marco rubio Politics Water

Saturday Night Live’s Take On The Marco Rubio / Poland Springs Debacle

Marco Polo Rubio, the next Republican presidential nominee for 2016, couldn’t wait to get on television and dispute everything President Obama did not say in his State Of The Union address. Mr. Rubio was so eager to get all his Republican talking-points out that he forgot to bring his Poland Springs water bottle closer to where he stood, resulting in an awkward reach for a drink of water when the lies he told dried up his mouth.

Yes, we all saw his thirsty reach, but did you see Saturday Night Live‘s version of the Rubio/Poland Springs moment? No? Well here you go…!

Politics Republican

Saturday Night Live – Either The 7th or 8th Republican Debate…Whatever!

Saturday Night Live’s take on the Republican’s Debates, and candidates for the Republican nomination. Although they were making fun, the parallels to the real debates and candidates are stunning. Like when the audience cheered the monumental amount of executions in Rick Perry’s Texas, or when they cheered the death of a man without insurance in a hypothetical question posed by Wolf Blitzer of CNN. And those are just some of the extraordinary things said in their debates.

Although Saturday Night Live actors were making fun of the Republican candidates, they appear more sane than these actual candidates would ever be.

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