Donald Trump pat robertson

Pat Robinson – The Election of Donald Trump “Was a Blessing of God” – Video

They say the media has a “liberal bias,” Well Pat Robertson never got that memo as he consistently use his media platform to preach the gospel of the Republican party.

I’m wondering if it is possible to broadcast an episode of Pat Robinson’s show without Robinson wandering into the land of Republican politics and how Republican policies would save this nation. In an episode that aired January 3rd, 2017, Robertson assured his audience that God will finally be able to save America with the election of Donald Trump.

“Nothing is impossible,” Robinson said, while having a chit-chat his co-host. “This last election was a blessing of God. He delivered this nation from chaos, and He’s gonna do something for Israel, He’s gonna do something to the United States.”

Robertson then goes on preaching Trump’s message that because of his election, “we will all be rich!”

We’re gonna see a time of extraordinary blessings.” Robinson said, “So this is a time to be happy and to get with it.”


Donald Trump Featured

Donald Trump Struggling to Pay Transition Team

He brags that he is a billionaire, that he has over $10 billion in assets and in the bank. Yet, the man who also brags about hiring the best people and making the best financial decisions, cannot get his act together long enough to figure out a way to pay his very first hires in his upcoming administration.

Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) told a Buffalo area radio station: “Mr. Trump held a fundraiser down in New York City a few weeks back and did raise some money, but they have – I would use the word – ‘struggled’ to raise the private funds needed to pay these individuals who are working on behalf of the taxpayers but not being paid by the government.”

Of course, Trump could tap into his many billions to pay his team instead of letting this story come out. But I’m guessing there is a reason we never saw his taxes, like, he is probably not a billionaire and cannot afford it. It wouldn’t be the first lie he told.

Donald Trump Featured

Trump Will Reveal US Intelligence Info on Russia Hacking on “Tuesday or Wednesday”

He is the president-elect, so he obviously has access to briefings inaccessible to the rest of the world. But on “Tuesday or Wednesday,” Donald Trump said he will reveal information he learn in these secret briefings to the rest of the world.

Still doubting the United States Intelligence Community on Russia’s hacking into the US election process, Trump spoke to a handful of reporters outside his Palm Beach, Fla., club, Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump.

“I just want them to be sure because it’s a pretty serious charge,” Mr. Trump said of the intelligence agencies. “If you look at the weapons of mass destruction, that was a disaster, and they were wrong,” he added, referring to intelligence cited by the George W. Bush administration to support its march to war in 2003. “So I want them to be sure,” the president-elect said. “I think it’s unfair if they don’t know.”

He added: “And I know a lot about hacking. And hacking is a very hard thing to prove. So it could be somebody else. And I also know things that other people don’t know, and so they cannot be sure of the situation.”

When asked what he knew that others did not, Mr. Trump demurred, saying only, “You’ll find out on Tuesday or Wednesday.”

I’m sure Russia will be listening.

Donald Trump Featured

Trump’s Happy New Year “to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost”

Need proof that a four-year old will be leading the country after January 20th, 2017? Take a look at this tweet from Donald Trump.

Donald Trump could not even be mature enough to wish everyone a happy new year without taking a shot at Hillary Clinton and members of the opposing party. The man elected by Russia and the Republican party to lead the greatest nation on earth took to twitter to say happy new year. This is how he did it.

“Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don’t know what to do. Love!”

Really Trump? Grow up dude!

Donald Trump Featured

Donald Trump Blames “Computers” for Russia Hacking US Election

This is pure insanity!!! It’s another WTF moment from the donald!

Asked about Russia and the way they hacked the United States election process assuring him the winner, Donald Trump blamed computers. His nonsensical, idiotic claim is because of computers, “nobody knows exactly what is going on.”

“I think that computers have complicated lives very greatly,” the president-elect said Wednesday, speaking to reporters at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

“The whole age of computer has made it where nobody knows exactly what is going on. And we have speed — we have a lot of other things, but I’m not sure we have the kind the security we need.”
Donald Trump Featured

Trump’s Products Made in China, Bangladesh, Pakistan… Anywhere But America

When you think about it, Donald Trump could probably make America great again just by supporting American workers and making his products right here in the good U.S of A! But don’t hold your breath folks. Donald Trump is a businessman, and it will always be his business’ bottom-line over the American worker. You can bet on that!

At Saks Off Fifth recently, an Ivanka Trump white polyester and spandex blouse made in Indonesia was marked down to $34.99, from $69. A few racks over, her black and white jacket came from Vietnam, while several blocks away, at Macy’s, her leather bootee manufactured in China sold for more than $100.

At the Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue, a $35 blue cotton cap embroidered with “Trump National Golf Club” was made in Bangladesh. A Trump Tower hoodie from Pakistan set tourists back $50.

A majority of clothes these days are made anywhere but in America. And in this era of local pride and nationalistic fervor, that has become a political liability. The conflict is starkly evident in the apparel brands made and marketed by President-elect Donald J. Trump and his daughter Ivanka.

Donald Trump Featured Politics

Republican Compares Trump to Jesus – Refers to Trump as “A New King”

The Chairman of the RNC, Reince Priebus, released a statement on Christmas somewhat mentioning Christ but more importantly apparently, announcing the arrival of “a new King” in Donald Trump!

“Over two millennia ago, a new hope was born into the world, a Savior who would offer the promise of salvation to all mankind,” RNC chairman Reince Priebus and co-chair Sharon Day said in the statement.

