With so much going on in the world today Republicans are focused like a laser on the only issue they’re concerned about – President Obama’s tan suit. But like Jay Z said, the president is just brushing them off his shoulders.
President Obama “feels pretty good” about his decision to wear a tan suit to a presidential press conference, press secretary Josh Earnest said Friday.
“The president stands squarely behind his decision he made yesterday to wear his summer suit,” Earnest said at the opening of his daily press briefing with reporters.
The press secretary said he had considered also wearing a tan-colored outfit on Friday but decided it might be “too much.”
So it turns out liberals love the constitution much more than conservatives. You see if not for us “Libtards” there would be more bodies lying dead in Ferguson, Missouri. One dead boy is certainly too many. One boy who isn’t able to see how certain parts (liberal) of the country are rallying to see justice served. There would be more Mike Brown’s in Ferguson if not for the liberals in Missouri and around the country, on Facebook and Twitter demanding an end to the militarized police in the streets of Ferguson.
Funny how we haven’t seen those “conservatives” who bitch and moan about upholding the Constitution, hell they even have a “Constitution Party” yet where were they when police were pointing military assault weapons at peaceful, unarmed kids in the streets? Where were they when police were knocking down cameras and arresting journalists? Putting innocent civilians and journalists in jail? Where?
You know where they were. At home jacking off to the idea of all of those citizens of Ferguson owning guns. Yes that’s what they want. They want them all to have guns, open carry. Let’s imagine what would have happened if those citizens had those guns the NRA wants everyone to have. Who do you think would have won? The people or the militarized police department with their assault weapons and hand grenades and tanks? What carnage would we have seen on television?
They love their Constitution when it suits them. When white men with guns show up at a ranch and threaten to kill the Feds or the police if they try to force them off they scream about Second Amendment rights. But when unarmed, peaceful citizens want to express their FIRST Amendment rights then it’s crickets…nothing. And notice how no police tanks showed up at Bundy Ranch.
This is how full of shit right wingers are, totally full of shit. But thank goodness for the liberals. They tweeted their disgust, they were out there in danger, getting tear gassed and shot with rubber bullets. Yes this is America in 2014, not Selma, Alabama in 1962. But they were there protesting the police brutality and escalation of violence. They were there.
So President Obama made a call to Governor Nixon of Missouri. How does a Nixon get elected to public office anyway? I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall listening to that conversation. I know Obama is a gentleman, a lot more gentle than I would be if I were in his position, but let me quickly translate what he MIGHT have said.
Hey Nixon, get your ass out there and put someone in charge who knows what the fuck they’re doing. If I see one more tank or hear about one more tear gas attack or journalist being jailed, I’m gonna come there and put my foot firmly up your ass.
Yeah, I think it went something like that..only nicer…maybe. So Nixon was on television today, telling us that the local police are out and the Missouri highway patrol is in. Headed by a black man. Yes Nixon also said lots of bullshit. He wouldn’t talk about the people responsible for the injustices of the last few nights or what might happen to them. “Lets’ look ahead,” he said. The mantra of a corporate politician. He lied about civilians being ALMOST equally responsible for the unrest. Total lies. But changes were made, hopefully they work. You could tell that Nixon would rather be shaving his balls than making these announcements.
So America has been awakened to the militarization of the police. That we don’t have police, but wanna be soldiers without the training. Police that have no knowledge of the Constitution or even local laws. If they do, they don’t care. This has been going on for years now, as I and a few others have spoken about. But cameras and reporters have witnessed this over the top police response so now people are finally outraged.
But this will happen again. We may or may not know about it next time. This is America. The Federal government is responsible as well because they are funding these police departments with the money and the military style equipment. 450 million bucks worth. This all started after 9/11 with scumbag Rudy Giuliani using the excuse of “9/11 changed everything” to justify the militarization and brutality of the police department. It’s important to not forget that, to not just “look ahead.”
These same departments claim there is no money for officers to wear cameras or even have them in their patrol cars. The money must stop going for this war time paraphernalia and must go for the cameras that make more officers act responsibly and within the law.
Then there is what can only be called the cover-up of the facts in the Michael Brown case. The officers name still hasn’t been released. The number of bullets shot and the number of bullets that hit Brown have not been released. The reason for leaving Brown’s body in the street for four hours hasn’t been revealed. All of this is against Missouri state law. This is one of the main reasons why people are upset and protesting. How quickly justice moves along when a citizen is accused of a crime. How slowly it moves when a police officer is involved. This makes people angry and it should.
Another witness now tells us that Brown was shot while on his knees with his hands in the air, shot several times. Same account among witnesses from different angles, people who have no connection to each other at all. Why hasn’t the officer been arrested and charged? You or I would be in jail by now, that we know. If Michael Brown had shot and killed the officer we would know his name and he would be behind bars. Pure fact.
