
Chris Christie’s Bridge-Gate Scandal Explained – Video

wpid-Screenshot_2013-12-13-10-26-39-1 Chris Christie's Bridge-Gate Scandal Explained - Video

Now we know. The mystery may be solved. This video explains the possible Christie connection to the George Washington Bridge and the mysterious shutdown of many of its lanes…for days.

To Chris Christie, it is all a political game.

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By Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

One reply on “Chris Christie’s Bridge-Gate Scandal Explained – Video”

The Above “Explanation” is Total Nonsense Meant to Deceive Us!

The Threat to Obamacare was Behind Bridgegate Provocation!

One Provocation Too Many! People Start to Smell a Rat!

Although Chris Christie has taken Reprisals and Retaliated when Democratic Mayors would Not Endorse Him, Bridgegate for the Obama Regime has Little to Do with
“Vendettas” or “Revenge and Everything to do with OBAMACARE!”

The Obama Regime wants to Prosecute “Bridgegate as an ABUSE OF POWER!

But the Chris Christie Bridgegate Provocation was a PUT-UP JOB—Apparently
Orchestrated by the Obama Regime and “Intelligence Community” in order to
Discredit the Republican Demagogue Christie prior to the 2016 Presidential
Election! Before Bridgegate Christie could have defeated anyone who supported
The hated Population Reduction Measure—“ObamaCare”—and has threatened To

INTRODUCTION: It is an indisputable fact that the Obama Regime would be “out to get” and to discredit anyone who represents a viable threat to Obamacare—designed as a clumsy population reduction measure with maximum deniability! Christie’s
opposition to Obamacare is coming FROM THE RIGHT NOT THE LEFT! Christie
simply opposes government involvement in healthcare and would be opposed to
Socialized Medicine to an even greater degree than the Obamacare Scam! The
masses want and need Socialized Medicine but the capitalists would never do
what is necessary to make that easily affordable even under capitalism. Today
there is more money in the United States than ever before in all history,
enough money for each and every person to live like a millionaire this minute
with no exception and with no exaggeration! Yet there is also the greatest
income disparity, the greatest income difference, in all human history! The
capitalists have stolen all the money! Paying for the so-called “Single-Payer Plan”
would be very, very easy if the capitalist dictatorship would TAX ALL
INCOME! But that will never happen under capitalism! Only the first $117,000,
the Federal Taxable Wage Base, is taxed! Through this mechanism of paying
Federal Income Taxes on only a tiny percentage of their income and “Supply-Side
Economics,” where 66% of U.S. companies—1.2 million U.S. companies—pay
ZERO TAX, and 2.) $4.7 trillion bank bailouts—the Troubled Asset Relief Program
(TARP)—THE TAX BASE has been deliberately, artificially and maliciously UNDERMINED in order to create a “Strategic Budget Deficit (a term of economic warfare) as a false pretext to wage a constant and gradually escalating economic war of extermination against theAmerican people in an overall program called Enforced Social Darwinism!


The question is whether Bridgegate and the events surrounding Chris Christie are
part of an orchestrated, choreographed and carefully designed Provocation, or
whether they just happened spontaneously like Topsy. The answer may be a little
bit of both! One of the first calculated laws of a Provocation or political
assassination is that the person(s) being targeted or their surviving family in
the case of assassination, for example, is the least aware of what is happening
or, the precise reasons for the Provocation due to its shock nature and the
fact that it is often completely unexpected! That has proved true with
Republican Governor Chris Christie. If Christie were to simply explain the gist
of what follows, assuming he agrees with this materialist analysis, he could
make political hay for himself and use what appears to be a
U.S.-government-orchestrated Provocation to help himself enormously rather than
foolishly playing a defensive game, which Christie is doing 100%!

