BLM Politics

Bernie Sanders Hits Back at #BlackLivesMatter

At a recent Netroots Nation conference, Democratic candidate for President Bernie Sanders was criticized for suggesting combating economic inequality as an answer to institutional racism in America. “Black people are dying in this country because we have a criminal justice system which is out of control, a system in which over 50 percent of young African-American kids are unemployed,” Sanders said at the conference. “It is estimated that a black baby born today has a one in four chance of ending up in the criminal justice system.”

He was booed by some in attendance for not directly addressing the question of racism.

On Sunday, Sanders doubled down, stating that economic inequality must be dealt with in addition to institutional racism.

“We have to end institutional racism, but we have to deal with the reality that 50% of young black kids are unemployed, that we have massive poverty in America, that we have an unsustainable level of income and wealth inequality,” he said on NBC’s Meet the Press.

“We have to address both,” he added, referencing the efforts of Martin Luther King Jr. to combat poverty in America.

Sanders was lambasted by some black activists last weekend at progressive conference Netroots Nation, where critics accused him of focusing on economic issues over racial inequality.

“My view is that we have got to deal with the fact that the middle class in this country is disappearing, that we have millions of people working for wages that are much too low impacts everybody, impacts the African American community even more,” he said on Sunday. “Those are issues that do have to be dealt with, and just at the same time as we deal with institutional racism.”

jeb bush Politics

Bernie Sanders Responds to Bush’s Call for Longer Working Hours

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has something to say about Jeb Bush’s recent comments that Americans need to work longer hours. Appearing on MSNBC’S The Ed Show, Sanders broke it down so that even a Bush could understand.


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The JV Get Their Minutes

Photo  (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

Those of us who grew up in the era of summer reruns have had the most difficult time with both the new media and political environments. There just is no downtime anymore, what with 24-hour news cycles and the panicked reaction of the main television networks to phones, Netflix, YouTube and on-demand programming.

So it makes perfect sense that we will have a summer jammed to the gills with Donald Trump, Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry, Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley. Not that these candidates don’t have things to say, because they do. It’s just that come the fall, they’ll be off the headlines and back to being annoyances and debate fodder for the wealthier, more established name-brand candidates. It’s not fair and it certainly isn’t democratic, nor does it help the country when money determines your political life, but that’s the way it is, and has always been.

The stark reality is that candidates need to run actual campaigns with strategies and staff, and that takes professionals who know what they’re doing, donor lifelines, media access, and political experience under the heat and glare of the media spotlight. Right now, we’re getting the free media show that only the second tier candidates can provide. Hillary Clinton is sharpening her economic message, ahead of Monday’s speech, Jeb’s reconnecting with the bluebloodlines inherent in the Bush family, dining with Mitt at the Walker Point compound, and Scott Walker is wowing them with his approachable personality, but not with his smarts. 

I know it’s rather gauche to put Chris Christie in with the varsity because most major publications and even dyed-in-the-wool Morris County, New Jersey Republicans are writing him off (no link; just a conversation I had with said woolen GOPer), but I’m not going to get on that train just yet. It’s true that he’s got the trifecta when it comes to negatives–a scandal, no record and a lousy personality–but the man does fight and with a frontrunner named Bush, this year is going to be a bit unpredictable on the right side of the spectrum.

Which brings me back to Donald and Bernie. Trump is blowing hot air and getting media traction for it, but it’s attention for all the wrong reasons. He’s got nothing to run on and no policy except outrage. As a matter of fact, he even makes Christie’s YouTube rants look like Bill Buckley on Firing Line (I’m trying to win the Most Obscure Reference award today. DraftKings has a daily game, you know). He’ll be off the radar by the time the first GOP debate comes around and I would be surprised if he’s even in it. Of course, if he is, then his campaign will really end there because people will see him for what he is.

