Donald Trump Politics

Militia Promises to “Forcefully” Protect Trump’s Rally Members

When you’re applying for the job of president of all the American people and the militia comes to your rescue promising to “forcefully” protect some people over the safety and wellbeing of others, it would seem that your next move should be to disavow the militia and reassure all Americans that you will be their president.

If you are Donald Trump running for president under the Republican banner however, you will welcome the militia’s actions. In fact, you will even encourage it.

Hours after a protester rushed the stage at Trump’s Dayton rally, a Twitter group called “The Lion’s Guard” called on supporters of the GOP front-runner to join a make-shift militia, according to RT.

“Do you want to provide security protection to innocent people who are subject to harassment and assault by Far-left agitators?” Lion’s Guard asked in a call to action. “If so, you are welcome to join. That’s the mission — to protect innocents who can’t hire their own security guards.”

Lion’s Guard said that their members would be unarmed, “but willing to forcefully protect people if need be.”

“We are *defensive*, *protective* of innocents who are being beaten and harassed for their political views.”

Within hours, the account reportedly had over 500 followers, and members were already asking for “uniform suggestions.”

Climate Change Domestic Policies Donald Trump Donald Trump Immigration Reform Politics

Denying the Climate of Fear

It was certainly bound to happen. After all, one of Donald Trump’s earliest backers hosted the same crowd when she was running for national office. This is what happens when a politician plays into the anger with more anger and blame and bluster and racism and Islamophobia and, above all, ignorance.

Look, Bernie Sanders has some angry Democrats at his rallies, but Sanders is a responsible, thinking adult who knows that the way you channel anger is to turn it into positive energy and constructive policies.

But the Republican Party has denied climate change for so long that they didn’t see the political climate shifting underneath their Gucci loafers. And now that both the planet and the right-wing are heating up to the point that there’s no turning back, we have our first political super storm. And it’s ugly. Trump has fed the storm for years with his claim that President Obama was not a citizen and that Ted Cruz should be barred from the GOP race. He’s also claimed his own reality when it comes to his finances, his bankruptcies and, in the aftermath of his canceled Chicago rally, the claim that if he hadn’t brought up immigration, it wouldn’t have been an issue in this campaign. Of course it would have: the difference is that maybe we could have had an adult conversation about it, not a white-hot ethnic slur-fest that’s resulting in more Hispanics applying for citizenship so they can vote against Trump (shudder) in November.

The motley crew’s endorsement of Trump – from the Klan to the Illinois Nazi Party to Chris Christie to Ben Carson – makes it quite clear that his message is dangerous and that he needs to be careful about stoking emotional outbursts. Trump needs to rebuke all of this in a national statement, but I’m not holding my breath.

In the meantime, the deniers will ensure that the atmosphere just gets hotter.

Donald Trump Politics

Donald Trump Jr. Gives Radio Interview to White Supremacist

Donald Trump found himself in hot water on Sunday when he refused to denounce an endorsement by the former leader of the KKK, David Duke Now his son, Donald Trump Jr., apparently thought it appropriate to give a 20-minute radio interview to a white supremacist, a man who said slavery was great for black Americans.

James Edwards, host of the show “Political Cesspool,” scored a 20-minute interview with Donald Trump Jr. at a Memphis rally on Saturday, he wrote on his blog.

Edwards, who calls his views unabashedly “pro-white,” has hosted Ku Klux Klan leaders and Holocaust deniers on his show. He once wrote of slavery: “For blacks in the Americas, slavery is the greatest thing that ever happened to them. Unfortunately, it’s the worst thing that ever happened to white Americans.”


Bill Maher – “The Teaparty was Born, Bred and Raised from Racism”

Fresh back from his vacation, HBO’s Bill Maher was interviewed by The Daily Beast and asked a series of questions ranging from President Obama’s last State of The Union address to The Republican Presidential candidates. And as usual, Maher’s perspective on the issues are usually spot on, and although the interview has many quotable areas, it was his feelings on the Teaparty that had me nodding my head in agreement.

Asked if the Teaparty was born out of pure racism for the first black American president, Maher quickly agreed… and expanded on the racism foundation in the Teaparty.

More like totally. Born, bred, and raised from racism. Of course. There’s a number of things that prove it, but Obama has mostly completed their agenda. He cut taxes on 98 percent of Americans. He cut the deficit by two-thirds. He reduced the size of government, which is something that Bush and Reagan never did. And yet they still hate him. What could it be? I am always racking my brain! Is it because he’s skinny? What could it be! That’s of course what it is. There was no Tea Party during Bush despite the financial collapse, the bailout of the banks, the bailout of the automobile industry—all of this “socialist money” out the window, the thing that they supposedly hate, and yet no movement of concerned white taxpayers sprouting up. But suddenly, a month after Count Chocula takes office, they break out the three-cornered hat!

