New York Politics

New York Signs $15 Minimum Wage and 12 Weeks Paid Family Leave into Law

Once again, New York leads the way!

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today signed legislation enacting a statewide $15 minimum wage plan and a 12-week paid family leave policy. The legislation was passed as part of the 2016-17 state budget, and marks a major accomplishment in the Governor’s efforts to restore economic justice and fairness to working families in New York State. The Governor signed these two pieces of legislation immediately prior to attending a 1,000-person victory rally, which included workers, advocates, labor leaders, and elected officials. That rally was held at the Jacob K. Javits Center in New York City.

“By moving to a $15 statewide minimum wage and enacting the strongest paid family leave policy in the nation, New York is showing the way forward on economic justice,”said Governor Cuomo. “These policies will not only lift up the current generation of low-wage workers and their families, but ensure fairness for future generations and enable them to climb the ladder of opportunity. I am proud to sign these programs into law, because they will ensure a stronger, fairer and brighter future for all New Yorkers.”

Featured Sarah Palin Veteran Affairs

Sarah Palin Being Considered for Secretary of Veteran Affairs #INSANITY

I get the feeling that Donald Trump is willfully instituting people who will dismantle the very organizations they’ll be sworn to uphold. I get the feeling he is trying to systematically break down every pillar this nation was founded on. He is, of course, the candidate Russia worked hard to elect. It feels as if Trump is getting his marching orders from Putin and if he is, then Russia must be happy!

ABC News is reporting that Sarah Palin is “under consideration for Secretary of Veterans Affairs.” Hopefully, she will stay the full term!

This is the best response to this news.

Donald Trump Featured

Blame Shifting – Trump Blames Hillary For Things He’s Guilty Of

I’m amazed that Trump’s game is not seen by more people, especially those people who call themselves “pundits” which is essentially the art studying politicians. I am clearly a novice compared to the professionals we see on TV every second of every day. But so far, the professionals are still perplexed by Donald Trump.

Here’s my simple observation. If you want to know what Donald Trump is up to, just listen to the way he attacks his opponents. It’s a classic case of blame your opponent for the very thing you’re guilty of. This method – something Trump has done over and over again – is also known as Karl Rove Strategy #3 – a primitive psychological process of Projection, better known as ‘Blame-Shifting.’

Take Trump’s latest dust-up for example. On Monday, Trump dabbled in Rove’s playbook once again when he claimed, “millions of people…voted illegally” and without any proof to substantiate his claims, Trump went further, saying that “serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California.” This frantic blame-shifting game came into play after news broke that Hillary Clinton appeared willing to join efforts requesting election result recounts in Michigan and Wisconsin.

It is well documented that Russia played a pivotal role in Trump’s election “win.” Federal agencies have investigated and concluded that Russia hacked into computers and databases of a number of Democratic officials, including the Democratic National Committee, and information deemed harmful to Hillary Clinton was revealed.

Others have taken this even further. Some say that Russia’s influence on the 2016 election did not stop at hacking databases for Democrats, they claim that Russia also hacked into the voting machines as well. There have been numerous polling stations reporting that the amount of votes cast for Trump were greater than the amount of registered voters on record. Clearly, something is amiss and you don’t have to be a math genius to figure it out. Trump trailed the entire way in the general election process, then blew-out Clinton on election night. Many say that was only possible with the help of Russia’s hack-job.

So now that recount requests are made in Michigan and Wisconsin – two states that Trump “won”, Trump is projecting blame again, blaming the other side for things his side did during the 2016 election. With no proof whatsoever, Donald Trump is now claiming that voting irregularities happened in Democratic won states like California, Virginia and New Hampshire.

Karl Rove Strategy #3 is strong and at play. And the professionals are still wondering what is up Trump’s sleeve!

Featured Racism

INSANITY – White Trump Supporter Says Black Worker “Discriminated” Against Her – Video

When Donald Trump stood in front of an audience and proclaimed, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone, and not lose a vote,” he was talking about people like this Chicago woman!


Donald Trump Featured

Elector Resigns – Says He “Can Not and Will Not Vote for Donald Trump”

He is one of the Electors from Texas and from the looks of things, this Elector takes his job very seriously. Art Sisneros can easily be classified as one of the sane electors in the group of crazies already pledging their support for Donald Trump.

Sisneros wrote in his personal blog that based on his belief that Donald Trump is not equip for the Presidency, he is quitting his role as an Elector in the state of Texas.

