Donald Trump Politics

Republicans Plan to Win the White House? – Become the Party of White People

These are confusing times for the Republican party. After the whipping they took from President Obama during the two presidential campaigns, the Republican establishment thought variety was the spice of life, and the key to victory if they were to win the White House again. Party leaders embarked on a fact-finding mission to figure out ways to make the GOP appeal to a broader spectrum of the electorate, and the results of that mission were shocking to no one but the GOP – the party needed to be more diverse.

So with the results of that mission in hand and the 2016 Presidential election right around the corner, what would be the best winning strategy for the GOP? To appeal to more white people… apparently!

There has been a debate within the party — and the political class — about whether Republicans need to diversify to win or whether it just needs to attract even more of its core constituencies. So far in 2016, led by Cruz and Donald Trump, the election has moved decisively toward the latter. The exceptions, such as Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham, are either out of the race or on the edges of it.

Trump is making the most visceral, raw appeal to people who feel left out of the economic recovery and ignored by the political establishment. He espouses hard-line views on immigration that border on nativism, protectionist trade policies and a tough approach with countries like China, Japan and Mexico that he portrays as thieves of U.S. manufacturing jobs.

 Cruz, a Texas senator, is taking a similar tack, especially on immigration, airing a provocative television ad last week that depicts illegal immigrants racing across the U.S. border in suits and high heels to steal jobs from Americans.
Donald Trump Politics

White Power Party Campaigning for Donald Trump in Iowa

Whatever happened to that meeting between the “100 black pastors” and Donald Trump? Are they campaigning for Trump too?

The White Power Party can easily be mistaken for the Republican Party, but in this case, there is actually a group calling itself the White Power Party, and Donald Trump is the group’s candidate.

If you live in Iowa and own a phone, you might get a call this week that sounds something like this: “I urge you to vote for Donald Trump because he is the one candidate who points out that we should accept immigrants who are good for America. We don’t need Muslims. We need smart, well-educated white people who will assimilate to our culture. Vote Trump,” the Daily Beast reports.

This jarring message is just one part of arobocall recorded on behalf of Donald Trump by The American National Super PAC, created by none other than the leader of The American Freedom Party, a prominent white nationalist organization.

In the last month, the political party— which once tried to revoke the citizenship of every non-white inhabitant of the United States—has evolved from supporting Trump’s candidacy to formally endorsing him for president. That endorsement made American Freedom Party history since they had never before endorsed a candidate outside of their own ranks. But the group that represents “the political interests of White Americans” was willing to make an exception for the Republican frontrunner.

“We do have our own candidate, but Bob Whitaker, our candidate, has told us that it is alright to endorse Donald Trump,” the American Freedom Party’s leader William Daniel Johnson explained in an interview with The Daily Beast.

Donald Trump Politics South Carolina

Resolution to Block “Race-baiting, Xenophobic” Donald Trump from South Carolina

After it surfaced that Donald Trump had a Muslim woman removed from his rally in South Carolina because the woman stood silently in protest in the audience, a South Carolina Representative said Donald’s move made him “sick to my stomach,” and vowed to block Trump from setting foot in the state.

“Donald Trump is a race-baiting, xenophobic bigot and is not welcome in the state of South Carolina,” the proposed resolution read, echoing the words of Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC).

King noted that many Trump supporters had probably never met a Muslim prior to Friday’s rally, and that most of their knowledge about Muslims was “what they heard on Fox News.”

“Trump plays to their fears,” the lawmaker pointed out.

In a statement, King said that he expected bipartisan support for his resolution.

“Democrats and Republicans don’t agree on much in South Carolina, but most of us agree that Donald Trump is an embarrassment to our country’s political process and stands contrary to the beliefs of our Founding Fathers and the values of the United States Constitution,” the statement explained. “Why would we welcome someone to our great state when even our senior Republican U.S. senator agrees that Donald Trump is nothing more than a modern day George Wallace who preys on people’s fears and prejudices.”

Canada Donald Trump Politics

Donald Trump – “I Don’t Know” If Ted Cruz is a Natural Born Citizen – Video

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was asked straight up about his closest competitor, Ted Cruz, and whether he thought Cruz – who was born in Calgary Canada – is a Natural Born citizen. Trump for a change, answered honestly.

“I don’t know,” Donald Trump answered, when the question – do you have any doubts that Ted Cruz is a natural born American citizen – was posed by Fox News’ Chris Wallace.

“I really don’t know. It depends. Does “Natural Born” mean born to the land? Meaning born on the land? In that case, he’s not. But nobody knows what it means. And it hasn’t been adjudicated. And it hasn’t gone to the Supreme Court.”

Trump concluded by saying that if Ted Cruz is the Republican nominee, he will have a “lawsuit over his head” from the Democratic contender.

