Debbie Rowe is a very angry woman these days, and Conrad Murray’s recent statement about her in 60 Minutes Australia” interview did nothing to sooth her nerves.
In the interview, Murray claimed that he and Michael Jackson joked that neither would have sex with Rowe, the mother of Jackson’s kids.
Rowe fired back to TMZ, saying she believes within 18 months, “A Jackson fan will shoot him dead, and I’d buy the bullet.” Rowe added, “I wouldn’t shoot him but I’d buy the bullet … a hollowpoint.”
Rowe continued, “If I had a dog as ugly as him [Murray] I’d shave its ass, make it walk backwards and put a wig on it.” And, she says, “It takes 2 to f**k and there’s not enough alcohol in the world.”
Rowe, who raises horses on her ranch, says, “At least I can breed. He can’t even write prescriptions anymore.”
She’s also indignant that Murray is claiming MJ took his own life by injecting himself with the fatal dose of Propofol while Murray was out of the room. She says, “It’s so disgusting he’s trashing the dead. The jury sure didn’t buy his story.”
Problems focusing on things and sudden blurry vision is a sign that may indicate bigger health problems and should never be ignored. If the vision blurs then becomes normal it shows a problem with the eye lens. If the blurry vision is confined to one eye set up an appointment with your optometrist immediately.
2. Obstruction of vision and sudden appearance of visual disturbances such as floaters
If you get sudden visual disturbances such as floaters or flashes of light followed by obstruction of vision you immediately need to schedule an appointment with your optometrist as it can lead to serious vision-threatening disorders like retinal tears, detachment, or hole. These symptoms require proper diagnosis and attention to avoid loss of vision.
3. Headaches
Working on computers for an extended time can cause headaches, however loss of vision and improper vision also cause them. Concentrating on tasks for an extended time leads to headaches in the front of your head and gradually moves toward the sides.
4. Holding books away from you
If you are holding books, newspapers, or other reading material farther away than usual from your eyes you may need reading glasses. As we age our eye lens weakens, disturbing the focus and image formation and calls for an eye check-up.
5. Misjudging distances
People who need glasses often find it difficult to judge distances and end up misjudging them. This problem can arise while doing everyday tasks like parking the car. If your eyes are not working together we fail to perceive the depth of objects and find it difficult to judge distance.
6. Getting tired easily
If you find that you are getting tired faster doing tasks for shorter duration, it indicates there is a disturbance in the focusing process. Our brain and vision are synchronized so that if our eyes work perfectly our brain remains fully active and awake avoiding fatigue.
7. Sensitivity to light
Sensitivity to light is a perfect measure of your eyes’ health. If you do not respond to a sudden change of light normally it may indicate serious eye disorders including infection.
8. Squinting
Frequent squinting is a sign we need an eye examination. The reason squinting improves vision is that it reduces pupil size and clears vision. However squinting is not the permanent solution to your eye problem, it indicates vision-related problems.
9. Watery eyes
If you often find your eyes filling with water without sad or happy emotions, it means there is a problem with your eyes. Our eyes generally get watery when we feel very emotional or are sad, crying without reason calls for an eye check-up.
10. If you haven’t had an eye check-up in two years
If you have not visited your optician for two years, its time to do so. Several changes take place in our eyes in 2 years and should be monitored by an expert optician for sound health of your eyes.
Just another example of Republican obstruction if they think the President might win on a particular issue. Top level Republicans are now calling for stronger sanctions against Iran after a new deal was announced over the weekend. Republicans know that increased sanctions would kill the deal, so they’re jumping on that plan ASAP!
Under the deal reached in Geneva in the early hours of Sunday morning the Islamic Republic agreed to freeze significant parts of its nuclear program and increase transparency in exchange for the lifting of $7 billion worth of sanctions which have been punishing the Iranian economy for years.
However top Republican lawmakers have said that now is the time to step up the sanctions against the regime, since, they argue, they have been instrumental in forcing Iran to the negotiating table. Speaking on ABC Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) told the ‘This Week’ program:
“Instead of easing them, now is the time to tighten those sanctions and let’s get a long term deal to prevent them from developing a weapon.”
Kevin McCarthy of California, the House Majority Whip, said that it was time to move forward with new sanctions in the Senate.
