Donald Trump Donald Trump Politics

Rudy Giuliani – Thanks to Donald Trump, Debate Audience Will Be HUGE – Audio

In other words, it’s all fine and good. Let Donald say whatever he wants to say, let him do whatever he wants to do. As long as the Republican party benefits in some way, then no harm done.

These people are sick!

“I think it’s getting very interesting and unlike a lot Republicans I think Trump is making it interesting,” the Giuliani said on the Cats Roundtable on AM970 The Answer on Sunday morning, adding he didn’t agree completely with his comments on Mexican immigrants.

“I think Trump has enlivened the race,” Giuliani stated.

Giuliani added that more people will watch the first Republican debate in August because Trump is in it, and the larger audience will help any candidate that performs well.

“I think Trump is helping them in a way, unlike other Republicans. First of all that debate, in the first week of August on Fox — because Trump is in that debate it’s going to get three times the audience. Which means, if anyone of these people performs well, they’ll be three times as many people who get effected by it than if Trump is not in the race.”



Bernie Sanders Draws Biggest Crowds in Conservative State

Don’t sleep on Sanders. The Democratic challenger to Hillary Clinton for the 2016 presidential nominee is getting bigger and bigger crowds, and it doesn’t matter where he is, the people come.

Bernie Sanders drew more than 11,000 people to a rally Saturday night in downtown Phoenix — the largest crowd to date for a presidential candidate whose audiences have been swelling in recent months.

The Vermont senator, who has emerged as the leading alternative to Hillary Rodham Clinton for the Democratic nomination, got a rock-star-like reception from supporters who streamed into a cavernous lower-level room of the city’s convention center.

Aides to the self-described democratic socialist had originally booked a Phoenix theater that could accommodate fewer than half the number of people who turned out. The crowd estimate of more than 11,000 people was provided by staff at the convention center, where Sanders also appeared Saturday at a convention of progressive activists.

Celebrities marriage

Fantasia Barrino is a Married Woman – PIC

Fantasia married Kendall Taylor on Sunday and posted pictures of the event on her Instagram. Below is the caption she put on one of her wedding pictures.

Those who really know me know that I LOVE Water.. Can you see it? How Happy I am.. This Man.. God made him just for Me and me Just for Him.. This Man.. Covers and prays for me and my children EVERY morning.. This Man.. Loves My Father in Heaven and his name is God.. This Man allows me to just be a woman.. No more Hurt because King Kendall will never let that happen.. I’m off to just kiss, Hug, and play in some water with This Man.. Look at Him in the pic YEP!! HE COVERS ME.. Be Happy with me you guys cause I’ve been thru SOOOOO much. Some stuff was my wrong decisions but all I ever really wanted was this.. Real Love. This Man and this smile is real… Later you guys bye bye for a while.. God did not forget about me…. 

Immigration Immigration Reform

Immigrant Family Confronts Scott Walker – Like Talking to a Wall – Video

Talking to a Republican armed with talking-points is like talking to a wall. No matter what you say, no matter what you ask, you will be hit with the same talking-points the Republican said before, because, that’s all they have… talking-points.

Watch as this immigrant family confronts Walker and experienced first hand the effects of a Republican armed with talking-points.


ABC US News | World News

Donald Trump Donald Trump Politics

Fox News Defends Donald Trump Against John McCain – Video

They basically listed the things Trump said about McCain and detailed where he is correct.


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