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Trump’s White House Now Acknowledges Multiple Contacts With Russia

This just might go down as the most untrustworthy Administration in America’s history. This Trump administration is yet to be introduced to the simple concept of telling the truth.

After months and months of saying that no one in their campaign met or had any contact with Russia during or after the 2016 presidential election,  they’re now saying that previously held position was not true.

Michael T. Flynn, then Donald J. Trump’s incoming national security adviser, had a previously undisclosed meeting with the Russian ambassador in December to “establish a line of communication” between the new administration and the Russian government, the White House said on Thursday.

Jared Kushner, Mr. Trump’s son-in-law and now a senior adviser, also participated in the meeting at Trump Tower with Mr. Flynn and Sergey I. Kislyak, the Russian ambassador. But among Mr. Trump’s inner circle, it is Mr. Flynn who appears to have been the main interlocutor with the Russian envoy — the two were in contact during the campaign and the transition, Mr. Kislyak and current and former American officials have said.

But the extent and frequency of their contacts remains unclear, and the disclosure of the meeting at Trump Tower adds to the emerging picture of how the relationship between Mr. Trump’s incoming team and Moscow was evolving to include some of the president-elect’s most trusted advisers.

The White House has repeatedly sought to play down any connections with Mr. Kislyak. Attorney General Jeff Sessions acknowledged this week that he had met twice with him during the campaign, despite previous denials.

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Obama White House Left Evidence Showing Connection Between Trump Campaign and Russia

Original reporting by The New York Times and NBC News report that in the Obama administration’s last days, some White House officials scrambled to spread information about Russian efforts to undermine the presidential election — and about possible contacts between associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump and Russians — across the government. Former American officials say they had two aims: to ensure that such meddling isn’t duplicated in future American or European elections, and to leave a clear trail of intelligence for government investigators.

American allies, including the British and the Dutch, had provided information describing meetings in European cities between Russian officials — and others close to Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin — and associates of President-elect Trump, according to three former American officials who requested anonymity in discussing classified intelligence. Separately, American intelligence agencies had intercepted communications of Russian officials, some of them within the Kremlin, discussing contacts with Mr. Trump’s associates.

Then and now, Mr. Trump has denied that his campaign had any contact with Russian officials, and at one point he openly suggested that American spy agencies had cooked up intelligence suggesting that the Russian government had tried to meddle in the presidential election. Mr. Trump has accused the Obama administration of hyping the Russia story line as a way to discredit his new administration.

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Stephen Colbert Dissects Trump’s So-Called “Address to Congress” – Video

Donald Trump made gave an address to Congress on Tuesday, with a softer tone and a vision some conservatives would definitely disagree with. But even the softer tone was not enough for Stephen Colbert to cast a positive light on Trump.

“Now, technically, this was not a ‘State of the Union,’” Colbert said during a live taping of his show. “Because I think in this timeline, the Confederacy won.”

Citing Trump’s vow to cut government waste and eliminate “non-essential federal workers,” Colbert questioned whether that meant adviser Kellyanne Conway would soon be out of a job.


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On Video, Trump Admits to Having a Relationship with Vladimir Putin – Video

Of course the words coming out of Trump’s mouth does not matter. That is the only explanation to this video where Trump admits to having a relationship with Putin and his more recent conclusion that he does not know the Russian leader.

But this video says otherwise.


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Keith Ellison and Tom Perez Mocked Trump’s Election “Win” – Video

The newly elected leaders of the DNC – DNC Head Tom Perez and Deputy Chairman, Rep Keith Ellison – made their first trip to MSNBC’s Hardball and was asked by Chris Matthews to respond to Donald Trump calling their election “rigged.”

“First of all a little levity here,” Matthews said. “Congressman Ellison, was this election rigged? Donald Trump said it was. Your thoughts.”

Ellison rolls his eyes and we all knew what his response was going to be.

“You know,” Ellison replied. “With a guy getting help from the Russians, well for him to call anything rigged is ridiculous.”

Tom Perez laughed and so did the rest of America at the lunacy of Trump questioning the DNC’s election result. With the level of interference Russia had in rigging the election in favor of Trump, he has balls questioning any election result.


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President George Bush on Donald Trump – “I Don’t Like The Racism”

Former Republican president, George W. Bush and his wife were interviewed in their home by PEOPLE magazine. Asked for his thoughts on his republican counterpart, Donald Trump, Bush answered the only way he could, by referencing the obvious racist factor of the Trump’s presidency.

“I don’t like the racism and I don’t like the name-calling and I don’t like the people feeling alienated,” Bush, 70, tells PEOPLE in an interview for the new issue of the magazine on newsstands Friday.

“Nobody likes that.”

The former president, joined by his wife  Laura, spoke with PEOPLE in the third-floor painting studio of their Dallas home to launch his first art book, Portraits of Courage: A Commander in Chief’s Tribute to America’s Warriors. The collection of portraits of the wounded warriors of America’s war on terror aims to raise awareness and funds for the post-9/11 veterans’ health care and employment programs of the George W. Bush Presidential Center.

