Elizabeth Warren Politics Senate

Elizabeth Warren Takes The Lead In Massachusetts

Elizabeth Warren, a true Democratic voice of the people, has taken her first lead against the Republican incumbent, Scott Brown.

Democrat Elizabeth Warren has opened up a lead against Republican incumbent Scott Brown for the first time in their U.S. Senate showdown, but a barrage of attack ads appears to have damaged Warren and Brown’s standing among Massachusetts voters, a new University of Massachusetts at Lowell/Boston Herald poll shows.

Warren leads Brown by a 49-42 percent margin, outside the poll’s margin of error of plus or minus 5.3 percentage points. That number includes voters who say they are “leaning” for either candidate. But even without the “leaners,” Warren still leads by a 46-41 percent margin, barely within the margin of error.

We have to believe that the late Ted Kennedy, the previous Democratic occupant of that Massachusetts Senate seat, would have wanted it no other way.

Barack Obama Domestic Policies Mitch McConnell Senate United States

Big Up! To The Heroes

On the day before Veteran’s Day, The Senate overwhelmingly approved a provision of President Barack Obama’s  Job Act that gives companies tax credits for hiring unemployed military veterans –  a proposal which had rare bipartisan appeal.

A month ago, President Obama’s job’s plan was killed the second it hit the congressional floor, but as promised,  he began sending portions of the bill up to Congress in hopes of getting them enacted separately,  but until yesterday Republicans voted unanimously to knock them down as well.  But Thursday, Republicans joined Democrats in passing this bill with only one dissenting vote, that belonging to  Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) explaining that the amendment only created loopholes that benefited veterans over regular citizens for jobs (WTF?!).

President Obama urged lawmakers to “pass additional jobs proposals in the weeks ahead to help the millions of other Americans who are still looking for work.” After weeks of publicly campaigning against Republicans for failing to act on portions of his $447 billion jobs bill, President Obama said Thursday they “did the right thing.”

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY.) said the bill offered a welcomed opportunity to break the  gridlock on the Senate. “We’re going to legislate,” he said, before predictably ranking on Democrats for not advancing more jobs ideas Republicans could back.

The 94-1 vote for the legislation came as the jobless rate among Iraq and Afghanistan vets are  in the double digits. The bill  awards companies a $5,600 tax credit for each veteran they hired who had been unemployed for at least six months and $2,400 for hiring a veteran who has been out of work a month.

On his jobs plan stump, Obama has emphasized that taking care of our Veterans is not a Democratic or Republican issue, it is an American responsibility.

Big Up! for our military women and men and  President Obama’s bill.


democrats Elizabeth Warren Politics Republican Senate

Elizabeth Warren Will Run For Senate Against Scott Brown

And Progressives and Democrats rejoice everywhere!!!

Consumer advocate and former White House official Elizabeth Warren will announce on Wednesday that she is running for the United States Senate seat currently held by Scott Brown (R-Mass.), a close source tells The Huffington Post.

The announcement will not come as a surprise; Warren has spent the last few weeks traveling across Massachusetts and speaking at several high-profile political events as part of a statewide listening tour. Still, her formal entrance into the race is likely to be cheered by progressives and national Democrats alike, as Warren is both beloved by the base and represents one of the party’s best chances to unseat Brown.

Good Stuff. Mrs. Warren is a fighter for Democratic values. She will be the perfect person to take back the seat that Ted Kennedy held for over 30 years. After Ted Kennedy passed, the seat went to Republican Scott Brown.

This race just got very, very interesting.

Read the rest of this story here

Abortion Planned Parenthood Politics Senate United States

Jon Kyl Deletes His Lie From Congressional Record

It’s as if it never happened. The outrageous claim by Republican Senator Jon Kyl last Friday, that 90% of what Planned Parenthood does is providing abortions, has magically disappeared from the Congressional records. Apparently, senators can review their statements on the floor of the senate after making them, and make changes for the record.

Last Friday, in an effort to defund Planned Parenthood, the Arizona Republican senator stood on the floor of the United States Senate and lied, claiming, “if you want an abortion you go to Planned Parenthood and that’s well over 90% of what Planned Parenthood does.” Of course, the truth of the matter is, about 3% of Planned Parenthood services are abortions. The organization also offers a wide range of health care to women, including cancer screenings.

But after waving the magic wand over the official congressional record, his statement now says, “if you want an abortion you go to Planned Parenthood and that is what Planned Parenthood does.”

Let’s see him wave his wand over Youtube and change the video below.

Healthcare Mitch McConnell Repeal Republican Senate United States vote

Senate Votes on Health Care Repeal

After the Republican controlled House of Representatives approved a measure to repeal the Health Care Reform passed by President Obama and the Democratic controlled congress in 2010, Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate Leader promised a vote will be held in the Senate as well.

Mr. McConnell attached the repeal bill to another legislation for aviation as an amendment, and the vote was held yesterday needing 60 votes to pass. It failed along party lines, with all 47 Republicans voting for repeal, and all 51 Democrats voting against it.

McConnell however, promised to continue his efforts to deny Americans the very same health coverage he and the rest of Congress has, saying;

“This fight isn’t over, we intend to continue to fight to repeal and replace Obamacare with sensible reforms that would lower the cost of American healthcare…

This issue is still ahead of us and we will be going back at it in a variety of ways”

The Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, pleaded with Republicans to work with Democrats on finding “common sense” ways to improve the bill;

“It’s time for Republicans to set aside the battles of the past. It’s time to move on from extreme, ideological plans to repeal a health care law that is lowering prices, expanding access to care and lowering our deficit.”