Bernie Sanders is the anti-Trump; he has an actual message for the country and the far left is drinking it up because Hillary won’t dare say the same things on the campaign trail. Sanders is playing to large crowds, but again, he needs to raise money and run ads. He also needs to appeal to a larger portion of the Democratic electorate. Hillary will eventually need to fold in some of Sanders’ ideas if she hopes to keep the faithful in her corner, but I just don’t see him being a force after Iowa or New Hampshire. If anything, Clinton will be expected to win those races handily, so if Sanders is close then that will be the narrative. But a loss is a loss and money doesn’t follow losses.

Still, we should enjoy the summer fun because once the campaign turns serious, there’s no turning back.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest


Hillary Clinton vs Bernie Sanders – Their Donors – CHART

Maybe this chart would explain…


Senator Bernie Sanders Answers The Question about His Possible NRA Support – Video

With his surge in the recent 2016 polls – just a few points behind Hillary Clinton – the great liberal voice, Bernie Sanders is getting attacked by other candidates for President. On Sunday, Sanders went on ABC’s This Week and spoke with George Stephanopoulos.

Asked about a recent ad affiliated with a SuperPac supporting Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley suggesting that Sanders has the support of the NRA, Sanders answered with a smile and stated that he has “a strong record” voting against NRA promoted bills, also saying that in every single race he has run “with the exception of one,” the NRA has supported his opponent. Sanders also quoted his rating with the NRA – “somewhere between D and F!”



Report: Sen Bernie Sanders Will Announce His White House Bid This Week

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. (Lauren Victoria Burke/WDCPIX.COM)

Politico is reporting that Bernie Sanders will announce a presidential bid on Thursday, a source close to the second-term senator confirmed.

The Vermont independent, a self-described democratic socialist, will run as a Democrat in a field that includes frontrunner Hillary Clinton. The launch will likely be a low-key announcement — no big rally or high-budget video. The senator is expected to have a larger campaign kickoff in a few weeks, most likely in Vermont, before heading to early presidential nominating states such as Iowa and New Hampshire.

Sanders, 73, has been openly considering a presidential bid for months, and in recent days has begun to focus his attention on staffing. Tad Devine, an informal adviser and longtime friend to the senator, has said that a Sanders campaign would focus heavily on three major issues — campaign finance reform, climate change and income inequality.


Bernie Sanders on Burger King – Their Move Would be “Completely Unpatriotic”

Bernie Sanders is calling it like it is, pointing out that any move by Burger King to Canada to avoid taxes, would be completely unpatriotic.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vermont, has been an outspoken critic on tax loopholes, like tax inversion, a loophole that Burger King may benefit from if it merges with Canadian doughnut chain Tim Hortons and moves its base to Canada.

The deal would mean a lower rate for the American fast food chain.

“Not only is this tax inversion an outrage, we are losing now about $100 billion in federal revenue every year,” Sanders said in an interview with CNN’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper.”

If Burger King moves north, it would be a completely unpatriotic move, says the Vermont senator.

“Many of these corporations have absolutely no loyalty to the people of the United States or to our government. If they can make an extra buck by moving to the United Kingdom, their headquarters for the United Kingdom paying less in taxes that is what they will do,” said Sanders.


Bernie Sanders Explain – The VA is Not The Problem, The Wars Are The Problem

It’s really quite simple, anyone should be able to understand. If there were no wars, then there’ll be no need for the VA. Still, Republicans can’t seem to get this simple logic.

They are constantly pushing for new invasions in new locations, desperately trying to prove to anyone watching that we have the biggest kahunas. Republicans keep whipping it out every chance they get, and they’re the first ones to cry fowl when the VA makes its way into the news cycle.

Well thank God Senator Bernie Sanders gets it and he explains it in a way even the two year old leaders in the Republican party should understand.

“The bottom line here, I would hope that as a country, is that we fully understand the cost of war. And Andrea let me tell you, I think many people do not. We’re not just talking about the thousands of people who died in Iraq and Afghanistan. We’re talking about 200,000 men and women who came home with PTSD and TBI. We’re talking about people who came home without legs, without arms, without hearing, and without eyesight, and if this country stands for anything, what we have got to say is that we are going to provide adequate funding to make sure that every person who is entitled to those healthcare services gets the best healthcare they can and they get it in a timely manner.”