However the Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Sarif was unequivocal about the consequences of a new round of sanctions:
“If there are new sanctions, then there is no deal. It’s very clear. End of the deal. Because of the inability of one party to maintain their side of the bargain.”
Paul Rosenberg: The week started off with news that former V.P. candidate Sarah Palin had compared the federal debt to slavery, and finished off with the New York Times and “Good Morning America” comparing problems with the rollout of Obamacare exchanges with Bush’s catastrophic non-response to Hurricane Katrina. Such comparisons are both ghastly and ludicrous — 1,833 people died in Katrina, while millions died due to slavery, not to mention the part where tens of millions lived their whole lives as slaves — yet conservatives can’t seem to stop themselves from glibly making them, equating slavery with anything they don’t like (except when they’re praising it), and Katrina with any problem President Obama might have. What’s more, the so-called liberal media seems less likely to challenge them than to follow their lead, or at least give them a pass.
Last month MSNBC’s Morgan Whittaker noted that Obamacare had joined a list of four other things that conservative politicians and media figures had compared to slavery just this year: abortion (Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan and former Gov. Mike Huckabee); affirmative action (Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in Fisher v. University of Texas); welfare (Sen. Rand Paul [technically just “servitude”] and E.W. Jackson, GOP candidate for lieutenant governor in Virginia); and gun control (Glenn Beck and Fox News host Shepard Smith). The slavery comparison is uniquely offensive, given the unfathomable evil that slavery was, but the way in which conservatives glibly treat it as a political plaything is anything but unique.
Case in point: As early as April 2010, Media Matters had counted eight different things that had been touted as “Obama’s Katrina,” including the BP oil spill (Limbaugh, Drudge, Fox.etc. vs. facts here); the GM bankruptcy (Politico, June 8, 2009); the H1N1 flu (Rush Limbaugh, Nov. 3, 2009); the Fort Hood shootings (Human Events, Nov. 11, 2009); the Christmas underwear bomber (Pajamas Media, Dec. 29, 2009); the Haiti earthquake (Wall Street Journal, Jan. 25, 2010); the Kentucky ice storms (Confederate Yankee, Feb. 1, 2010); and even housing policies in Chicago back when Obama was a state senator (Mickey Kaus, Slate, June 30, 2008).
Of course the list has kept growing since then, with the IRS and Benghazi as two top favorite additions. Conservatives are especially fond of Benghazi, since it lets them tweet things like “You could call #Benghazi Obama’s Watergate, except no one died,” as Texas Rep. Steve Stockman did on May 8, 2013. This elides the entire history of Watergate: It began with the Plumbers, formed to plug leaks in the wake of the Pentagon Papers (burglarizing Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist looking for dirt to smear Ellsberg with), the release of which was necessary because Nixon’s “secret plan” to end the Vietnam War was to continue the Vietnam War, in which tens of thousands of U.S. soldiers died. But it’s damn hard to fit all that into 140 characters. Hence the usefulness of the “Watergate” accusation.
1. Lack of Stimulating Thoughts
Lack of brain stimulation may cause brain shrinkage. Thinking is the best way to train your brain, so think more, write more, explore more, all this will help you to keep your brain fresh.
2. Skipping Breakfast or No Breakfast at all
People who do not eat breakfast have lower blood sugar levels, which leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.
3. Over Eating
Often we find tasty food and start eating more than what our body requires, which can cause hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.
4. Smoking
Smoking not only harms the lungs, but the brain as well, the nicotine in cigarettes contains substances that can cause multiple brain cell shrinkage, leading to Alzheimer’s disease.
5. High sugar consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.
6. Sleep Deprivation
Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells. More cells dead equals more memory loss.
7. Head covered while sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decreases concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects, it would result in a 92.8% chance of suffering from either an early stage, middle stage, or late stage of dementia, by the age of 70.
8. Talking Rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain.
9. Working your brain during illness
Take a rest, working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damaging the brain.
10. Air pollution
You probably know that your brain is the largest oxygen consumer in your body, so its the organ that consumes the largest amount of pollution from the air. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.
Daryl Davis is no ordinary musician. He’s played with President Clinton and tours the country playing “burnin’ boogie woogie piano” and sharing musical stylings inspired by greats like Fats Domino, Chuck Berry and Jerry Lee Lewis. He’s a highly respected and electrifying performer who is currently an integral member of The Legendary Blues Band (formerly known as the Muddy Waters Band,) and he rocks the stage all over the nation.
