Climate change Politics

Fox News Presents Report from Fossil Fuel Lobbyist to Deny Climate Change – Video

Although 97 percent of climate experts agree that “humans are causing global warming,” the Fox News cast is still dragging its collective knuckles, criticizing the President for “declaring” climate change a fact.

And they did shows about it too.

In a recent  Fox News’ Special Report, host Chris Wallace did a segment on carbon emission regulations and stated that “President Obama has declared climate change a fact,” despite “objections from many dissenters.” In a Special Report presented by Doug McKelway, the case was made that climate change is not happening, and it contained an interview from a noted climate change denier Marc Morano who, as fate would have it, has ties with the fossil fuel industry.

Of course this fact was not disclosed to their audience that the report they presented had information from a lobbyist for fossil fuel industry.

h/t MMFA

Climate change Featured

Nestlé Chairman Suggest Climate Change Is An Act of God – Humans Must Learn to Adopt

Peter Brabeck

In an interview with The Guardian, Nestlé Chairman Peter Brabeck argued against climate action, arguing the change in global temperature is natural and cyclical — a familiar point from the climate denier playbook. He worried that confronting the issue is similar to humans playing “God”:

Climate change is an intrinsic part of the development of the world. Since the world has existed we have had climate changes and we will have climate change as long as the world exists … For me the issue is more about what can we do in order to adapt to climate change and perhaps to try to gain more time … Are we God to say the climate, as it is today, is the one we have to keep? That’s the way it’s going to be? We are not God. What we have to assure is that climate change happens within a timeframe that humankind can adapt to.
If too much CO2 emission is accelerating climate change in a manner that will take away the possibility for us to adapt to it then we have a problem, but what I think is wrong to say is that we are going to stop climate change today. It’s not the natural approach. What we have to get to grips with is the speed with which climate change is happening and to have the same speed for us to adapt to it.

It is a strange position to take for a chocolate producer, because the $9 billion cocao industry faces a serious blow from climate change. By 2050, the land supplying half the world’s cocoa may become unsuitable for farming, because it will be too hot for the heat-sensitive cacao tree. It’s not the only food being ruined due to a drier, hotter climates: The supply for coffee, grapes, apples, peanut butter, and maple syrup is shrinking too. Brabeck’s strange logic here also suggests there is a ceiling to warming, regardless of how much pollution there is. But scientists have warned that even a 2 degrees Celsius threshold may already be out-of-reach.

Climate change Politics

Climate Change At Center Stage In Obama’s Inaugural Address

WASHINGTON — President Obama made addressing climate change the most prominent policy vow of his second Inaugural Address, setting in motion what Democrats say will be a deliberately paced but aggressive campaign built around the use of his executive powers to sidestep Congressional opposition.

“We will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing that failure to do so would betray our children and future generations,” Mr. Obama said on Monday at the start of eight sentences on the subject, more than he devoted to any other specific area. “Some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science, but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires, and crippling drought, and more powerful storms.”

The central place he gave to the subject seemed to answer the question of whether he considered it a realistic second-term priority. He devoted scant attention to it in the campaign and has delivered a mixed message about its importance since the election.

Climate change Politics republican candidate

Why Chris Christie Cannot Be President If He Runs

Simple answer: Chris Christie, the Republican darling governor of New Jersey,  believes in global warming. And what’s even more unheard of in today’s Republican party is this; Christie believes that humans play a major role in the warming of the planet! This from

In case anyone had any doubts on where Gov. Chris Christie stands on climate change, he made his position crystal clear this afternoon: It’s real and it’s a problem.

In vetoing a bill (S2946) that would have required New Jersey to stay in a regional program intended to curb greenhouse gases — a program Christie plans to leave by the end of the year — the governor said “climate change is real.”

He added that “human activity plays a role in these changes” and that climate change is “impacting our state.”

