
Chris Christie’s Bridge-Gate Scandal Explained – Video

Now we know. The mystery may be solved. This video explains the possible Christie connection to the George Washington Bridge and the mysterious shutdown of many of its lanes…for days.

To Chris Christie, it is all a political game.


Oprah Explains Why She Has No Kids – “my kids would hate me”

As one of the richest and powerful people in the world, Oprah Winfrey has it all. Except children. And the former talk show queen is perfectly fine with that.

Chatting with The Hollywood Reporter, Lady O explained why things would be a bit different if she bought kids into the world.

“If I had kids, my kids would hate me,” Winfrey told THR. “They would have ended up on the equivalent of the Oprah show talking about me; because something [in my life] would have had to suffer and it would’ve probably been them.”

Before she became a household name, Winfrey gave birth to a baby, who lived for a number of weeks before dying. As a result, the media mogul’s attitude towards having more children has been the same since her best friend Gayle King had a very different set of hopes and dreams.

“Gayle [now a mother of two] was the kind of kid who, in seventh grade home-ec class, was writing down her name and the names of her children,” Winfrey explained. “While she was having those kind of daydreams, I was having daydreams about how I could be Martin Luther King.”

Oprah’s comments follow her  Screen Actors Guild nomination on Wednesday for her work in “Lee Daniels’ The Butler.” The actress joins Oscar winner Octavia Spencer, who also voiced her comfort in not having children by telling  the Reporter that her “”eggs are dying on the shelf.”


Sign Language Done Right – 5 Year Old Interprets Her Christmas Concert for Deaf Parents

With all the talk these days about sign language gone wrong, we figured we’d bring you sign language that works… by a kindergarten student.

Her name is Claire Koch and she is 5 years old. She was born to two deaf parents, so Claire decided to keep her parents involved in her Christmas concert by interpreting all the songs her class performed.

Other signers should take note… especially one particular interpreter in South Africa.


Fox News Concludes – Santa Claus is a “White Man” – Video

Maybe that’s why he never came to the hood. I’m from the hood and I can’t remember ever seeing the jolly white guy or his reindeer trotting down the streets of East New York, Brooklyn.

But wait… we celebrate Christmas in the hood? We sure did. We had a tree, decorations,  the whole nine yards.

So if Santa bypassed the hood, exactly who was responsible for all those gifts under the tree? Come to think of it, I’m sure I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus one night, right by the tree, and I’m sure he wasn’t white.

With that said, I beg to differ Fox. Santa is not a white man… at least not the Santa I knew.

Nelson Mandela Politics

PIC – Is George Bush Flirting at Nelson Mandela’s Memorial?

So President Obama went to the Nelson Mandela Memorial a few days ago and the right wing media couldn’t control themselves when this photo went public.

They were quick to point out that President Obama was flirting and Michelle Obama was obviously the angry black woman. After all, she is black and she is… a woman.

But did you see the picture below? Did you hear anything about it? I bet you didn’t.

Using the same logic the right used to chastise the President and the First Lady, couldn’t it be said that the former first lady was angry because the former president was apparently doing his thing with the beautiful young lady behind him?

Apparently the same logic doesn’t apply in George Bush’s case. You will not hear about this photo in right winged media.

Nelson Mandela Politics

Mandela’s Fake Sign Interpreter Speaks – Says He’s Schizophrenic

JOHANNESBURG — The South African sign language interpreter accused of using “fake” signs at Nelson Mandela’s memorial service this week said he suffered a schizophrenic episode at the event during which he hallucinated and heard voices.

Thamsanqa Jantjie made the admissions to Johannesburg’s Star newspaper Thursday following allegations that have led to him being called an impostor by sign language experts.

“There was nothing I could do. I was alone in a very dangerous situation,” Jantjie said. “I tried to control myself and not show the world what was going on. I am very sorry, it’s the situation I found myself in.”