Davis’ travels, of course, have always afforded him the opportunity to meet a huge range of diverse people, but perhaps nothing could have prepared him for the moment that would change his life.
It was 1983 and Davis was playing country western music in an (informally) all-white lounge. He was the only black musician in the place and when his set was over, a man approached him.
“He came up to me and said he liked my piano playing,” says Davis, “then he told me this was the first time he heard a black man play as well as Jerry Lee Lewis.”
Davis, somewhat amused, explained to the man: “Jerry Lee learned to play from black blues and boogie woogie piano players and he’s a friend of mine. He told me himself where he learned to play.”
At first, Davis says, the man was skeptical that Jerry Lee Lewis had been schooled by black musicians, but Davis went on to explain in more detail. “He was fascinated,” says Davis, “but he didn’t believe me. Then, he told me he was a Klansman.”
Most people in this day and age probably would have turned and ran right out of that good ol’ boy’s bar, but not Davis. He stayed and talked with the Klansman for a long time. “At first, I thought ‘why the hell am I sitting with him?’ but we struck up a friendship and it was music that brought us together,” he says.
That friendship would lead Davis on a path almost unimaginable to most folks. Today, Davis is not only a musician, he is a person who befriends KKK members and, as a result, collects the robes and hoods of Klansmen who choose to leave the organization because of their friendship with him.
The road to these close and authentic friendships, Davis says, involved a lot of learning on his part. He’d had racist experiences and had long wanted to write a book about race relations, but hadn’t had the opportunity to sit down and talk to a Klansman. His upbringing was extremely diverse, and his first experience with organized racism was a shock. He explains:
I was raised overseas in integrated schools. I had had a racist experience already but I didn’t know people organized into groups whose premise was to be racist and exclude other people. It seemed unfathomable to me. My parents were in the Foreign Service and I was an American embassy brat, going to international schools overseas. My classes were filled with anyone who had an embassy: Japanese, German, French, Italian. It was multicultural but that term did not exist at that time. For me it was just the norm. Every time I would come back (to the US,) I would see people separated by race. When my father was telling me about (the KKK) at the age of 10 it didn’t make any sense to me. I had always gotten along with everyone.
When Davis decided he needed to write a book about the KKK, he knew he had to find the friend he’d made in the country western bar. Davis tracked him down eight years after they had first met. “I went to his apartment unannounced,” Davis says. “He opens the door and sees me, and he says ‘Daryl! What are you doing here?’ He stepped out of his apartment and I stepped in. He said ‘what’s going on man? Are you still playing?’ I said ‘I need to talk to you about the Klan.’”
At first, his friend resisted, saying he would not give Davis the information he was seeking. “He would not do it because he was fearful,” Davis says. “He thought I would be killed. I said ‘well give me the guy’s number and address.’ He finally gave me Roger Kelly’s number and address but he told me: ‘don’t go to his house; meet him in a public place.’” Davis immediately began making plans to approach Kelly, who at the time was the leader of the KKK in Maryland.
“My secretary called him,” Davis says, “and I told her, ‘do not tell Roger Kelly I’m black. Just tell him I am writing a book on the Klan.’ I wanted her to call because she’s white. I knew enough about the mentality of the Klan that they would never think a white woman would work for a black man. She called him and he didn’t ask what color I was, so we arranged to meet at a motel.”
That meeting, says Davis, was fraught with tension from the start. Kelly arrived at the motel with a nighthawk-a bodyguard dressed in military style fatigues-complete with a firearm.
We met at a motel, and I sent my secretary down the hall to get an ice bucket and sodas so I could offer Mr. Kelly a beverage. The room, by coincidence, was set up so that if the door opened, you could not see who was inside…Right on time there’s a knock on the door. A bodyguard dressed in military gear comes in with a KKK beret and a gun on his hip. Mr. Kelly is directly behind him in a dark blue suit. The bodyguard comes in and sees me and freezes in his tracks. Mr. Kelly trips and slams into him like they were dominoes.
I saw the apprehension so I got up and walked over and said ‘Hi Mr. Kelly, come on in.’ He shook my hand, the bodyguard shook my hand, and they came in. Mr. Kelly sits down and the bodyguard stands at his right. He asked for identification and I handed him my drivers’ license. He says ‘oh you live on Flack Street in Silver Spring.’ Well, I didn’t need him coming to my house and burning a cross or whatever, and here he is calling off my street address. I wanted to let him know not to come to my house so I said ‘yes, and you live at…’ and I said his street address. I made it clear-’let’s confine our visit to this hotel room.’
