Christians jeb bush Politics Syria

Jeb Bush Flips – Now He’s Concerned about ALL Syrian Refugees – Video

What a difference a couple of days make… and a smack down from the President of the United States helped.

Just Sunday in an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Jeb Bush fell in line with the other Republican presidential candidates demanding Syrian refugees remain in Syria where they are being slaughtered by ISIS and the Syrian regime. In that CNN interview however, Jeb didn’t close his heart from all Syrian refugees, he was willing to allow only the Christian refugees access to the United States.

“There are a lot of Christians in Syria that have no place now,” Jeb said, while talking about whether we should allow refugees here in the United States. “They’ll [Christians] be either executed or imprisoned, either by Assad or by ISIS. We should focus our efforts as it relates to the refugees for the Christians that are being slaughtered.”

In other words, a Religious test to decide who we save and who gets slaughtered.

President Obama had something to say about that!

“That’s shameful,”the President said. “That’s not American. That’s not who we are…We don’t have religious tests to our compassion. We do not close our hearts to these victims of such violence and somehow start equating the issue of refugees with the issue of terrorism.”

Those words from the president apparently had some effect on Jeb and he admitted in the interview that he thought the president was talking directly to him. So with that, the interviewers asked Jeb if he felt refugees – not just Christian refugees, but Muslim refugees as well – should be allowed in the United States?

Jeb offered his new position – “the answer to this is not to ban people from coming” but “to lead, to resolve the problem in Syria.” He then went on to say, “I don’t think we should eliminate our support for refugees,” Bush added. “It’s been a noble tradition in our country for many years.”

Nice flip Bush, nice flip! Have you met Mitt Romney?


Donald Trump jeb bush Politics

New Poll – Bernie Sanders Has Double Digit Lead over Donald Trump and Jeb Bush

Bernie Sanders – Can you #FeelTheBern?

In a new McClatchy-Marist poll, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) leads Republican candidate Donald Trump by a landslide margin of 12 percentage points, 53 to 41. In the McClatchy poll, Sanders also leads former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) by a landslide margin of 10 points, 51 to 41.

The huge Sanders advantage over Bush is new. In previous match-ups, the polling showed Sanders and Bush running virtually even, with Bush holding a 1-point lead over Sanders in most of the polls. Future polls will be needed to test whether the huge Sanders lead over Bush in the McClatchy poll will be repeated in future polling or whether the McClatchy poll is an outlier.

jeb bush marco rubio Politics

Major Jeb Bush Donor Jumps Sinking Bush Ship for Marco Rubio

I must say it’s a smart move. If the ship is going down and there is another boat nearby, you jump! What are you staying on board for? Why get pulled down with a sinking campaign?

Florida Bush fundraiser Brian Ballard saw the writings on the wall and is now riding on the Rubio boat.

Brian Ballard, a lobbyist in Tallahassee who donated $20,000 to the pro-Bush super PAC Right to Rise USA, told Politico on Thursday that he had privately abandoned Bush earlier but wanted to make his concerns public now to discourage him from bashing Rubio.

“The campaign has become negative, one that is about attacking and trying to bring down Marco Rubio. And that doesn’t sit well – not only with me, but with anyone who knows the two,” Ballard said. “Marco’s a friend of mine. I didn’t sign up for a campaign that was going to be negative and attack a bright star of the party’s future. It doesn’t make sense. I’m over it. And I’m done.”

A source familiar with Ballard’s thinking confirmed to NBC News on Thursday that Ballard was switching his allegiance to Rubio. While Ballard is a major Florida fundraiser who previously backed the presidential campaigns of John McCain and Mitt Romney, he is not listed as one of Bush’s bundlers — supporters who have raised more than $17,600 for the campaign itself.

jeb bush Politics

Jeb Bush’s Poll Numbers Sink to New Lows in Latest Poll

Jeb Bush’s campaign should be studied, dissected and analyzed, then documented and hung in the campaign Hall of Shame for future campaigns to know what not to do.

