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Rent Is Too Damn High Guy To Sarah Palin – I Love You

The leader of the “Rent Is Too Damn High” party is professing his love for Sarah Palin. Jimmy McMillian made an impact on the national political scene when he ran an unsuccessful campaign to be New York’s next governor in 2010. He has since set his sights on the 2012 Presidency, and conducted an interview with AOL News to discuss his positions.

Asked who he would like to select to be his vice presidential running mate, Jimmy answered “Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich.” He goes on to explain his reasons for picking Newt;

Newt Gingrich has been there before. He is a good liar. People look at him and laugh. That’s why they’re going to vote for him. People look at me now and laugh. But, still, they can laugh. The issues are serious and strong. So, I need someone to take that away from me. I thought about John Edwards. But …

Told that Newt was probably unavailable now, McMillian agreed, saying;

Yeah, he’s unavailable. Because he can’t defend his own rights. [He cheated] on his wife and all this stuff. We know everybody does that anyway. I thought about Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. I like them. I like what they bring to the table. Mitt Romney — good looking guy. It’ll keep the ladies from looking at me with Mitt Romney.

The question was then asked about his feelings for Sarah Palin and whether or not he would like to have her as his vice presidential candidate. He answered, “Love her.” He continued;

Constitution. American citizen. Exercising the right to privacy. Free speech. Haters — those who don’t like Sarah Palin. That’s what they are. Sarah Palin: I love you because America gives you the constitutional right to do whatever you want to do as a woman. And people don’t think you can do because you’re a woman. They try to make a mockery out of you. But you stand up for your rights and stand strong for your rights. And don’t let anyone try to cut you down. Not only are they talking about Sarah Palin. They’re talking about me.

This will be the real Dream Ticket – Mr. Rent Is Too Damn High and Mrs. WTF! How could they loose?

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