But I had no reason to be concerned. One of his Klan members lived right down the street from me. It was coincidence.
The tension, however, continued, Davis says, and eventually reached a fever pitch.
Every time my cassette would run out of tape, I would reach down into my bag and pull out another. Every time I reached down, the bodyguard would reach for his gun. He didn’t know what was in the bag. After a while he relaxed and realized nothing was in the bag but cassettes and the bible. After about an hour, there was a very loud, strange noise which was ominous, and I was apprehensive. In the back of my mind, I heard my friend in my head saying ‘Mr. Kelly will kill you.’ I stood up and slammed my hands on the table, and I felt my life was in danger. When my hands hit the table, my eyes locked with his, and he could read them. We stared into each other’s eyes. The bodyguard was looking back and forth at us, but then my secretary Mary realized what had happened.
The ice bucket had melted and the cans of soda shifted, and that’s what made the noise! We all began laughing at how stupid we all had been. In retrospect, it was a very important lesson that was taught. All because a foreign entity of which we were ignorant, entered into our comfort zone, we became fearful of each other. The lesson learned is: ignorance breeds fear. If you don’t keep that fear in check, that fear will breed hatred. If you don’t keep hatred in check it will breed destruction.
After that defining moment, the meeting was much more relaxed. Davis became friends with Kelly and eventually went on to befriend over 20 members of the KKK. He has collected at least that many robes and hoods, which he has hanging in his closet. He also is viewed as being responsible for dismantling the entire KKK in Maryland because things “fell apart” after he began making inroads with its members there.
He says that KKK members have many misconceptions about black people, which stem mostly from intense brainwashing in the home. When the Klansmen get to know him, he says, it becomes impossible for them to hold on to their prejudices.
No, Sarah Palin is not that funny. In fact, she’s not funny at all. It’s just the things she think she wants to say, but wasn’t really saying at all because she couldn’t get her thoughts together, so she jammed a bunch of words together and viola, host Chris Wallace had no choice but to laugh!
The question to Mrs Palin was about the Nuclear Option and the fact that Republicans essentially forced Democrats into changing Senate rules by their constant filibustering of… everything! After Chris Wallace pointed out that Republicans have filibustered this president more than necessary, Palin began her adventure.
Blah blah blah as for this rule change that some people are calling the ‘nuclear’ option under Senate rules, you know, I guarantee, this week, Thanksgiving Dinner, people sitting around their tables were not going to be talking about the president blessing this thwarting of a balance of power in Congress with new Senate rules called the ‘nuclear’ option. People are going to be talking about our failed big government policies that will bankrupt this country. So, this distraction, this new talking point in the media and with Congress and with Senators and with the president blessing this action, it’s a distraction and it’s a lot of, you know, double standard and Democrat hypocrisy because just a few years ago they were so anti, anti-’nuclear’ option blah.”
“They were against any thought of Republicans even considering changing these rules, yet now it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. So, American people, they don’t care about distractions like that. They’re not in the inside baseball Senate rules stuff. They want government to be back on our side. They want it to get out of our lives, and in order to do that we need those who will not fundamentally transform America but will fundamentally restore what’s right about America. we do that by having good judicial nominees in these regulatory agencies and elsewhere…So, this new rule change, it stinks.”
For only $34, any water bottle can become a life-giving source of air moisture. Give it as a pointed gift to that one dude in your office who won’t stop coughing.
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For the tech lover’s arsenal, tablets have undoubtedly become a must-have. A tablet is one of the most portable and convenient ways to have access to Internet, e-mail, video chat and camera anywhere you go.
What To Look For
Looking for a tablet that suits your needs is relatively simple. First, you have to consider the purpose of buying a tablet and what features do you like best. Many tablets in the market today offer entertainment features with high screen resolution, video chat capabilities, strong graphics and HDMI ports. Others include multitasking capabilities, long battery life, multiple inputs, powerful processors and various ways to connect to the Internet.
Operating System
Basically, the operating system is what makes a tablet run. It is an essential factor when buying. If you are familiar with the Android, Windows or iOS operating systems, you will most definitely enjoy a smooth transition to tablets that also use the same OS.