“Just as the three wise men did on that night, this Christmas heralds a time to celebrate the good news of a new King. We hope Americans celebrating Christmas today will enjoy a day of festivities and a renewed closeness with family and friends.”
Twitter of course, attacked the nonsense.
Donald Trump Newt Gingrich Politics

Newt Gingrich – Get Used to Trump’s “Brilliant or Stupid” Tweets – Video

Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich went on Fox News Sunday and told Chris Wallace that Americans better get used to Trump’s Twitter usage, regardless of if his tweets are “brilliant or stupid.”

“We might as well get used to it,” Gingrich said. “This is who he is and how he’s gonna operate. Whether it’s brilliant or stupid, he beat 16 rivals, then he beat Hillary Clinton (with the help of Russia of course) and he beat the elite media. He ain’t giving it up.”


Donald Trump Featured

Russia Specialist – Russia is Laughing at America – “Look at those fools”

In a recent interview on MSNBC, Russia expert Nina Khrushcheva spoke about the recent flattering letter Vladimir Putin sent to Donald Trump where Putin praised Trump causing the self-centered president-elect to conclude heartedly that Putin’s letter was “so correct.”

“I was just in Moscow and the Russians are saying ‘Look at those fools, look at their democracy.’ Absolutely,” she said. “‘How could America lecture us on any development, institutions, human rights, democracy, rhetoric when they just elected Donald Trump. He’s such a fool. He’s such a bully,” she continued. “That’s what America deserves and we’re going to take advantage of it.’ And that’s how Russians feel about it, and now it’s taking shape with letters from Vladimir Putin to Donald Trump with their exchange on potential nuclear armament and whatnot.”

Intelligence analyst Malcolm Nance weighed in on the Russian hack and their interference in our presidential election.

“I don’t think there will be any accountability with the regards of the Russian hacking against the DNC or even violating the entirety of the U.S. electoral process. He has benefited from that,” Nance said. “He’s going to shut down any investigation if it implicates him or his campaign.”

However, Nina is right. We are being played as fools by a spymaster-in-chief, a former KGB officer, Director of Russian Intelligence,” he continued. “He’s laughing at us in his letters which stroke Donald Trump. ‘His excellency!’ We haven’t had a letter like that in the United States since King George III. As long as Trump is manipulated, Russia and China will take our market share from the international markets out there, and the United States will be relegated to a third class country.”
Donald Trump Featured

Donald Trump Challenges Vladimir Putin in Nuclear Arms Race

The Nuclear arms race with Russia begins again, thanks to Donald Trump and his childish tweets.

Donald Trump called for an expansion of the United States’ nuclear capabilities on Thursday, in a tweet that alarmed nonproliferation experts who said that a boost to the U.S. arsenal could fuel global tensions.

In his Twitter post, Trump said, “The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes,” but gave no further details.

It was not clear what prompted his comment. However, earlier on Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia needed to “strengthen the military potential of strategic nuclear forces.”

Asked about the tweet, Trump spokesman Jason Miller later said Trump was “referring to the threat of nuclear proliferation and the critical need to prevent it – particularly to and among terrorist organizations and unstable and rogue regimes.”

Donald Trump Featured

Trump on Russia’s Hacking – “It’s a Big Problem” – Video

Of course, Trump was talking about Russia’s hacking being a “big problem” when said hacking was not helping his cause. When said hacking gave him the presidency however, Trump had nothing but good things to say about Russia.

On Fox News in 2014, however, Trump was quick to agree with a similar assessment by FBI director James Comey about hacking by China, and also raised the threat from Russia.

“I think that’s great, I think what he said is fantastic,” Trump said, referring to comments Comey had made on “60 Minutes.”

“I’ve been talking about China for a long time,” Trump continued. “You know, they put on the front like, we’re your friend and everything, and in the meantime the cash comes out of your back pocket. It’s disgraceful what’s going on with China generally.” “No, I think he’s 100% right, it’s a big problem, and we have that problem also with Russia. You saw that over the weekend. Russia’s doing the same thing,” he added.


Donald Trump Politics

We Are the Majority. Shout It.

I think what’s sustaining me, and alternatively giving me strength, is the knowledge that the United States is not going to become a second-rate nation and that our form of government is not being irrevocably damaged by the Russians, Wikileaks, right wing white nationalists or Donald Trump’s cabinet nominations. No, we cannot let these entities knock us off center or dissuade us from our message as a nation. We alone can lend legitimacy and commitment to democratic republicanism throughout the world, and we alone can fix our internal problems. If anything, the election and its aftermath must make those of us in the majority of voters who rejected the hateful, negative, xenophobic, blame-filled rhetoric of the Trump campaign more committed to the good fight, more convinced that we have history on our side, and more vocal in the coming years to speak truth to power.

OK, we can put our gloved fists down now. On second thought, keep them up.

The right wing ideologues who will run our government come January 20 will certainly do some damage to the environment, to the middle class, to those who need society’s protection from the ravages of a less caring government, and to our commitment to freedom and equality. But it is incumbent upon those of us who see the country’s mission as different to make our wishes known, to take to the streets if necessary and to monitor every move, covert and otherwise, that the new administration makes. And that includes filibusters, lawsuits, social media and nonviolent protests whenever we deem it necessary.

Remember that Donald Trump ran a terrible campaign, has no clue as to how to be a competent president, and that he has nominated people who don’t like government to, well, run the government. There will be some shockingly embarrassing moments in the next year alone, much less the next four, and we need to exploit them at every turn. Do not be hesitant. Do not be silent. Do not do the Democratic, left-wing thing where we say that we don’t want to be strident or uncompromising because that’s what Republicans do. Be difficult. Call out the perpetrators whenever possible. Take charge.

That’s the only way to fight against a group that has no shame when it comes to power grabs, fake news, and outrageously false accusations. We are the majority and we have to act like one.

Have a great holiday season. I’ll be back in 2017.

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