The latest poll, conducted after last week’s third GOP debate in which Bush delivered a mediocre performance, just 4 percent of Republican and independent Republican-leaning voters said they would support Bush in their state’s primary. In the September survey, Bush earned 10 percent, trailing Trump, Carson and Carly Fiorina. And in terms of favorability, no one polled lower than Bush, at a net-negative of 33 points. Just 25 percent of all registered voters surveyed said they had a positive opinion of him, while 58 percent said they had a negative one.

For its part, the Bush campaign has tried to manage expectations among the media.

“FYI political press corps. Jeb’s going to have a few weeks of bad polls,” campaign communications director Tim Miller tweeted Monday. “Comebacks take time, we recognize and are prepared for that.”

jeb bush Politics

Jeb Can’t Fix It – Texas Man Say Jeb Stole His Idea

Poor boy Jeb is losing at everything. He entered the Republican race as number 1 with all the heavy money bags following him around, but then Jeb began campaigning and just like that, his poll numbers plummet!

So yesterday Jeb rolled out a brand new slogan in hopes of rekindling the wet sticks used to lite the fire under his campaign. He went to his home town of Florida and held a rally in which he begged people to go buy his book. His slogan was catchy – JebCanFixIt – a perfect slogan for Twitter and Facebook and a Website.

But wait a second. If you type in in your browser you’ll see a website, a website that has nothing to do with the Jeb Bush campaign or the jebcanfixit relaunch. A website belonging to a man in Texas who ran for the Austin City Council in 2014. The man, Mr. Jimmy Flannigan, is using the jebcanfixit website to say that Jeb Bush is stealing his idea. According to Mr. Flannigan, he came up with the ‘Flannigan Can Fix It’ slogan when he ran for the City Council in 2014, and now here comes Jeb with his ‘Jeb Can Fix It!’

Mr. Flannignan wrote; “In 2014, I ran for Austin City Council with the slogan “Flannigan Can Fix It” and now Jeb Bush is trying to steal my slogan!”

So, not only has Jeb failed to secure a website for his new slogan, according to Mr. Flannigan, Jeb is a thief!


jeb bush Politics

Jeb Bush Pushed His New Book in Florida Campaign Speech – Video

In a brand spanking new campaign speech in Tampa Florida, well-known Republican establishment candidate Jeb Bush, relaunched his failing presidential campaign with a brand new slogan – #JebCanFixIt! But before diving into ways he can fix it, (sidenote – Jeb did not say how he will fix anything), Jeb spent some quality time pushing his new book.

“Last year, I decided I wanted to share my story with people across the country, so I wrote a book. Well really I didn’t write it, not in the traditional sense, I emailed it!” Jeb said, as he talked about some of the emails he received including one about a raccoon in an elderly woman’s attic. Jeb made a call for the woman and he sent someone to remove the raccoon. Jeb bragged that “by noon, that raccoon was out!”

Jeb fixed the woman’s raccoon problem. But back to the book or as Jeb called it, his “shameless plug.”

“The book is called Reply All, it’s out today you can get it on, it’s pretty cheap. I hope you enjoy it. Going back and rereading these emails reminded me of the challenges we tackled together and how much can be accomplished with strong conservative leadership. That is why I’m running for the presidency of the United States of America.”

Pause for applause.


jeb bush Politics

Jeb Bush – “I’m Having a Blast!” – Video

Jeb Bush is totally confused. Just a couple days ago, Jeb was caught on camera sitting in a chair on a stage looking and sounding frustrated, as he explained to a crowd that there are so much cool things he could be doing instead of running for president. And now today, Jeb – after clearly losing in the last GOP debate – wants the world to know he’s having the time of his life!