There was one area of bipartisanship where both Democrats and Republicans agreed overwhelmingly. One provision of the Health Reform Law was repealed through an amendment, and received a vote of 81-17. The provision required businesses to file a 1099 form for every purchase they made over $600.00. That provision has been under heavy attack, and criticized as unnecessary and burdensome additional paperwork. Both parties voted, and the amendment was adopted.

Barack Obama Chuck Schumer Democratic Mitch McConnell Politics Repeal Senate vote

Republican Minority Tries To Control Democratic Majority In Senate

Republican Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell

Over the last two years of the Obama administration, Republicans went on a rampage, setting a record for the most filibusters – the process of debating an issue with the eventual outcome of slowing down or stopping the policy from being voted on – in one year since the practice began back in the mid 19th century. That record, set by the 111th congress is 132 filibusters. Now that the Republicans are the majority in the House of Representatives, they are demanding that the Democratic controlled Senate vote on all the bills the House votes on.

The particular bill that Republicans are demanding the Senate to vote on is their measure to repeal the Health Care Reform bill, the single most important piece of legislation instituted by Democrats. The House of Representatives voted last week to repeal the bill by a vote of 245 to 189, and now Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate minority leader is promising “No”, insisting that the Democratic Senate vote on the issue and do the same. But Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has stated he has no interest in bringing this repeal issue to the Senate.

In a television appearance on Fox News yesterday, Mr. McConnell assured the viewers that he will make sure the Senate votes to take away their health care. When asked how he intends to override Harry Reid’s decision not to bring the bill to the floor for a vote, Mitch said;

“I’m not going to discuss how we’ll do it from a parliamentary point of view here. If that does not pass, and I don’t think anyone is optimistic that it will, we intend to go after this health care bill in every way that we can.”

As minority leader, Mitch McConnell cannot set the agenda for the Senate, but the belief among other congressional leaders is that the Republicans in the  could offer the repeal bill as an amendment to another bill, thus, forcing the Senate to have the vote. Democratic Senator from Illinois Dick Durbin discussed this possibility;

“If some Republican senator wants to offer it as an amendment at some point, it’s possible they will. It’s possible we’ll face that vote. But having spoken to my members in the Democratic caucus, with Sen. Reid, we feel there’s still strong support for health care reform.”

The lies and scare tactics used by Republicans in the Health Care debate of 2009 have caused a split among the American people. In early polls, taken when the bill was being debated in congress, as much as 60% of the public believed the Republican propaganda  against health care reform. But recent polls have shown a change in the public’s perception of the law. According to a recent Associated Press-GFK poll, only 1 out of 4 (25%) Americans are now asking for Republicans to repeal the bill. With poll numbers like these, Democrats are feeling optimistic that the bill will stand up against any amendment trick brought on by  the senate. Chuck Schumer, Democratic Senator from New York appeared on CBS, and expressed his optimism;

“If the Republicans offer an amendment on the floor, then we will require them to vote on the individual protections in the bill that are very popular and that even some of the new Republicans House members have said they support. So in the end, their repeal bill is going to be so full of holes it looks like Swiss cheese.”

Individual parts of the bill that have shown strong support among the American people include: allowing young adults to remain on parent’s policy until the age of 26; ending pre-existing conditions for children that went into effect in 2010; ending pre-existing condition for adults that will go into effect in 2014; helping to close the “donut hole” for seniors needing prescription drugs; providing preventative care screenings among others.

The individual mandate in the bill, which requires everyone to obtain health care insurance, is the major contention with the American people. Democrats argue that this mandate is necessary to ensure the improved level of care required in the bill.

If Republicans succeed in getting Senate Democrats to vote on an amended bill with health care repeal as an attachment, the bill will need 60 votes to pass. Democrats control the Senate with 53 votes, with Republicans in the minority with 47. If 13 Democrats crossed party lines and voted with Republicans to achieve the needed 60, the repeal bill then goes to President Obama’s desk for a signature. The President, however, has promised to veto any repeal bill that makes its way to the White House.

Crime Domestic Policies Featured Republican Senate United States

G.O.P David Vitter Likes Prostitution, But Not Prosecution

Talk about a double-standard! GOP Senator from Louisana, David Vitter was caught in a prostitution ring back in 2007. The prostitute was arrested for her crimes, but Mr. Vitter, who carried the GOP’s banner of  “family values” high for all to see, has yet to answer any questions concerning his role in the sting.

GOP David Vitter

This story must make all the “johns” angry.

We’ve seen so many Dateline episodes where officers acting as prostitutes trap unsuspecting johns for solicitation, where just passing money to a prostitute is all that’s needed for an arrest. In Mr. Vitter’s case, a little more than money was passed.

On the video below, one of the prostitutes spoke of an encounter with The Family Values Guy, and details him coming to the hotel room, taking a shower and 15 minutes later…..well, we all know what happened in that time period.

Why is Vitter still skating below the radea? A crime was committed and one party to the crime was arrested. Last time I checked, prostitution involved at least two people. If the prostitute was arrested and later took her own life, Mr. Vitter should at least be expected to answer some questions on his extra-marital affairs.

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