If Trump is not qualified and my role, both morally and historically, as an elected official is to vote my conscience, then I can not and will not vote for Donald Trump for President. I believe voting for Trump would bring dishonor to God. The reality is Trump will be our President, no matter what my decision is. Many are furious that I am willing to have this discussion publicly. Personally, I wish more civil officers would be honest about their convictions. Assuming a Trump Presidency is their ultimate goal, they will get that. The problem is, that isn’t what they want. They want a democracy. They will threaten to kill anyone who challenges their power to vote for Skittles for dinner. That is evidence alone to prove that our republic is lost. The shell may remain, but in the hearts of the people and functionality of the system our republic is gone. I also believe that a pledge is a man’s word that he will follow through on something he committed to. God’s Word is clear we should all “let our ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and our ‘no,’s ‘no.”[20] I believe to resign is to honor the intent of the pledge as it relates to the people of my district. Since I can’t in good conscience vote for Donald Trump, and yet have sinfully made a pledge that I would, the best option I see at this time is to resign my position as an Elector.

BLM Politics thanksgiving

Girl Told to Remove her Black Lives Matter T-Shirt – Her Response Went VIRAL

It was quite understandable – ‘no politics at the Thanksgiving Dinner table’. So when Rebecca Malstorm wore a Black Lives Matter T-Shirt to her family’s Thanksgiving dinner, her family asked her to change into something else. She did… She changed into another Black Lives Matter T-Shirt.

“We had a strict ‘no politics’ rule, so when one family member asked me to change, I followed the command and changed… into another BLM shirt,” the 19-year-old University of Maryland student told Mashable. She posted photographs of the two shirts on Twitter and the internet loved it.

After changing into her second Black Lives Matter shirt and returning to the dinner table, Malstrom said the reaction from her family members “wasn’t as exciting as it could’ve been.”

She decided to cover the shirt with a sweater to avoid conflict, but the following night at “friendsgiving” with some of her additional family members in attendance, Malstrom proudly wore the same shirt without the words covered. “That’s when I told everyone that my tweet had blown up. Their reactions were priceless!” she said.

“I love my entire family to Pluto and back, but we don’t see eye to eye on politics. However, they have all shown their support and are so proud of me for standing for what I believe in,” Malstrom told Mashable. “Even though not all of my family agrees with my political views, everyone was ecstatic to see how much of an impact I had on the internet.”


Donald Trump Education

Trump’s Education Pick: Making American Public Schools Worse!

Just remember: Most voters rejected Donald Trump’s vision of the United States. They rejected his rhetoric, his vile comments about women and minorities, and they don’t want large tax cuts to the wealthy, a trade war with China or a Supreme Court that overturns hard-won democratic victories for women, gays, and those that desperately need health insurance. They also rejected the far right’s view that religious people should be able to discriminate in the name of God’s love and that hate groups should have a seat at the country’s table of power.

Donald Trump will, of course, not pay any attention to this. That’s why we need to remind him at every turn that we are here and we will be loud. And by the way, Charles Blow is my new hero.

As Trump builds his cabinet, it’s becoming clear that he is not a new Populist, but an old-style Republican with the added twist of not respecting the Constitution or his responsibility to be president 100% of the time, not part time so he can also sell his name on buildings. He also hasn’t given a lot of thought about how his appointments will actually contradict what he ran on.

For example, his proposed choice for Secretary of Education, Betsy Devos. Had Hillary Clinton won the presidency, her choice would have reflected a commitment to public schools with a mixture of Charter School policies sprinkled in. Ms. DeVos, however, has never taught in a classroom, doesn’t have experience with public schools, doesn’t have any political experience, and doesn’t respect that public school teachers need representation and protection from a very political public school system. She begins with a firm commitment to school vouchers and Charter School, with public schools an afterthought. Oddly, she worked with Jeb Bush in Florida and is a fan of national standards, though not calling them Common Core. Her track record is terrible. Just what we need for education policy.

It’s a very good thing that the federal government has no constitutional role in the public schools because both Arne Duncan, President Obama’s Secretary of Education, and Ms. DeVos could do far greater damage. As it is, Ms. DeVos can try to guide policy towards more school competition, but she can’t force districts to radically change their curricula or administration. That’s the good news.

The bad news is that the choice of Ms. DeVos sends a message that the Secretary of Education need not have very much actual education experience. It’s insulting to have someone foisted on you who knows less about education or what works in the classroom for students than you do. It’s also a travesty that Ms. DeVos has little respect for the associations, such as the NEA, that continue to work hard to defend teachers against unwarranted interference and ensure that every education professional earns a livable salary and works in a safe, productive environment. Living through the Christie years here in New Jersey saw the education establishment fight for every scrap of respect and bargaining right we ever had. We won some and lost some major ones. We will fight, but it would be nice if we didn’t have to.