Battery Life
Battery life adds more freedom to any small, lightweight device. Usually, tablets last for hours longer than laptops and mostly smartphones. The battery life of a good tablet will last up to 9 hours, at least, where most average laptop batteries run out of juice after 4 hours.
The best tablets come with good quality front and rear cameras that can record HD video. A good front-facing camera is for video chat while the rear-facing camera is designed for taking still shots and recording video. The best tablets in the market today are capable of taking 8MP photos.
The tablet’s processor is responsible for the speed of the device. Overall, a quadcore processor will run faster than a dual-core. You may see a tablet with 2.5GHz processor and think that seems fast, which it is. However, if it’s a dual-core, it won’t run nearly as fast as a 1.8GHz quadcore processor.
RAM And Storage
Essentially, more RAM means your tablet will run faster and be more responsive. Tablets in the market today usually come with 1GB of RAM, though 2GB is quickly becoming the norm, with some even going as high as 8GB. The best tablets feature expandable storage space up to 64GB with an SD card.
The display affects the way your tablet looks. If you use your tablet to read, watch movies or play games, then you will want a dynamic resolution so everything is vibrant and full of brilliant colors.
A tablet is at its best and most useful when you can quickly look up information and use the Internet.
Help And Support
When choosing a tablet, it is preferable to have comprehensive and user-friendly support options. Look for a manufacturer with tech support and customer service available via phone, email, social media and live chat.
(AP) A deal has been reached between six world powers and Iran that calls on Tehran to limit its nuclear activities in return for sanctions relief, the French and Iranian foreign ministers said early Sunday.
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said, “Yes, we have a deal,” as he walked past reporters crowding the hotel lobby where marathon negotiations had taken place over the past five days.
Asked if there was a deal, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said “Yes” and gave a thumbs-up sign.
The goal had been to hammer out an agreement to freeze Iran’s nuclear program for six months, while offering the Iranians limited relief from crippling economic sanctions. If the interim deal holds, the parties will negotiate final-stage agreements to ensure Iran does not build nuclear weapons.
The deal came after the personal intervention by Secretary of State John Kerry and other foreign ministers whose presence had raised hopes for a breakthrough.
Diplomats refused to spell out details of the talks, which dragged on past midnight. As the meetings continued into Sunday, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi described the talks as being in “their 11th hour,” with most issues resolved but an agreement still elusive.
Consensus came after nearly a decade of inconclusive international efforts to halt Iran’s expanding nuclear program. Iran insists its program is for peaceful purposes and not aimed at building nuclear weapons.
The agreement built on the momentum of the historic dialogue opened during September’s annual U.N. gathering, which included a 15-minute phone conversation between Obama and Iran’s new president, Hassan Rouhani, after three decades of U.S.-Iranian estrangement.
They think it’s fun. They sneak up on an unsuspecting victim minding his or her own business and swing on said victim as hard as possible, hoping for a knockout. This sick game is quickly becoming the thing do for today’s young people and it is catching the eyes of those in the media.
“This kind of behavior is deplorable and must be condemned by all us,” he said at his weekly National Action Network meeting in Harlem. “We would not be silent if it was the other way around. We cannot be silent or in any way reluctant to confront it when it is coming from our own community.”
On Monday, Sharpton and other leaders plan to discuss a “next move.”
“Kids are randomly knocking out people [from] another race — some specifically going at Jewish people,” he said. “This kind of insane thuggery — there is nothing cute about that. There is no game play about knocking somebody out, and it is not a game. It is an assault and is bias, and it is wrong.”
Critics of Sharpton suggested he could do more, but acknowledged his words as a “good start.”
“I would never condone what he did,” said Councilman Mike Nelson, referring to the incendiary language Sharpton used during the Crown Heights riots in 1991. “But if he wants to move forward, then we should move forward with him and quell any racial tensions.”
But people are not just sitting back waiting to be attacked. In Lansing, Michigan, seventeen year-old Marvell Weaver saw who he thought would be a perfect victim. He approached the man and was shot two times as his victim fought back to protect himself.
Weaver was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. He was charged with felony assault.
Weaver wrote a letter to his intended victim, apologizing for what happened. “I don’t blame you for what you did,” Weaver wrote. “You were only trying to protect yourself. I only wish I could go back to change it to were (sic) I never did it.”
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