Yeah, I am, I’m having a blast. I’m getting my views validated and challenged at the same time. It’s a phenomenal way to grow intellectually, spiritually, physically I’m in phenomenal shape for an old 62-year-old guy. In fact, I think we ought to have five hour debates. Not two hour debates.


Ben Carson Donald Trump Donald Trump jeb bush News Politics republican debate

More Bold Predictions: This Debate Changed Everything

October 28 is a very special day in my life. It was 43 years ago that I became a man and realized the meaning of that old, old adage, “That’s the first time I stood up in front of people, bored them, and they gave me money afterwards.” Mazel tov indeed.

So it was with a nostalgic eye that I sat down and watched Episode 3 of the Far Right Follies, otherwise known as the GOP presidential debate. It was a rough affair for the moderators and included some captivating moments, such as when Ted Cruz took all of his time to call out the CNBC network and accuse the Democrats of being Communists or when Marco Rubio rhetorically punched Jeb! Bush (a guy with glasses on) or when Chris Christie almost knocked over his podium trying to tell us that Congress has stolen our Social Security.

The result?

Well, that thudding sound you heard later Wednesday night was the sound of four campaigns hitting Loser’s Gulch: Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina and Jeb! That’s right folks; it looks like none of these four will ever be elected president. Now, I will hedge a bit and say that Jeb could bounce back, but I find that rather unlikely. It’s also possible that many of Trump’s supporters could find their way to Christie, but the net effect of that would be the good Guv’nor polling at 3% instead of 1%. Then again, Christie always wanted to be in the 1%, didn’t he?

Trump, Carson and Fiorina are done because they didn’t do enough to rouse their campaigns beyond the protest votes that are the cornerstones of their combined millions. Carson is in the best position to stick around, but his past comments about guns and the Holocaust and Muslims will make him radioactive to the larger Republican, and general population.

As for Jeb!, my view is that his performance on Wednesday now makes it easier for the Republican establishment, which was never crazy about his candidacy, to finally break free of their Bush III concerns. Put more succinctly, the GOP doesn’t need him anymore. They have Marco. And Ted. And even Johnny the K. from oHIo.

Jeb’s answers and his demeanor were underwhelming at best, and he hasn’t really seemed presidential since he entered the race. He might be the smart one, but there’s something to be said for the son who wanted so badly to both please and punish his father that he sold his soul to the reborn and allied himself with Karl Rove. Jeb’s timing is just as bad as Chris Christie. Their electoral opportunities have passed them by and they might be the only ones who didn’t get the text.

The realignment of the GOP field will take a little time to adjust, but by the holidays the lineup should look radically different, if not in numbers, then at least in the polls. I expect the GOP primary electorate to shift themselves to candidates who have some experience in governance even as they call for the actual end of governance itself. Marco Rubio is now the favorite, followed by Ted Cruz.; Trump and Carson will fade. Bush will crash.

As for the national election, this realignment will make Hillary Clinton the favorite until further notice. She will be able to unite the Democratic Party around her by the end of March and can then spend time honing her general election message and raising obscene amounts of cash in the hopes that she gets elected, replaces a conservative justice and gets the Citizens United case reversed. Then she can raise modestly obscene amounts of cash for her next run.

Ain’t democracy great? Amen.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Donald Trump jeb bush Politics

Larry Wilmore on Jeb! – “Your head can’t contain the bullsh*t your mouth is spewing”

Another Comedy Central original. This guy is starting to remind me of Jon Stewart.

On his Monday night show, Comedy Central’s Wilmore analyzed the body language of Jeb Bush, as he conducted his Sunday interview on CNN. In that interview, Jeb continued his insane claim that George Bush “kept us safe” when he occupied the White House.

Wilmore showed part of Jeb’s interview and picked up on something. As Jeb spoke, his head kept shaking as if his mouth was saying one thing, but his head was disagreeing with what he was saying. And Wilmore asked;

“Why are you shaking your head the entire time you answer this question? It’s almost like your head can’t contain the bullshit your mouth is spewing.