Unfortunately, the two year olds in the Republican party aren’t listening. They’re too busy insisting that President Obama apologize one more time for the history of problems the VA has faced.



Bernie Sanders Tried To Debate Michele Bachman, But You You Can’t Debate a Brick – Video

When you continue pairing the likes of Bernie Sanders with imbeciles like Michele Bachmann, the outcome will always be the same – a total waste of time.

Sanders of course, had facts on his side and tried to educate the Republican Congress lady. But the rebellious Republican came armed with her talking points, name calling and the uncanny ability to blame Obama for Republicans blocking all of his policies.

Watch what happened.


Bernie Sanders – I’m Willing To Stand Up and Be President in 2016

Today, Bernie Sanders almost made it official. In an appearance on MSNBC’s The Ed Show, Sanders was asked to respond to the many speculations that he may run for president in 2016.

After spending most of the segment discussing the improvements in the Obamacare website, host Ed Schultz asked, “what are the possibilities of you running for the Democratic nomination or Independent nod to be a presidential candidate.”

Sanders responds;

Well Ed this is what I said. There are enormous problems facing this country you and I talked have talked about them. Income wealth inequality, massive high unemployment, fact that we are the only country in the industrialize world which doesn’t guarantee healthcare to all people, global warming.

It seems to me it will be a real disgrace if we had a campaign with those issues, the needs of working family, the needs of the middle class, the needs of the elderly were not front and center. We need people out there fighting for ordinary people and not simply taking campaign contributions from the wealthy and a powerful. So what I have said and that candidate is needed. And if somebody else doesn’t step up, I am prepared to do it.

You got my vote Bernie, but if Hillary runs… well, I’m gonna have to think about this.



Senator Bernie Sanders on Senate Floor Rails Against The Republican “Blackmail” – Video

Senator Bernie Sanders took to the Senate floor and renamed the Republican government shutdown for what it really is… Blackmail!

This debate is not about the Affordable Care Act. That is something that should be debated, I think it’s something that can be improved. What this debate is about is blackmail and hostage-taking. What my Republican colleagues, especially the right winged extremists in the House are upset about, is not so much Obamacare, what they are upset about is that the lost the election in November.

President Obama won by some 5 million votes! The lost seats, Republicans lost in the Senate, they lost some seats in the House. What they are upset about is that the cannot legislatively accomplish what they want through the normal legislative process. What legislation is about is the House passes a bill, the Senate passes a bill, they get together work on something, the president signs it. They don’t have the support to do that!

So what they have now concluded is that the only way they can go forward is to say if we don’t get our way, if we don’t shutdown the United States government and kill Obamacare or delay Obamacare, why that’s the only game in town, that’s all that we’re gonna do. We can’t do it no other way.


Domestic Policies

Bernie Sanders – Disappointed, Not Surprised With Super Committee

Bernie Sanders, one of the only Senators in Congress who maintains a strong approval among the American people, (he’s often called “America’s Senator,”) expressed his frustrations with the failure of the Super Committee to reach a compromise on ways to effectively reduce the deficit. Saunders made the following statement;

“With a $15 trillion national debt, deficit reduction is clearly a huge issue for the country.  I am disappointed, but not surprised, that the super committee was unable to reach agreement.

“The American people have made it very clear that they believe the wealthiest people in the country – who are doing phenomenally well and are paying the lowest effective tax rate in decades – must start sharing some of the burden of deficit reduction. The American people have made it clear that they favor closing tax loopholes for profitable corporations. The American people have made it clear that it is time to take a hard look at mushrooming defense spending.

“Unfortunately, the Republicans in Congress won’t do what big majorities of Americans want Congress to do. The only way Republicans want to lower deficits is by cutting Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education, and the environment, while providing even more tax breaks for millionaires and profitable corporations.

“Now, with more than one year to go before automatic spending cuts take effect, there is time for Congress to do what the American people want.”

Everyone knows what the American people want. The truth of the matter is, Republicans in this Congress just don’t care.

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