Celebrities Entertainment

Who’s The Boss Star – “I’m HIV-positive, and I have been for 12 years”

In an interview with Oprah Winfrey – a show called Where Are The Now – former child star of the television hit show Who’s the Boss, Danny Pintauro, revealed that he has HIV.

“I’m HIV-positive,” Pintauro said. “And I have been for 12 years.”

Pintauro played Judith Light’s precocious son, Jonathan, on the popular Tony Danza sitcom “Who’s the Boss?” that aired from 1984 until 1992 on ABC.

Pintauro, 39, told Winfrey he wanted to share his health status “a long time ago,” but wasn’t ready. He said he decided to share it now to serve as a role model for the gay community.

“It’s just a big deal. It’s not something that people are talking about right now really,” he said.

He shared that he was diagnosed in March 2003 while living in New York. At the time he was “completely clueless” that he had the virus, he said.

Pintauro, who now lives in Las Vegas, explained that the diagnosis actually came with a sense of relief. “It’s backwards. You’ve spent so much time terrified that you’re going to get it, and then you have it. You don’t have to be terrified anymore.”

Pintauro came out as gay in 1997 after the National Enquirer told him it was planning to out him.

Celebrities Sports

Oprah Winfrey Interested in Buying LA Clippers

Following reports that Donald Sterling will be forced sell his team, Oprah Winfrey, David Geffen and Larry Ellison are considering banding together to buy the Los Angeles Clippers.

Music mogul Geffen told ESPN that he and Ellison (who founded Oracle) would run the Clippers but Winfrey would invest in it.

“Oprah is not interested in running the team,” Geffen told ESPN. “She thinks it would be a great thing for an important black American to own [another] franchise.” An Oprah spokesperson confirmed the report to ESPN, while NBA commissioner Adam Silver said that he’d “always like to see [the league] become more diverse.”


Oprah Explains Why She Has No Kids – “my kids would hate me”

As one of the richest and powerful people in the world, Oprah Winfrey has it all. Except children. And the former talk show queen is perfectly fine with that.

Chatting with The Hollywood Reporter, Lady O explained why things would be a bit different if she bought kids into the world.

“If I had kids, my kids would hate me,” Winfrey told THR. “They would have ended up on the equivalent of the Oprah show talking about me; because something [in my life] would have had to suffer and it would’ve probably been them.”

Before she became a household name, Winfrey gave birth to a baby, who lived for a number of weeks before dying. As a result, the media mogul’s attitude towards having more children has been the same since her best friend Gayle King had a very different set of hopes and dreams.

“Gayle [now a mother of two] was the kind of kid who, in seventh grade home-ec class, was writing down her name and the names of her children,” Winfrey explained. “While she was having those kind of daydreams, I was having daydreams about how I could be Martin Luther King.”

Oprah’s comments follow her  Screen Actors Guild nomination on Wednesday for her work in “Lee Daniels’ The Butler.” The actress joins Oscar winner Octavia Spencer, who also voiced her comfort in not having children by telling  the Reporter that her “”eggs are dying on the shelf.”

Barack Obama Politics

Medal of Freedom Awards go to Bill Clinton and Oprah Winfrey

President Obama has paid tribute to President Kennedy at the Medal of Freedom ceremony today as he presented awards to former President Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, country singer Loretta Lynn and newspaper editor Ben Bradlee.

In his opening remarks, Obama highlighted the slain President’s sister-in-law Ethel Kennedy, calling her ‘one of my favorite people’ in a room full of dignitaries. He went on to also give President Kennedy’s grandson Jack a shout out by praising his basketball skills.

Aside from the fact that the 50th anniversary of President Kennedy’s assassination comes this Friday, the Democrat was mentioned because he was the one to establish the Medal of Freedom initiative which is the highest civilian honor in the country.

His death on November 22, 1963 came two weeks before the first group of winners were due to receive their medals.

President Bill Clinton is far from the first former Commander in Chief to receive the award- in fact all but four Republicans: Presidents Nixon, Ford and both Bushes- have been granted the award by their predecessors.

Celebrities Racism

Oprah Winfrey on Old Racists – “They Just Have To Die”

In an interview to promote “Lee Daniel’s The Butler,” Oprah Winfrey shared her thoughts on racism.

Miss Winfrey told interviewer Will Gompertz that stomping out racism would not be easy as long as old racists still roam the earth.

“There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die,” she said.

When asked if it has crossed her mind whether President Obama has faced racism in the White House, Oprah replied;

“Probably it’s crossed my mind more times than it’s crossed your mind… I think that there is a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he is African American. There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”



Glenn Beck to Oprah Winfrey: “You Disgust Me”

Beck’s problem with Winfrey is that she compared the Trayvon Martin murder to that of Emmett Till.

Since Oprah made the comparison a few weeks ago after Zimmerman got away with murder,  Beck has come to his defense, and Oprah’s personal opinion has put her in Beck’s crisshairs.

But Beck had laid off Oprah recently, until kast night when she made the comparison agaun on CNN’s Anderson Cooper. How dare she attack Beck’s new best friend for life,  George Zimmerman!

