNBC and was interviewed by Host Cenk Uygur. Mr. Uygur asked Mr. Paul whether or not he will “transition” out of Medicare and Social Security if he became president, to which Paul answered;

“Well, you know, if I can get the people to agree and Congress to agree, yea, that will be my program. It’s to transit out, because this one has failed.”

We pretty much know how the people will respond to having their health care “transitioned out.” A recent poll shows that Americans overwhelmingly oppose cuts to these programs. Among registered voters, 80% oppose cutting these Medicare and Medicaid. Among Democrats, 92% oppose. 73% of Republicans also oppose cutting these programs and for Independents, 72% oppose the cuts.

And how does the Teaparty feel about these cuts Mr. Paul speaks of? 75% of Teaparty supporters oppose these cuts. Seems Ron Paul is already off on the wrong foot for 2012.

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