So maybe the current cop crap is over in Ferguson, maybe. But Michael Brown remains dead and his parents without a son. Let’s not forget that. Justice still isn’t close to being served.
Rep. Mick Mulvaney of South Carolina is pleading with Republicans to thread lightly on the impeachment talk, suggesting that Democrats would want nothing more than an impeachment conversation before the midterm elections.
In a radio interview with WQSC 1340, the South Carolina Republican said, “Believe me, let’s make one thing perfectly clear. The only people who want impeachment more than the right wing of the Republican Party is the entire Democrat Party.”
“Oh, they’re desperate for impeachment. They would love to be able to talk about impeachment and immigration between now and the November elections. Instead of talking about jobs, and the economy, and health care. They are desperate to change the dialogue, which is exactly why you heard the president starting to talk about his amnesty cause he’s begging to be impeached.”
Mulvaney added Republicans should “follow the Constitution” and only impeach the president if he takes an action that meets the high standard of high crimes and misdemeanors.
“Let’s not fall into a trap when the guy absolutely wants to be impeached,” the congressman said, citing money raised by Democrats exploiting the supposed threat of impeachment.
MoveOn has seen this game played out before and it is a game perfected by right-winged media nuts like Rush Limbaugh and politicians like John McCain.
So when Hillary Clinton joined that same right-winged talking-point and condemned Obama for not arming the rebels in Syria, effectively calling the president’s decision not to arm “stupid,” MoveOn stepped in and issued this warning to Clinton “and any other person” wishing to get the Democratic nomination in 2016.
The statement was on Tuesday by Ilya Sheyman, the executive director of MoveOn Political Action.
Secretary Clinton, and any other person thinking about seeking the Democratic nomination in 2016, should think long and hard before embracing the same policies advocated by right-wing war hawks that got America into Iraq in the first place and helped set the stage for Iraq’s troubles today. These hawkish policy stances are also threatening to undermine the peaceful international resolution of Iran’s nuclear program.
Voters elected President Obama in 2008 to bring the war in Iraq to an end. MoveOn members will continue to stand with elected officials who oppose military escalation that could put us back on a path to endless war.
Juan Williams, a Fox News contributor went on Fox News today and explained the motivating factor behind those like his Fox network, who are calling for the impeachment of Barack Obama. That motivating factor, according to Juan Williams, is racism.
“Lot’s of people see it, especially in the minority community, as an attack on the first black president, think it’s unfair, so it’s going spur their turnout in midterms which is going to be critical in several races,” Williams said.
Fox host Chris Wallace then jumped in to ask if Williams really meant to accuse conservatives of racism.
“Well, all I can do is look at the numbers,” Williams responded. “If you look at the core constituency of people, let’s say, who are in tea party opposition support of impeachment, there’s no diversity. It’s a white, older group of people.”
Arizona senator John McCain is pushing back against all the impeachment talks, because although he believes the president should be impeached for… being president, McCain is pushing back because he realizes that “there just aren’t the votes” in congress for impeachment.
“We’re not gonna impeach the president of the United States,” McCain told Phoenix radio station KFYI. “There just aren’t the votes there even if we believed that it was warranted.”
Saying that Democrats are happy with talks of impeaching the president because they’re able to raise funds off the issue, McCain implied that if Republicans win the Senate in November, then anything, even impeachment, is possible.
“I think the Democrats view [impeachment] as a good way to raise money to use against us, and I don’t want to let that happen. But I do believe the President has broken more laws by executive order — let me put it this way, I think he’s abused the executive branch in a way I don’t recall any other President doing that, by these executive orders that are just directly contrary to the law.”
Once again Republicans find themselves on the wrong side of history. A new CNN poll finds that an overwhelming majority of Americans do want to impeach or sue President Obama. Despite what John Boehner, Sarah Palin and the rest of the Republican party want you to believe.
The poll finds the majority of Americans oppose impeaching Obama by 65-33, and oppose the House GOP lawsuit against the president by 57-41. A majority disagree by 52-45 that he’s gone too far in expanding executive power.
You’ll be shocked to hear that only Republicans and conservatives support both impeaching the president and the lawsuit against him. Republicans support impeachment by 57-42; they support the lawsuit by 75-22. Among conservatives those numbers are 56-44 and 64-33.
Meanwhile, majorities of moderates and independents overwhelmingly oppose both. Among moderates the numbers on impeachment are 26-72 and on the lawsuit they are 34-62. Among independents the numbers are 35-63 and 43-55.
Arizona Senator John McCain has been upset with President Obama since Obama kicked his butt in the 2008 presidential elections. So every chance he gets, McCain tries to chastised the president even when it’s clearly not warranted.