Donald Trump and the new know-nothing Republicans he’s appointed so far have a point-of-view that does not reflect the majority of voters in this country. They are anti-Muslim, supportive of far right wing hate groups, or just inexperienced to the point that they will be learning on the job for the first year, including the president-elect himself. Many of his supporters want to make America great again, when it’s pretty great as it is.

It’s a shame that we’ll be taking three steps backward before we take one stride forward.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Donald Trump Politics

Keith Olbermann Explains “How To Remove Trump Without Trying” – Video

Keith Olbermann sat before the camera once again and dug into the United States Constitution, more specifically, Amendment 25, Section 4. Olbermann explains “how to remove Trump as POTUS without really trying.”


Anti-Trump Electoral Voter Files Lawsuit to Vote Against Trump

Some of the 270 electors who will eventually vote for the next president in December are so serious against voting for Donald Trump, they’re taking their fight to court.

According to the lawsuit, some of the electors are demanding the freedom to vote for someone else, even if it means voting against their state’s election results.

A lawyer for Michael Baca, a Colorado elector, told Politico that his client is preparing a lawsuit challenging state laws that force electors to vote for their party’s nominee.

There are currently 29 states with laws on the books that bind electors to the election result in their respective states, but those laws have never been enforced.

Further, the penalty for violating the law is typically a small fine.

There are at least six “faithless” electors who say they plan to undermine the Electoral College by voting for someone other than their nominee.

If they move forward with their protest, it will be the largest electoral defection since 1808, when six Democratic-Republican electors refused to vote for James Madison.

Art Sisneros, a GOP elector from Texas, told Politico he will decide next week whether to join the protest and cast his vote for someone other than Donald Trump.


David Clarke Defend Racists – “I refer to myself as [boy]” – Video

When Donald Trump tagged Jeff Sessions, a man who previously lost a congressional confirmation battle for a federal judgeship due to his racist views, no one thought Sessions would get another chance to get a cabinet position in any future administration. But here he is, being considered by Donald Trump to be the next Attorney General.

Of course, Fox News will bring on people sympathetic to racist. In defending one of Session’s racist remarks, where he referred to a black man as “boy,” David Clark found nothing wrong with that because he too refers to himself as a boy too.

DAVID CLARKE: Look, nobody’s perfect. If he made some statements, he called somebody boy —

MEGYN KELLY (HOST): Don’t worry, Eric, we’ll get to you.

CLARKE: Megyn, I refer to myself as that.

ERIC GUSTER: Can I answer the question, Megyn?

CLARKE: When someone says, Sheriff, where you from? I tell them, I tell them I’m a Milwaukee boy. OK, if some people are offended by that, I get that, but that’s being hypersensitive.


Featured Jews Racism

White Supremacist Trump Supporter asks – “Are Jews People?” – Video

Before Donald Trump came along, these people lived content little lives under a racist rock in their racist neck of the woods. They stayed stuck in their racist bubble of hate while the rest of the America worked towards putting our differences aside. But since they got one of their own in the White House, these racists are now out of the woodwork and they are spreading their message of hate from the mountain tops.

For his part, Donald Trump is helping out by bringing a known racist like Steve Bannon as his chief adviser.

Meanwhile, speaking about spreading their message from the mountain top, CNN introduces a panel featuring another known racist named Richard Spencer. In the segment below, Spencer spews his hate and asks if “Jews are people or instead soulless golems?”


Donald Trump Featured

Mike Pence – “Who Cares” if Trump Has Conflicts of Interests

As you’ve probably heard, Donald Trump and his business partners from around the world are having secret meeting. Again, these are men who have business ties with Trump, and they are sneaking in under the cover of night and outside of any media coverage to see their business partner.

Some people apparently think there is nothing wrong with this obvious conflict of interest.

During an interview with Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday,” Pence was asked about allegations that Trump’s meetings with business leaders from nations like India could constitute “the Clinton Foundation on steroids.” His response was to quote a line he heard from Trump on the same subject: “Who cares?”

After Pence reassured viewers that “the best legal minds in the country” were involved in the transition process, Wallace pointed out that this is “not just a legal question,” but one that speaks to the ethical character of the president-elect, particularly given reports that his children (who are still in charge of his business empire) will also act as advisers to the new administration.

“Well, I can tell you, in a recent interview after the election, the president-elect summed up his view of his interest in his business life with two words. He said, ‘Who cares?’” Pence replied to Wallace.

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