Alan Grayson already has a lawsuit lined up and waiting just in case Cruz is the Republican nominee.


Donald Trump Politics

Muslim Woman Kicked Out of Trump Rally Because She Peacefully Stood Up – Video

Rosa Parks sat down at the front of a bus and received the wrath of the racists among her. Rose Hamid stood up at a Donald Trump rally and received the same wrath from the racists among her. Two different incidents at two different times in American history, same racist outcome.

Rose Hamid, a 56-year-old flight attendant, told CNN that she went to the rally wearing a t-shirt that read “I come in peace” because she “figured that most Trump supporters probably never met a Muslim so I figured that I’d give them the opportunity to meet one.”

When Trump claimed that Syrian refugees fleeing violence in Syria were affiliated with ISIS, Hamid and a friend stood up from their seats. Soon enough, security came to escort her out. The crowd, as it is wont to do at a Trump rally, saw the opportunity as a pulpit to better explain their candidate’s foreign policy ideas, telling Hamid to “Get out” and shouting “You have a bomb, you have a bomb,” she says.

“The crowd got this like, hateful crowd mentality as I was being escorted. It was really quite telling, and a vivid example of what happens when you start using this hateful rhetoric and how it can incite a crowd, where moments ago [it] was very kind to me.”


Donald Trump Politics

Donald Trump – Kick Him Out in the Cold Without His Jacket – Video

And to Donald Trump we go for yet another episode of Things a Presidential Candidate Should Never Say or Do. 

In a rally tonight in Vermont, hecklers threw Donald Trump completely off his C game, causing the Entertainer-in-Chief to demand the heckler be thrown out in the cold without his jacket. And according to Trump, it was about 10 degrees below zero outside.

“Get him outta there,” Trump demanded. “Don’t give him his coat! Keep his coat. Confiscate his coat. You know it’s about ten degrees below zero outside. No, you can keep his coat. Tell him we’ll send it to him in a couple of weeks.”


Donald Trump Politics

You Are Screened for Guns at Donald Trump’s Rallies- Video

If you listen to Donald Trump and the Republicans, guns should be allowed everywhere and the more guns you bring with you, the safer everyone will be. Trump was the same Republican who blamed the victims of the Paris terrorist attacks, saying if they had guns there will be alive today.

But if you go to a Donald Trump’s rally, you’ll quickly come to the realization that guns are not welcome at Donald Trump’s for rallies.

Can you say hypocrite?


Donald Trump Politics

Donald Trump Goes After Ted Cruz – “He was born in Canada”


Yea, I know. It’s laughable. I don’t care what interpretations some put on it, saying because Cruz was born to an American mother in another country, then he is a Natural Born American citizen. It’s a bogus argument and still extremely debatable. And I for one, don’t buy it. If you were born in Canada, you’re Canadian PERIOD

The only fact in this saga however, remains the same. Ted Cruz was born in Canada, and that fact has not escaped Mr. Birther himself, Donald Trump!

“Republicans are going to have to ask themselves the question: ‘Do we want a candidate who could be tied up in court for two years?’ That’d be a big problem,” Trump said when asked about the topic. “It’d be a very precarious one for Republicans because he’d be running and the courts may take a long time to make a decision. You don’t want to be running and have that kind of thing over your head.”

Trump added: “I’d hate to see something like that get in his way. But a lot of people are talking about it and I know that even some states are looking at it very strongly, the fact that he was born in Canada and he has had a double passport.”

Donald Trump Politics terrorist video

CNN Host Blames Hillary Clinton for Trump’s Terrorist Recruiting Video

Donald Trump’s image and words are being used in a terror recruitment video, and of course, like expected, it’s all Hillary’s fault. She caused Donald Trump to say the things he said and she caused Donald Trump to do the things he did.

Remember when Donald Trump proposed banning all Muslims from coming to the United States, well a terror group has used Trump’s words in a video, telling possible converts to either leave America, or stay back and fight. Asked about the new video, a guest on CNN put the blame squarely on the shoulder of Hillary Clinton.

FREDRICKA WHITFIELD (HOST): Let me begin with you, Ben, on that and how this video by Al-Shabaab may in any way influence what is or is not said on the campaign trail.

BEN FERGUSON: Yeah, I don’t think it will influence the election in any capacity. I mean if anything, they got their idea from Hillary Clinton when she mentioned putting Donald Trump in a video.


ISIS, Al-Shabaab and other terrorists like this, they understand social media. They understand how to get media attention. As soon as that was said, I’m sure they said, “that’s a great idea. Let’s throw Donald Trump in there. We’ll get even more publicity because of this, we’ll get to bring Hillary Clinton into this.” And it worked well for them.