Beck revived his one way feud with Ms Winfrey, and in the process, compared himself to the Statue of Liberty.

“Oprah Winfrey, you disgust me.”

“…As a woman, who has gone through hell and back and made it, and pulled yourself out by the bootstraps, you made it.

“You grew up with hate from your own race, you grew up with rape in your own race. And the American people, both black and white, yellow and red, it doesn’t matter the color, they saw you make it! They saw you overcome everything you had faced, and we celebrated that!”

Beck then made his own comparison, comparing himself to the Lady Liberty.

“Oprah, I choose to be the person that America thought you were.

…Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free,” he said. “Give me the ones that you have told ‘you’ll never make it.’ Send them to me. The tempest-tost, because I hold my lamp beside a golden door.”

Side note: Glenn Beck got kicked out of Fox News. How disgusting do you have to be to get kicked out of Fox News?

Celebrities Racism

Oprah Winfrey Apologies For Media Uproar

In an interview with the Associated Press, Miss. Winfrey explained that her intentions were not to cause a media feed fest when she mentioned what happened to her in Switzerland.

“I think that incident in Switzerland was just an incident in Switzerland. I’m really sorry that it got blown up. I purposefully did not mention the name of the store. I’m sorry that I said it was Switzerland. I was just referencing it as an example of being in a place where people don’t expect that you would be able to be there.”

The incident became international when Oprah suggested that it was racism that caused a store clerk in Switzerland to deny her seeing a handbag of her choice because it was too expensive.

She told Entertainment Tonight:  “I was in Zurich the other day, at a store whose name I will not mention. I didn’t have my eyelashes on, but I was in full Oprah Winfrey gear. I had my little Donna Karan skirt and my little sandals on. But obviously ‘The Oprah Winfrey Show’ is not shown in Zurich.”

Oprah’s apology comes after the sales clerk accused her of lying. In a recent interview, the clerk emphatically denied being a racist and said she was shocked that Oprah made such a claim.

“It is absolutely not true that I declined to show her the bag on racist grounds. I even asked her if she wanted to look at the bag,” she said.

This has the makings of a lawsuit. Its the natural progression.

Celebrities Featured

Switzerland Sales Clerk Says Oprah is a Liar

She is horrified that someone as powerful as Oprah would make up such a story. In an interview with a Swiss newspaper, the clerk said:

“I don’t know why she is making these accusations. She is so powerful, and I am just a shop girl.

“It is absolutely not true that I declined to show her the bag on racist grounds. I even asked her if she wanted to look at the bag,” the woman said.

“I didn’t hurt anyone. I don’t know why someone as great as her must cannibalize me on TV. … If it had all taken place as she claimed, why has she not complained the next day at the wedding of Tina Turner with Trudie Goetz, my boss? She was there also at the Turner wedding as a guest. I don’t understand it. … I spoke to Oprah Winfrey in English. My English is OK but not excellent, unfortunately. … I didn’t know who she was when she came into the store. That wouldn’t have made any difference if I had.”

Entertainment Racism racist

In Today’s Case of Racism: Oprah Winfrey Finds Out She Is Black

If a billionaire like Oprah Winfrey cannot escape those who judge her based on the color of her skin, people we affectionately call racists, what chance do you have if you’re just a member of the common folk group?

Oprah Winfrey must not be a household name in Switzerland because a store clerk at an expensive Zurich boutique didn’t know that American media mogul was a billionaire.

During a recent trip to northern Switzerland for Tina Turner’s wedding, Oprah said a saleswoman at Trois Pommes refused to show her a $38,000 handbag because it was “too expensive.”

“She said: `No, no, no, you don’t want to see that one. You want to see this one. Because that one will cost too much; you will not be able to afford that,’” Winfrey said in an interview with “Entertainment Tonight.” “And I said, `Well, I did really want to see that one.’ And she refused to get it.”

“I didn’t have my eyelashes on, but I was in full Oprah Winfrey gear. I had my little Donna Karan skirt and my little sandals. But obviously ‘The Oprah Winfrey Show’ is not shown in Zurich,” she added

She went on to say the sales assistant suggested she look at cheaper bags.

“There’s two different ways to handle it. I could’ve had the whole blow-up thing,” she said, but “I left the store but it proves that racism is still an issue.”

Just hours after “Entertainment Tonight” aired the interview, Swiss tourism officials and boutique owner Trudie Goetz offered their apologies to Ms. Winfrey.

“We are very sorry for what happened to her, of course, because we think all of our guests and clients should be treated respectfully, in a professional way,” said Swiss tourism spokeswoman Daniela Baer.

Goetz insisted that the whole incident was a misunderstanding.

“I’m very sorry about this incident,” she said during a radio interview. “This can only happen because of a communication problem and a misunderstanding.”

“The shop assistant apparently asked her (Oprah) if she would like to see the bag, but she apparently said `No, I just want to look’. And then she (Oprah) asked how much the bag costs and she (the employee) told her how much the bag was,” she explained. “I believe she rather said something like `we have some less expensive’ – `we also have some less expensive bags’ and not `it’s too expensive for you.’”

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