Politics Republican United States Wisconsin

Are You On The G.O.P’s Hitlist?

I know it may be quicker to list the groups the GOP are for, but I have some time and some blog space, so here goes…

Are you on GOP’s hit-list? Well you are if you’re one of these;

  1. Latinos
  2. Blacks
  3. Muslims
  4. The Middle Class
  5. The Poor
  6. Gays
  7. Democrats
  8. Independents
  9. Women
  10. The Educated
  11. Seniors
  12. All Union Members
  13. Teachers
  14. Children who were born
  15. Anyone who believes in saving the planet
  16. Public Workers

If you belong to any of the group or groups mentioned above, then watch out. There is a constant effort on the part of the Republican party to dis-empower you in the name of “Balancing the Budget” or”‘Big Government intruding on our Constitutional rights as American citizens”–take your pick.  But don’t be disheartened, there is a way you can get on the Republican’s good side. Any one of the groups listed below should be your goal if Republican Love is what you crave;

  1. The Ultra Rich
  2. A Fetus

Keep pushing America, you too can be ultra rich or a fetus someday!

Thanks to my twitter friends who contributed to this list; @MWJ1231@Fairly_Balanced@Lawsonbulk @chansa2

Politics United States young

The Young, The Poor, The Blacks And The Stupid

As we near the time for the gathering of soothe sayers, spin doctors and corporate-made shills to throw their hats in the ring for the circus of illusions that the 2012 presidential elections promises to be, I’m reminded of a technique commonly used in marketing. The target consumer’s tendencies, mood and environment are studied and well-known by those merchants whose livelihood depends upon consumers viewing their products favorably. Careful consideration of wording, colors, slogans and exterior design of packaging is taken to ensure that the product is not only noticed, but that the product and its insignia or logo is remembered.

There will be jingles, there will be catchy phrases and celebrities who speak on behalf of a product that may or may not be beneficial to the consumer. If our favorite reality show star is the spokesperson for a brightly packaged processed meat product, it may just slip past us as to how much unhealthy sodium and fat content is inside the beautifully designed package.

And so it is with our political leaders. Not a hair out-of-place. Teeth freshly installed for the occasion. Talking points memorized and ready…or for one poor soul copied onto the palm of her hands. Every couple of years locally and every four years nationally, we are presented with the same warmed over, refurbished campaign rhetoric in a different suit.

Fellow Americans, we have been studied well.

The architects of this illusion we have of participation in the direction of this great nation, know us better than we know ourselves. Figuratively speaking, the political saturated fats and artificial ingredients will be disguised as organically grown, sun-kissed health food, just as sure as the marionettes of the super wealthy disguised as public servants, will be packaged to appear as if they actually have answers. The sincere and well-meaning political leaders who serve faithfully their duties are like a faint background noise in comparison to the cartoonish officials that get media play.

So as the political circus of campaign 2012 begins be careful what you consume, the contents may not be as beautiful as its wrapping.

In the words of  an R.J. Reynolds tobacco company executive “WE DONT SMOKE THAT SHIT, WE JUST SELL IT. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO SMOKE TO THE YOUNG, THE POOR THE BLACK AND STUPID”. You do the math.

Son of Man

Barack Obama Birthers Birthers Republican Party (United States) presidential candidates 2008 shooting United States

President Clinton – Birthers Shooting Themselves In The Foot

President Bill Clinton, one of the 43 previous men who carried the banner of President of the United States, who was never accused of being born anywhere else other than the US during his tenure, expressed his displeasure of criticism, by some, of the 44th man to carry the torch – President Barack Obama. One criticism that Mr. Clinton referred to, was the suggestion that Mr. Obama was born in Kenya. Mr. Clinton calls this “ludicrous.”

“If I were them, I’d be really careful riding that birther horse too much. Everyone knows it’s ludicrous.”

Appearing on ABC’s Good Morning America, the ex President then suggests to Bianna Golodgrya the reason why President Obama is not giving in to the wishes of the Birthers, by putting out a version of his birth certificate to satisfy their needs, instead of the version his native Hawaii government allows:

“I think one of the elementary rules of combat is you don’t want to get in your opponent’s way if he’s shooting himself in the foot.”

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