The latest revelations prompted an apology Thursday by a South African cabinet minister who said a mistake was made in hiring Jantjie. Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu apologized to South Africa’s deaf community during a press conference but denied that the country felt embarrassed by the controversy.

“I don’t think he was just picked up on the street. He went to a school for the deaf,” she said.

Still, in a separate interview with the Associated Press, Jantjie said that while he was on stage at the FNB Stadium he saw visions of angels. He also told the AP that he has previously been violent and was once hospitalized in a mental health facility for more than a year.

Jantjie stood approximately three feet from President Obama and other world leaders during Tuesday’s ceremony to honor Mandela, and the state of Jantjie’s mental health that day will raise serious security questions for South African authorities.

Jantjie told the Star newspaper that he was paid R850, or about $85, to interpret at the ceremony.

“Life is unfair. This illness is unfair. Anyone who doesn’t understand this illness will think that I’m just making this up,” he said.

He said that as a result of the episode his ability to hear and interpret was impaired, but that he felt that given the gravity of the occasion he couldn’t leave.

On the day of the memorial service Jantjie was due get a regular six-month mental health checkup to determine whether the medication he takes was working, whether it needed to be changed or whether he needed to be kept at a mental health facility for treatment, the AP reported.


GOP Lamar Alexander’s Top Aide Arrested for Child Pornography

Just another case of Republican Family Values.

GOP Sen. Lamar Alexander’s chief of staff was arrested Wednesday afternoon on charges of possessing and distributing child pornography, the Justice Department said.
Jesse Ryan Loskarn — who goes by his middle name — is expected to be arraigned on Thursday morning in federal court.

“Jesse Ryan Loskarn, 35, of Washington, D.C., was arrested this afternoon by the U.S. Postal Inspection Service based on probable cause for possession and distribution of child pornography charges,” a Justice Department spokesman said in a statement. “He remains in custody pending a court hearing that is expected to be scheduled for tomorrow at the federal courthouse in Washington, D.C.”

Postal Service agents searched Loskarn’s home earlier in the day, and then took him into custody. Loskarn’s computer in Alexander’s office was also searched, with the senator’s permission, Senate sources said.
Alexander, a Tennessee Republican, subsequently removed Loskarn from his office’s payroll and promoted longtime aide David Cleary to the chief of staff job.

“The courts will judge Mr. Loskarn’s guilt or innocence, but under these circumstances, he cannot continue to fulfill his duties as chief of staff of this office. Therefore, as of today, I have removed him from the payroll,” Alexander said Wednesday afternoon.

Loskarn was removed from his home in handcuffs by federal agents shortly before 1 p.m. on Wednesday and driven away in an unmarked car. Agents from the U.S. Postal Service were on the scene at Loskarn’s home in southeast Washington, D.C. in the Hill East neighborhood on a quiet, tree-lined block of rowhouses near the Stadium-Armory Metro station.

Featured News

College Student Could Lose Limbs After Passing Out Drunk In -17 Degree Temperatures

Terrible story from the University of Minnesota Duluth. 19-year-old sophomore Alyssa Jo Lommel suffered serve hypothermia after passing out on her front porch in subzero temperatures. The temperatures in Duluth dropped to -17 on the Friday night she went out drinking. Now, because of the severe frostbite, she may lose her limbs. According to the report:

After being dropped off around midnight, Lommel wasn’t discovered until 9:30 a.m. Police found her cellphone on the back porch and footprints matching the boots she had on in the backyards of the two homes.

Lommel’s night included time spent at parties in homes around the University of Minnesota Duluth, where she is a student. Friends and roommates interviewed said Lommel did not appear to be noticeably intoxicated, and the men who dropped her off at her home said they didn’t wait to see if she entered or not.

“He hit the locks and she got out and they drove away,” the police report states.

The driver of that pickup was asked how intoxicated Lommel was. Friends said she had been drinking for six hours, including a game where she took tequila shots. Police reported finding a Twitter entry from Lommel stating “Yum Yum 10th shot of tequila.”