In his last appearance on CNN, McCain blamed Obama for everything that has gone wrong in the world, claiming the world is in “greater turmoil than at any time in my lifetime” and it is a “direct result of an absence of American leadership.”
CNN’S Fareed Zakaria rightfully disagreed, and took a moment to gently slam McCain in this Washington Post op-ed, by giving the senator a history lesson on all of the arguably much worse wars and struggles that occurred after McCain was born by before Barack Obama became president.
Last night, Zakaria sat down for an interview with his “future boss” Jon Stewart to elaborate on what he meant. Citing the Cold War, the war in Vietnam and the 1973 war between Israel and Egypt, Zakaria tried to give McCain some perspective.
When Stewart brought up the Civil War as yet another example, Zakaria replied, “You might have forgotten, that wasn’t in McCain’s lifetime… Though I can understand the mistake.”
“You thought, ‘OK, we elect Barack and that’s it,’” Obama told a crowd of big-dollar donors gathered in the lush Hancock Park backyard of TV producer Shonda Rhimes. He reminded them that he’d warned that it wasn’t about electing him but about getting “our democracy to work.”
“I have got to have a Congress that has some sense and is willing to work and is willing to compromise and is focused on the American people. And we don’t have that right now.”
Obama is often candid about what he describes as Democrats’ chronic problem: low turnout in midterm elections. But his remarks Wednesday came with a sharper ribbing for a crowd he seemed to think could take it.
Democrats like the fun of a presidential campaign, Obama said. But “we’ve got to step it up in the midterms. Not when it’s easy, not when it’s sexy, not when there’s hope posters….”
While Democrats “don’t even know there’s an election,” Obama said, Republicans get to the polls.
“Lo and behold we’re surprised when John Boehner is speaker of the House! What happened to Nancy Pelosi? What happened is y’all didn’t vote. And that’s when all kinds of … stuff happened,” Obama said, pausing as if deliberating on whether to keep the rant clean. “That’s what it was — stuff.”
Sarah Palin and the Republicans are continuing to sing the impeachment song. Over the weekend, Palin once again floated the idea of impeaching President Obama because… well, because she says so. And the Republicans at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver loved it!
“There’s only one remedy for a president who commits high crimes and misdemeanors, and it’s impeachment,” she said. “It’s the ‘I-word.’ You don’t need some fancy law degree hanging on your wall there to know laws are not being enforced today. Illegal immigrants all over the world also know that.”
Democrats are hoping that Republicans jump off that impeachment cliff again.
Since Boehner’s lawsuit against Obama and the constant Republican drumbeat for impeachment, the voting base of the Democratic party are getting riled up for the midterm election, an election they generally sit out.
The Washington Post reports that The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has raised $3.7 million from 200,000 online donations since Boehner announced his lawsuit on June 25.
“Republicans are drastically overreaching with their lawsuit and impeachment talk, and the result has been a massive surge of enthusiasm from our grass-roots supporters,” DCCC chairman Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y) said. “A stark contrast has developed between Republicans’ focus on suing or impeaching the president and Democrats’ focus on strengthening the economy for the middle class.”
There was a disagreement on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, between host Joe Scarborough and co-host Mika Brzezinski.
The discussion had to do with the downed MH17 flight in Ukraine and the way two American presidents handled the situation when planes were shot down during their administration. The presidents? Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan.
Mika Brzezinski tried to educate the Republican with the fact that Ronald Reagan handled a similar situation by staying on vacation for 4 extra days before finally making a statement. Joe lamented how wrong she was about his faithful leader, Reagan.
The convo went like this:
BRZEZINSKI: At the same time there’s these parallels being made to Ronald Reagan and how he responded to the Korean airliner. It took him four days to go back and make the strong statements that he made, just for some perspective.
SCARBOROUGH: He immediately canceled his vacation.
BRZEZINSKI: No, he didn’t, actually.
SCARBOROUGH: Yes, he actually did.
BRZEZINSKI: No, he didn’t immediately cancel it.
SCARBOROUGH: Yes, he did. He immediately canceled it. He immediately went back to the White House. He immediately canceled fund-raising events and campaign events. Yes, he did. You can go back and look. Ronald Reagan didn’t keep campaigning. He stopped when the Korean airliner went down.
Brzezinski, it turned out, was right. Reagan’s address came four days after the attack, in between which he had an aide make a statement about the incident before making a shorter one himself. At the time, Reagan had been on a twenty-five day vacation in California, and resisted returning to Washington, having an aide tell reporters that he had “every facility, every capacity, every capability” to deal with the crisis at his California ranch. The trip was eventually cut short.
Scarborough conceded the point on Twitter about fifteen minutes later:
And thanks to all the kind souls on Twitter who pointed out my boneheaded error as well. You are great ombudsmen! I was wrong. @morningmika
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