BLM Donald Trump Politics

White Supremacist Groups Getting HUGE Benefits from Donald Trump

Republican leader Donald Trump is scoring big among regular Republican voters and other Republicans who sometimes prefer to stay undercover… or under white hooded sheets for that matter.

The Ku Klux Klan is using Donald Trump as a talking point in its outreach efforts. Stormfront, the most prominent American white supremacist website, is upgrading its servers in part to cope with a Trump traffic spike. And former Louisiana Rep. David Duke reports that the businessman has given more Americans cover to speak out loud about white nationalism than at any time since his own political campaigns in the 1990s.

As hate group monitors at the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League warn that Trump’s rhetoric is conducive to anti-Muslim violence, white nationalist leaders are capitalizing on his candidacy to invigorate and expand their movement.

“Demoralization has been the biggest enemy and Trump is changing all that,” said Stormfront founder Don Black, who reports additional listeners and call volume to his phone-in radio show, in addition to the site’s traffic bump. Black predicts that the white nationalist forces set in motion by Trump will be a legacy that outlives the businessman’s political career. “He’s certainly creating a movement that will continue independently of him even if he does fold at some point.”

Donald Trump Politics

Lindsey Graham – Donald Trump is a “race-baiting, xenophobic religious bigot”

Wow! That is a strong statement from Lindsey Graham regarding his fellow Republican.

My question is, if Trump is a “race-bating, xenophobic religious bigot” as Graham calls him, then is Graham calling the thousands of Republicans at Trump’s rallys racists and xenophobic, and religious bigots too? We all know they are, but hearing another Republican call them out is something to take note of. Is Graham is calling these people – the same people who wholeheartedly endorse Trump’s crazy positions – is Graham calling them racists too?

In a segment of the interview, Graham admitted that he’d “rather lose without Donald Trump than try to win with him. I wish he would leave the party. I don’t care if he wins the 2016 election.” He continued to say that Trump’s presence in the race now goes beyond the 2016 election, and that “this is about the country of the future and our party.”

After that, the interview shifted to how Ted Cruz declined to rebuke Trump as strongly as others have by only saying it was “not [his] policy,” to which Graham said that Cruz had a “moral imperative” to blast Trump’s proposal, going beyond a debate on policy. Graham assumed this was part of Cruz’s supposed plan to wait for Trump and Ben Carson to fall so he can absorb their numbers into his campaign.

“This is not a policy debate, Ted,” Graham said. “This is about you and us and our character as a party. Up your game. Condemn it because it needs to be condemned.”

Donald Trump Politics

The United Kingdom Wants to Ban Donald Trump from Visiting County

The world is watching as Republicans and Donald Trump plunge America into the abyss of ignorance.

Don’t believe me? Not only are sensible Americans trying to distance themselves from the Republican approved frontrunner, other nations are trying to ban Trump from coming to their shores.

An online petition calls on U.K. Home Secretary Theresa May to bar the Republican presidential frontrunner from entering the country for allegedly violating the nation’s hate-speech laws. 

If it receives 100,000 signatures, the petition could be taken up for debate in the House of Commons, according to The Independent. 

The petition launched by Scottish resident and longtime Trump critic Suzanne Kelly blasts Trump for “unrepentant hate speech and unacceptable behavior” that “foments racial, religious and nationalistic intolerance which should not be welcome in the U.K.”

It reads in part: 

“The UK has banned entry to many individuals for hate speech. This same principle should apply to Donald J Trump. We cannot see how the United Kingdom can condone his entry to the country when many people have been barred for less. 

If the United Kingdom is to continue applying the ‘unacceptable behavior’ criteria to those who wish to enter its borders, it must be fairly applied to the rich as well as poor, and the weak as well as powerful.”


Hate Crime – White Man “KnockOut” 81 Year Old Black Man – Video

The video shows the white man driving around in his car looking for a black person to “knockout,” because according to him, he wanted to see if the video gets “nationally televised.”

“For about a week now I have been unable to go through with this plan.” said Conrad Barrett of Houston, Texas. “The plan is to see if I were to hit a black person, would this be nationally televised.”

Well not only did it get televised, but the white man, Conrad Barrett, was arrested and charged in a hate crime and is now serving 71 months in prison.