The man who dropped her off told police that Lommel had “no more than usual” when it came to drinks that night.

“Just like a normal party chick,” the report read when talking about the driver’s observations. “She wasn’t wasted. She could talk. And she wasn’t falling-down drunk.”

h/t – brobible

Healthcare marco rubio Politics

Senator Marco Rubio Is Covered – Signs Up His Entire Family for Obamacare

One of Obamacare’s biggest critics is now officially covered under the federal health care exchange: Sen. Marco Rubio.

“Senator Rubio spent time looking at all the options and decided to enroll through the D.C. exchange for coverage for him and his family,” spokeswoman Brooke Sammon told the Buzz.

Rubio took the federal subsidy afforded to lawmakers and staff — a perk worth up to 75 percent of monthly premium costs — that some Republicans wanted to kill off. Some lawmakers who have enrolled in the exchange (The Washington Post is keeping a list) have rejected the taxpayer-funded employer contribution, which is far more generous than most workers get.

Sammon did not say what led Rubio to decide the health care plan was better than what he could have gotten on his own. But those who wanted to keep their employer coverage — and that subsidy — were directed to use the exchange, called DC Health Link. In addition to the subsidy, Rubio and other federal employees also got to pick from far more plans than ordinary people and had access to special customer service to ease their sign ups.

“Senator Rubio is following the law, even though he opposes it,” Sammon said.


Tyler Perry: Madea’s “gonna die a quick death”

If you are a Madea fan, the you better plan a trip to the movies this week to see the latest from Tyler Perry, A Madea Christmas. If you don’t, the overweight, overgrown pistol packing ‘grandmother’ could “die a quick death!”

In an interview on The Today Show, Madea’s creator Tyler Perry explained that the fans are the ones keeping the grandma alive.

“As long as people want to see it, she’ll be around, but the minute they stop coming, that broad’s gonna die a quick death.”

Although Madea is his signature character, Perry admitted that he is more focused on his television series on Oprah Winfrey’s OWN network right now. Overall, the fate of Madea lies with fans. If they lose interest, the character’s fate is sealed, Perry said.

In the meanwhile, fans can check out “A Madea Christmas, which hits theaters on Friday (Dec. 13)

ObamaCare Politics

“Computer Illiterate” Doctor Is Closing Shop Because of Obamacare? Ah, NO!

He’s claiming that the reason he is closing his practice is because of “Obamacare.” But Buzzfeed has found the real reason.

A Kentucky doctor who took out a local newspaper ad saying he was closing his practice “due to the policies of Obamacare” is shutting down his practice because of federal requirements to transfer from paper to electronic records.

Dr. Stephen Kiteck of Somerset, Ky., said the financial burden of electronic records is “too much of a burden to overcome” and that he didn’t want to “make a long-term investment” in his small medical practice.

Though Kiteck’s ad blames Obamacare, the electronic health care incentive programs were part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 — the federal stimulus act — and not part of the Affordable Care Act, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Kiteck said he is approaching retirement age, and that he and his office are “computer illiterate,” adding that he would need special training to add electronic records. He said it would be a financial burden and take “thousands of man hours or woman hours to get the records on the computer.

Seems retirement was right around the corner for the Doctor anyway. Looks like the computer illiterate man was just looking for a reason and thought Obamacare was good as any.

File this one under Classic #Fail!

Dr. Stephen Kiteck
Barack Obama Nelson Mandela Politics

Jon Stewart to the “Media” – “What The F*ck Is Wrong With Us?”

It was a memorial service for one of the most important man on the face of the earth. But if you listened to the American media earlier this week, the story was not about Mandela or his amazing accomplishments in ending Apartheid, or becoming South Africa’s first black president, or his underlining amazing quality of forgiveness. No. If you listened to the American media covering the Nelson Mandela memorial, all you heard was about a handshake between President Obama and Cuba’s Raúl Castro.

Or, and a selfie the President took.

This fact did not escape the watchful eyes of one of the most on-point media man in America, Jon Stewart.


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