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A Classless Twitter Response from Donald Trump’s Spokesperson – Tweet

It should come as no surprise that the national spokesperson for Donald Trump wore a bullet necklace in a recent CNN interview. Yes, we all know that Americans are being murdered daily with guns at an alarming rate, and we all know about the record amount of mass shootings in 2015. One would think that at a time when gun violence is sadly so prevalent in our society, that a little more sensitivity would be had by those in power.

One would be wrong for thinking that.

Katrina Pierson, Donald Trump’s spokesperson thought it was appropriate to wear a bullet and shell casing neck ornament on CNN. The necklace was so outrageous, it drew the attention of Shannon Watts, the founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. Shannon took to twitter and tweeted;

“Surely KatrinaPierson wore bullet necklace on to bring attention to 90 Americans fatally shot daily.”

And just like is expected from anyone associated with Donald Trump, Katrina Pierson fired back on Twitter.

“Maybe I’ll wear a fetus next time” to “bring awareness to 50 million aborted people that will never ger (sic) to be on Twitter.”

We should never accuse anyone associated with the Donald Trump campaign as being classy.

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