Roy Coleman was left with a broken jaw and is traumatized by the incident and the memories it brought back.. His daughter expressed how devastated she was after seeing the video.

“When I first saw the video, I was devastated,” she said. “It broke my heart to see someone hit my father. He’s 81. It goes way back emotionally. I think he’s broken.”

She went on to say that although her father is no longer able to live on his own, “I don’t hold any hard feelings for that young man. My heart goes out to his parents because they are hurting just like we are. They’re hurting because they’ve lost a son and I’m hurting because I’ve lost half of my dad.”

Donald Trump Politics

Donald Trump Heckled on SNL – Called a “Racist” – Video

So after it was all said and done, after all the protests and promises to stop watching SNL because of Donald Trump’s appearance, Donald Trump made his hosting appearance last night and was called a “racist” during the show.

Yes, the heckler was Larry David, the man who masterfully played Bernie Sanders on a previous episode of SNL, and although his heckling was most likely scripted and a part of the show, some who protested Trump’s appearance argued that Trump is in fact, a racist, especially after his various comments about Mexicans and Latinos.



Racists “Terrorists” Indicted for Terrorizing Black Child’s Party – Video

A group of Confederate flag supporters in Georgia was indicted yesterday for terrorizing party-goers at a black child’s birthday party.

The incident happened in July around the same time South Carolina was debating removing the Confederate flag from state grounds. Party-goers say the cavalry of trucks drove onto the neighborhood, parked in a lot across the street and began shouting threats and racial slurs at everyone at ten party.

“This is is a child’s birthday party,” one woman yells out on the video.

“One had a gun, saying he was gonna kill the [racial slur],” party host Melissa Alford told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “Then one of them said gimme the gun, I’ll shoot them [racial slur].”

Monday’s indictment by the Douglas County District Attorney called the flag group “a criminal street gang” and accused its members of participating “criminal gang activity” on that day. The group members were charged with making “terroristic threats” against the party-goers.



Atlanta Man Loses His Job After Posting Racist Picture on Facebook

Maybe it was meant to be a joke. You know how they all say, oh I’m not racist I know black people. So maybe the guy in this photo who posted this picture on his Facebook page thought it would be funny to let his friends comment on what they think was happening.

Well the comments flowed and almost immediately the world saw these people for who they are. The racism expressed in this post are bad enough, but directed to the little 3-year-old child took the man and his Facebook friends to a whole other level.

The man in the picture is Gerod Roth, who went by Geris Hilton on Facebook. He is now a former employee of the Atlanta-based Polaris Marketing Group (PMG) because when his boss, PMG’s president Michael Da Graca Pinto, saw the post and the racism it brought forth, he quickly terminated Gerod’s  position and posted this on Facebook.

This morning I was disgusted to learn that one of my former employees made several racially charged comments on his personal Facebook page. Even worse, the comments were directed toward the son of another employee.

It breaks my heart that Sydney and her adorable son Cayden were subjected to such hateful, ignorant and despicable behavior. Cayden visits my office almost every afternoon after daycare, he’s sat at my dinner table and I consider him a part of the PMG family.

The atrocious lies, slander and racism he and his mother have been forced to endure are wholly intolerable. Myself and the entire PMG family in no way condones this kind of behavior and would never willingly associate with anyone who does.

It has no place in the world.

PMG has terminated the employee responsible and will ensure that none of the businesses that we associate with will ever do business with him again.

Good riddance I’m sure!

dylann roof Racism shooting South Carolina

Racist Dylann Roof Federally Indicted on Hate Crimes

Roof, the twenty something old racist from South Carolina, was indicted in the killing of none black church goers. If convicted, the self admitted killer can receive life in prison or the death penalty.

Roof faces a total of 33 federal charges, including firearms charges, for the June 17 murders and attempted murders at Charleston’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, the United States Department of Justice announced on Wednesday.

The hate crime charges are meant to address the radical racial motivations of the crime, according to the DOJ, which Roof allegedly laid out in an online manifesto.

“As set forth in the indictment, several months prior to the tragic events of June 17, Roof conceived of his goal of increasing racial tensions throughout the nation and seeking retribution for perceived wrongs he believed African Americans had committed against white people,” U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said in prepared statement on Wednesday. “To carry out these twin goals of fanning racial flames and exacting revenge, Roof further decided to seek out and murder African Americans because of their race.   An essential element of his plan, however, was to find his victims inside of a church, specifically an African-American church, to ensure the greatest notoriety and attention to his actions.”

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