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Father of Navy SEAL Killed in Trump Raid Refused to Meet with Trump

It was just about a month ago when Donald Trump ordered a fail raid in Yemen, a raid that ended up killing a little American girl and a Navy SEAL named, William Ryan Owens. When Owens remains came back to the U.S., Donald Trump himself wanted to see the damage his hands caused, and he wanted to have a meeting with Owens’ family. Owens’ dad however, wanted nothing to do with Trump.

Speaking with the Miami Herald, Bill Owens explained that they had requested a private transfer of the remains, with no press and just a few military dignitaries. However, when informed that Trump was on his way, Owens said he didn’t want to meet him.

“I’m sorry, I don’t want to see him,’’ Owens recalled telling the chaplain who informed him that Trump was on his way from Washington. “I told them I don’t want to meet the President.”

He told the Herald he “cringed at the thought” of having to shake the president’s hand and that his “conscience wouldn’t let me talk to him.” Owens, a veteran himself, also questioned why the mission was even approved.

“Why at this time did there have to be this stupid mission when it wasn’t even barely a week into his administration? Why? For two years prior, there were no boots on the ground in Yemen — everything was missiles and drones — because there was not a target worth one American life. Now, all of a sudden we had to make this grand display?’’

Following the mission, which besides the loss of Ryan Owens’s life also saw numerous civilians killed and an aircraft destroyed, the White House has pushed back against any disagreement that the raid was a complete success.

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Sen. Barbara Boxer Sends Trump a Copy of The 1st Amendment

Barbara Boxer, a Democratic Senator from California, is hoping that you help her send a message to the President – that according to the United States Constitution, the 1st amendment guarantees “freedom of the press.” Boxer took to Twitter to send the 1st amendment to Donald Trump, and she asking everyone on Twitter to do the same.

“Trump shot out press,” Boxer tweeted, referring to the recent unprecedented move by Donald Trump to restrict press coverage of a White House press gaggle. “Tweet him a copy of the 1st amendment, guaranteeing freedom of the press,” she wrote.

I just did. But I don’t think Trump is capable of understanding the 1st amendment, let alone the U.S Constitution.

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Donald Trump Will Not Attend the White House Correspondents’ Dinner

The sitting president of the United States is often the featured speaker at the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner. But this year, in what has so far turned out to be a tumultuous year in office for the donald, Donald Trump has taken to Twitter to announce his decision to stay away from this year’s April 29th event.

“I will not be attending the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner this year. Please wish everyone well and have a great evening!,” Trump wrote on Twitter.

On the campaign trail and in the White House, Trump has had a strained relationship with the press, calling journalists “the enemy of the people” and frequently criticizing outlets and individual reporters whose coverage he does not like.

The reporters’ group said it would go ahead with its April 29 dinner despite Trump’s absence. The Washington event typically draws movie stars, politicians and business leaders to hear a humorous speech by the sitting president.

The dinner “has been and will continue to be a celebration of the First Amendment and the important role played by an independent news media in a healthy republic,” said Jeff Mason, a Reuters White House correspondent who heads the association this year.

Ronald Reagan was the last president to sit out the event after he was shot in 1981.

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Trump to Conservatives – “Now You Finally Have a President, Finally”

One time Democrat, now self-proclaimed Republican Donald Trump, spoke at the yearly conservative gathering called CPAC and declared to the group that he is their president, “finally.”

President Trump declared himself among friends as he delivered a campaign-style speech Friday at an annual gathering of conservative activists and told the crowd that his movement represented the future of the Republican party.

“Now you finally have a president, finally,” Trump said, shortly after taking stage to Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the U.S.A.”

He later promised that “the forgotten men and women of America will be forgotten no more.”

With his appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference at National Harbor in Maryland, Trump became the first sitting president since Ronald Reagan to address the group during his first year in office.

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Democrats’ Only Choice – Fight Trump All The Way

Spurred by the American people and their constant protests against Donald Trump and his draconian ideas and policies, Congressional Democrats are slowly coming to terms with the only logical way to deal with Trump – become the party of NO!

Reduced to their weakest state in a generation, Democratic Party leaders will gather in two cities this weekend to plot strategy and select a new national chairman with the daunting task of rebuilding the party’s depleted organization. But senior Democratic officials concede that the blueprint has already been chosen for them — by an incensed army of liberals demanding no less than total war against President Trump.

Immediately after the November election, Democrats were divided over how to handle Mr. Trump, with one camp favoring all-out confrontation and another backing a seemingly less risky approach of coaxing him to the center with offers of compromise.

Now, spurred by explosive protests and a torrent of angry phone calls and emails from constituents — and outraged themselves by Mr. Trump’s swift moves to enact a hard-line agenda — Democrats have all but cast aside any notion of conciliation with the White House. Instead, they are mimicking the Republican approach of the last eight years — the “party of no” — and wagering that brash obstruction will pay similar dividends.

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