This position by Christie seems a reasonable one, and is supported by a majority of scientists worldwide. But Republicans in this country will go to the grave holding onto their naive, irresponsible stance that global warming does not exist. So Christie’s coming out and agreeing with science and the thermometer, is in itself, enough to disqualify him from any presidential consideration for 2012.

After Christie made his statement, Doug Powers wrote on the conservative website that this is probably Christie’s way of telling Republicans that he’s tired of them asking him to run, so admitting to global warming is his way of saying move on to someone else. Doug wrote;

Ann Coulter says Christie is the only Republican who can defeat President Obama next November, but if he’s going to keep talking like this, I beg to differ (I beg to differ anyway, but especially now).

Of course, there’s always a chance that Christie’s just tired of Republicans wondering if he’s going to run for president and this is his way of getting them to stop asking.

Move on folks, there’s nothing more to see here.

Climate change Mitt Romney Politics Republican

Mitt Romney Believes In Global Warming – Republicans Do Not!

It’s just another reason why many Republicans and Conservatives are against the Mitt Romney run for the 2012 Presidential candidacy. The politically charged issue that has become a big decision maker in recent elections, with Republicans taking the stance that Global Warming is a myth, steamrolled by Democrats to make money.

But apparently, Mitt Romney breaks away from the Republican way of thinking on this matter, which is another reason most Republicans and Conservatives will vote for a lobotomy performed by Joe the Plumber, instead of casting that vote for Romney in the primaries or in 2012.

While announcing his decision to run for President, Romney was asked about his stance on Global Warming. He replied;

“I don’t speak for the scientific community, of course, but I believe the world’s getting warmer. I can’t prove that, but I believe based on what I read that the world is getting warmer. And number two, I believe that humans contribute to that . . . so I think it’s important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may well be significant contributors to the climate change and the global warming that you’re seeing.’’

Romney might be the only one in the Republican party that thinks it is important to cut emission pollutants and greenhouse gases. His potential Republican rival, Sarah Palin, just said how she loves the smell of emissions. If she doesn’t run, don’t look for a Palin endorsement of Mitt Romney.

Climate change Featured United States United States Environmental Protection Agency

Chairman of Energy Disagrees with Climate Change

How crazy is it that the House of Representatives Republican Chairman of Energy, Fred Upton thinks that climate change is not man-made. You know, all the pollutants we pump into the atmosphere day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, have nothing to do with why our climate gets warmer and warmer, right?

Brad Johnson gives this report.

At a public forum today, Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI), the new head of the House energy committee, denied that climate change is manmade. Upton, who received $20,000 from Koch Industries in his most recent campaign, had called for a reduction in greenhouse emissions as recently as June 2009.

Upton has now introduced legislation with Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) to overturn the scientific finding by the Environmental Protection Agency that greenhouse pollution threatens public health. This morning, Upton was pressed by National Journal‘s Ron Brownstein as to why the Upton-Inhofe bill describes climate change as “possible.” After repeated attempts to avoid the question, Upton finally explained his wide-straddling stance: he accepts that the planet is warming, but not that the billions of tons of greenhouse gases emitted by human activity are a cause:

“I have said many times, and there was a report a couple of weeks ago that in fact you look at this last year, it was the warmest year in the last decade, I think was the numbers that came out. I don’t — I accept that. I do not say that it is man-made.”

Upton then repeated the falsehood that “even if cap-and-trade had been enacted, it would not have changed the temperature by a tenth of a degree anywhere in the world.”

In reality, the Environmental Protection Agency has found that U.S. cap-and-trade would avoid several degrees of catastrophic warming. And 2010 was not just the hottest year this decade, but the hottest year in recorded history. This is why the National Academies of Science found last year that “climate change is occurring and is caused in large part by human activities” and that the United States should “act now to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

Instead, tomorrow Upton will hold a hearing with several witnesses funded by Exxon Mobil and Koch Industries to praise the Upton-Inhofe pollution act.

– Brad Johnson

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