“I’m not saying Jeb Bush doesn’t believe what he’s saying. I’m saying his body doesn’t. That’s why his mouth can’t help but stammer when he says bullshit like this.”


CNN jeb bush Politics

Jake Tapper to Jeb – We Can’t Blame George for 9/11 But We Blame Hillary for Benghazi?

In his Sunday interview with Jeb Bush, CNN’s Jake Tapper asked the questions every sensible American wonders about. In other words, Jake Tapper acted like a real reporter and asked real questions of Jeb, who is consistent about one thing – the false claim that his brother kept us safe on September 11th.

In the lead up to Jeb’s introduction to the program, Tapper mentioned the criticisms Donald Trump has hauled against George Bush in reference to his failure on September 11th. Tapper asked Jeb to respond to Trump’s accusations.

“My brother responded to a crisis and united the country, he organized our country and he kept us safe. And there’s no denying that. And the great majority of Americans believe that. And I don’t know why he keeps bringing this up.”

Maybe because September 11th happened on your brother’s watch. But back to the interview.

Tapper then asked Jeb if he is being bias on the issue because George Bush is his brother.

“Does anybody actually blame my brother for the attacks on 9/11? If they do, they’re totally marginalized in our society. It’s what he did afterwards that mattered, and I’m proud of him. And so are a bunch of other people.”

“Obviously al Qaeda was responsible for the terrorist attacks of 9/11,” the CNN host pressed. “But how do you respond to critics who ask if your brother and his administration bear no responsibility at all, how do you then make the jump that President Obama and Secretary Clinton are responsible for what happened at Benghazi?”

Bush stammered in response: “Well, I — the question on Benghazi, which we will now finally get the truth to, is was the place secure? They had a responsibility at the Department of State to have proper security.”

“And how was the response in the aftermath of the attack?” he continued. “Was there a chance that these four American lives could have been saved? That’s what the investigation is about, it’s not a political issue… Were we doing the job of protecting our embassies and our consulates, and during the period, those hours after the attacks started, could they have been saved?”

“That’s kind of proving the point of the critics,” Tapper noted. “You don’t want you brother to bear responsibility for 9/11 — and I understand that argument and al Qaeda is responsible — but why are the terrorists not the ones that are responsible for these attacks in Libya?”

“They are!” Bush replied. “But if the ambassador was asking for additional security and they didn’t get it, that’s a proper point. And if it’s proven that the security was adequate compared to other embassies, then fine, we’ll move on.”


George Bush jeb bush Osama bin Laden Politics

Clueless Jeb Bush Say George “Kept Us Safe”

Don’t really know how George did it, but for the second time in one month, Jeb Bush is claiming that his brother George, “kept us safe.”

He first made the outlandish claim in the second Republican debate on September 16th. At that time, Donald Trump had rightfully criticized George Bush for invading Iraq in a war that would lead to hundreds of thousands of lives lost, and trillions of dollars spent. Jeb pointed out to Trump and the rest of the world, that his brother “kept us safe!”


And mow today. In an interview with Bloomberg, Donald Trump went a step further and blamed George Bush for the September 11th attacks.

“He was President,” Trump said. “Blame him, or don’t blame him, but he was President. The World Trade Center came down during his reign.”

And again, Jeb chimed in saying his brother “kept us safe!”

Jeb should explain to the thousand of families that lost loved ones on September 11th how his brother “kept us safe!”

Donald Trump jeb bush Politics

Donald Trump’s Ad Highlights Jeb’s Ability to Put People to Sleep – Video

“Having trouble sleeping at night?” the voice on the ad asks. “Too much energy? Need some low energy? Jeb — for all your sleeping needs,” as the video turns to Jeb speaking at a town hall and successfully managing to put an audience member to sleep!


Wake up Jeb supporters!

A video posted by Donald J. Trump (@realdonaldtrump) on

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