Donald Trump Politics

Donald Trump’s Ad Plays on Fear to Win GOP Nomination – Video

Everything, from ISIS coming to kill you in your sleep to illegal immigrants coming to kill you in your sleep, Donald Trump masterfully tugs at the Republican voters favorite heartstring – fear.

The only thing left out of Trump’s fear-fest was Ebola. But don’t worry, give him time. This is just his first ad.


Donald Trump Donald Trump News Politics

It’s 2016: Do You Know Where Your Candidates Are?

Is there really a president in this bunch? And I’m not just talking about the Republicans either.

While none of the GOP candidates thrill me at all for various reasons, I find myself also looking critically at the Democrats and asking if this really is the best we can do. Of course, Americans generally ask this question every four years when looking for a candidate they’re passionate about, like Ronald Reagan or Barack Obama. Neither of those guys will be on the ballot this year.

Instead, we have a group of Republicans who are falling over each other to appeal to a shrinking pool of older white voters who somehow want the country to revert back to 1953, when men were men, women were supposed to be in the home and minorities were supposed to be in the back of the bus or in the fields picking our fruits and vegetables. Those days are not coming back for a very good reason. The problem is that the GOP candidates don’t see it. Donald Trump is the commander in chief of this cabal, but his greatest support will turn out to be a Potemkin village full of people who say they love their candidate but do not come out and vote in numbers enough to elect him. Which is a good thing.

The other Republican candidates are just as flawed, and getting flawedier as time goes on. Trump has set the tone on immigration and religious intolerance, and the rest of the field has gone along with him, except for Jeb Bush. But he doesn’t seem to matter these days, because the last person the party wants to see at the head of the ticket is another Bush. Not that Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Chris Christie or John Kasich are doing any better.

Most of them deny any human hand in the changing climate and support various, intrusive policies for women who just want to get honest, impartial medical advice from their doctors. They’ve also come up with foreign policies that riff on bombings and sending American soldiers overseas without considering that other countries can do this work with limited US reserves. ISIS is a deadly threat, but sustained pressure from the sane Muslim world will go a long way towards turning the tables on them. We need to support that.

What strikes me particularly about the Republican candidates is that the two with arguably the best records in their previous jobs are Governors Bush and Kasich, and they seem to be having trouble breaking through the irresponsible and dangerous rantings of those above them in the polls. Aside from those two, none of the other candidates has done anything notable, and that includes Christie, who asked the New Jersey Supreme Court to declare his one great accomplishment – public worker pension and benefit reform – as unconstitutional. And it did.

And if the spotlight ever turns on Christie because of a win in New Hampshire, his abysmal handling of the New Jersey economy will not endear him to economic conservatives. Similarly, Cruz, Rubio, Paul, Carson and Fiorina do not have a signature accomplishment to run on. And perhaps that doesn’t matter: Mitt Romney did have an accomplishment in health care, but he ran faster than Usain Bolt away from it. Go figure.

As for the Democrats, Hillary is still faced with the drip drip of government e-mails being purged from her home server and she is less than stellar on the campaign trail. Bernie Sanders has the heart and passion, but his time was 1972, not 2016. The country is not ready to turn around and elect someone with his views, and if he’s nominated (which he won’t be) the Democrats will lose.

Don’t get me wrong here; I believe that Hillary Clinton will be elected president in November and that she will do a fine job in the White House. It’s just that the campaign’s tone has focused on what makes us weak and though they try, none of the candidates is an uplifting presence who is telling us what they see as the future of this country. Perhaps that will come in the summer. But in the meantime, it’s going to be a long winter.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Donald Trump Featured

A Classless Twitter Response from Donald Trump’s Spokesperson – Tweet

It should come as no surprise that the national spokesperson for Donald Trump wore a bullet necklace in a recent CNN interview. Yes, we all know that Americans are being murdered daily with guns at an alarming rate, and we all know about the record amount of mass shootings in 2015. One would think that at a time when gun violence is sadly so prevalent in our society, that a little more sensitivity would be had by those in power.

One would be wrong for thinking that.

Katrina Pierson, Donald Trump’s spokesperson thought it was appropriate to wear a bullet and shell casing neck ornament on CNN. The necklace was so outrageous, it drew the attention of Shannon Watts, the founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. Shannon took to twitter and tweeted;

“Surely KatrinaPierson wore bullet necklace on to bring attention to 90 Americans fatally shot daily.”

And just like is expected from anyone associated with Donald Trump, Katrina Pierson fired back on Twitter.

“Maybe I’ll wear a fetus next time” to “bring awareness to 50 million aborted people that will never ger (sic) to be on Twitter.”

We should never accuse anyone associated with the Donald Trump campaign as being classy.

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