Donald Trump Politics

Donald Trump Calls The Media “Scum” – Video

Donald Trump lost the lead among the Republican voter to Ben Carson, but he is tugging at the heart-strings of Republicans by blaming the media for something, anything, and by calling the media names. He is sure to get the love of the Republican voter again. You know they hate the media, right?

During a rally over the weekend, Trump point to some members of the media and asks;

“What are these scum back there? That’s what they are … You have no idea how bad they are. You have no idea. You have no idea how dishonest some of the reporters are that work for, no, no, that work for CNN, that work frankly, for NBC.


Carly Fiorina Politics

Carly Fiorina to Co-Hosts of The View – “say that to my face”

Carly Fiorina is once again attacking someone because that someone spoke about her looks. The last time she jumped on Trump when he said something about her face. Fiorina is now attacking other women… “liberal” women, as she called them because they said something about her smile.

The day after the latest Republican debate, plenty of people in the media had things to say about the debate, the moderators, the network’s political affiliation, etc. And like many in the media, the hosts of The View – a talk show mind you – made some comments that got under the skin of one of the Republican presidential candidates.

Speaking about Carly Fiorina, one of The View’s co-host Michelle Collins, shared her interpretation of Carly’s “smile” moment. “She looked demented,” Collins said. “Her mouth did not downturn one time.” Another co-host chimed in that a “smiling Fiorina” mask would be perfect for Halloween.

Well Fiorina had something to say about the talk show host’s comment. She called the hosts “a set of liberal feminists who believe that if you do not agree with them on their liberal orthodoxy, that you don’t count.”

“Conservative women, from Sarah Palin to Michele Bachmann to Carly Fiorina, are long used to this. It will not stop me. It will not scare me. And maybe the ladies of ‘The View,’ if I come back on again, let’s see if they have the guts to say that to my face.”

family Paul Ryan Politics

Paul Ryan – It’s an “Entitlement” for Other Americans to Spend Time With Their Family – Video

Paul Ryan laid down his demands before accepting the position of Republican House Speaker. One of those demands was to allow him more time with his family. That family time it seems, is paramount to Paul Ryan. But given the same opportunity to allow other Americans to have more time with their family, Paul Ryan and Republicans voted down that bill.

In an interview on Fox News today, Ryan, the new House Speaker – he accepted the job because his demands were met – was asked to explain that apparent hypocrisy, and in his explanation Ryan said that Americans spending more time with their family can only be done if another “federal entitlement” is created, and that was something he was not going to do.

“I don’t think people asked me to be Speaker to so that I can take more money from hardworking taxpayers to create some new federal entitlement. But I think people want to have members of Congress who represent them, that are like them.”

“Don’t you want your member of Congress to be a citizen legislator who lives with you among you, who has your own kinds of concerns, who wants to spend time with his children on Saturdays and Sundays?” I’m going to keep living in Janesville, Wisconsin where I’m from, where I raise my family. I’m going to keep going back and forth to D.C.”

It’s apparently good for Paul Ryan, but making sure that the average American has that same privilege? Paul Ryan and his Republican buddies call that an entitlement.


Halloween pat robertson Politics

Pat Robertson – Halloween is a Time “to celebrate Satan” – Video

Pat Robertson, on his television show on The 700 Club, took time to reiterate his well-known feelings about Halloween.

“Well, it used to be called ‘All Saints Eve,’ now we know it as Halloween,” Robertson said. “That’s the day when millions of children and adults will be dressing up as devils, witches, and goblins to celebrate Satan. They don’t realize that’s what they’re doing.”



Father Sends his 3 Year Old Daughter to “Jail” to Discipline Her

The father, proud of his actions regarding his daughter, posted the photos of his 3-year-old on Facebook, explaining that because of his her behavior towards him and the girl’s mother, he sent his daughter to jail.

Juliano Parker from Corpus Christi, Texas, went on his Facebook page and explained;

“My daughter Aubrey’Ella has been fighting with my wife and I, disrespecting us in public, not listening and talking back a lot.

“Spankings don’t work no more. My daughter is used to spankings and nowadays you can’t spank kids how they did back in the day [because] they call that abuse.

“So today I told my daughter since you wanna be a bad girl, let me show you where the bad kids go. I turned my apartment into a jail. I took away her clothes, now she gets to wear my orange shirt.”

The conversion of his apartment into a jail included putting a mattress on the floor for the 3-year-old to sleep on. The little girl was also fed differently, eating meat and potatoes with water while her brother and sister enjoyed pizza and juice. Her punishment also involved cleaning up the front room and doing dishes.

“Giving her a taste of what it’s like to be in jail for not following the law,” Juliano said. And to those who disagreed with his parenting skills towards his 3-year-old, Juliano wrote. “Now ya’ll can say what ya’ll want but I’m breaking this bad behavior before it gets too out of control without spanking her.”

Based on the comments he received there were some who agreed and some that disagreed with his tactics.

“Don’t ever apologize for being a parent and how you choose to parent [because] she is truly blessed to have someone care enough to show her how to behave as a lady should, so keep up the good work,” The Daily News quoted one user wrote.

“Sad,” another commenter wrote. “That is a baby. Nothing cute or funny about this. Nor is it a good idea. Shameful. [Parenting] and training is more than spankings and punishment. People really need to take parenting classes.”

And another, “I doubt social services would find this funny but my God, what else can you do with these kids nowadays.”

Juliano later removed the post from Facebook after many comments, saying that he didn’t expect the post to go viral.

“I really [regret] posting that pic of my daughter on social media like that I admit it was wrong didn’t think it was gonna go viral smh God knows my heart. My daughter is a good girl just been acting out lately and I was just trying to show her with bad behavior comes consequence. Now my daughter all over the internet for being bad kid but in reality she just acting out for attention.

“So I been just showing her love and being extra nice but not letting her walk all over me just let trying to drive out all that bad behavior with love just like MLK say hate can’t drive out hate or in my case anger can’t drive out anger but love can so my advice to all the parents who shared my post love you kids but don’t let them walk all over you just like the OG from my church told me be consist with how you discipline you kids and after a while they know you mean business but just be patient with kids . Just as God gives us Grace.”

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