capitalist dictatorship wants the masses to believe that the Governor of New
Jersey, Chris Christie himself, in a supposed act of hubris (Christie is an
egomaniac), and vengeance, directed against the Democratic Mayor of Fort Lee,
New Jersey, Mark Sokolich, supposedly in retribution “for not supporting his
second candidacy for Governor,” had 2 of 3 access lanes of I-95 leading to the
George Washington Bridge closed in supposed “retaliation” from September 9th
to September 13th, 2013 in order to snarl traffic and “punish
Sokolich?” The pretext for the lanes closures was supposedly for “a traffic
study,” but the procedures for such a study were not followed according to
Senator Jay Rockefeller from West Virginia (!?), who received a letter from the
documenting that the Port Authority had NOT followed their own correct
procedures. By its immediate intervention and statements the USA capitalist
dictatorship has indicated that it intends to “MAKE A FEDERAL CASE OUT OF IT, and has
initiated a wide-ranging investigation that will include Christie’s use of $25
million in Hurricane Sandy Relief money for an ad campaign to promote the
Jersey Shore! Bridgegate began with the media, which is simply an arm of the USA
“intelligence community (see below),” publishing an email from
Christie’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Bridgett Anne Kelly, effectively directing
the Port Authority (PA) official, David Wildenstein, to close the lanes,
stating: “Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee” with Wildenstein’s
response: “Got it” sealing the issue. The U.S. “intelligence community” knew
the fact that Wildenstein was a former Livingston High School classmate and
long-time friend of Christie who was personally appointed by Gov. Christie,
would just make him very easy to manipulate and better insure the success of
the Bridgegate Provocation.

to Bridgegate, the New York Times (January 14, 2014) and other sources revealed that
Christie had apparently withheld Port Authority Funds and Hurricane Sandy
Recovery and Relief Funds from several Democratic New Jersey mayors for not
endorsing his re-election! The Mayor of Jersey City, Steven Fulop, was denied
money from the Port Authority and Hurricane Sandy relief funds as well as
cooperation on multiple levels, which was first offered and then withdrawn as
six (6) meetings set up to help the city were canceled within an hour of his
informing Christie’s office that for political reasons he could not support
Christie’s re-election. Fulop recounted that Jersey City had a high number of
Gay men and Lesbians and Christie was fighting the Legislature’s attempt to
legalize same sex marriage. On January 22nd Christie reversed his
position on same sex marriage and now supports it! Then on January 17, 2014 the Democratic Mayor of Hoboken, Dawn
Zimmer, who had always supported Chris Christie, said that Christie threatened
and then withhold Hurricane Sandy relief funds over her opposition to the
lucrative “Rockefeller Group” redevelopment project, which was deemed
inappropriate by the Hoboken Planning Board. Zimmer said that Hoboken, which
was 80% underwater after Hurricane Sandy and which had suffered extensive
damage as a result, had so far only received tiny grants of $142,000 and $200,000
from the $127 million of relief funds requested and from the $25 million
available statewide. If Zimmer can document her claims in court then it is NOT
a case of “She said versus She said,” with Zimmer accusing New Jersey
Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno of delivering the threat, “a direct message
from the governor.” Note that by October 13, 2013, 58 elected Democrats had
endorsed Chris Christie.

It is a
fact that immediately after Hurricane Sandy, which more than any other event,
built the reputation of Chris Christie, Obama, in an effort to demonstrate
involvement and simultaneously win over Republican voters telephoned Chris
Christie early on October 30, 2011 (The Bergen Record, October 13, 2013) and
visited and toured New Jersey devastation the next day. Obama and Christie
spoke every day for 10 days and Obama helped him immediately in each and every
instance that he had any problem, e.g. with FEMA or the Army. Obama was doing
it for his own purposes obviously to get re-elected and Christie was doing it
to help New Jersey recover after Hurricane Sandy and to help his own
re-election prospects. When Christie started calling Obamacare a “failure that
won’t succeed” he told the truth but betrayed the Obama Regime. So the Obama
Regime was doubly motivated to neutralize Republican Chris Christie and it
appears that is what has happened with Bridgegate! Calling it an orchestrated
provocation by the Obama Regime would do the most to putting it into proper

It is a fact that
capitalist politicians reward their friends and punish their enemies. As
described above Chris Christie went to the limit after his second election as
New Jersey Governor. That is
capitalism, and Christie is undoubtedly 100% guilty of “abuse of power” in these cited instances, but
Christie should demand a Jury Trial and the issue should not be “decided” by
the say-so pronouncement of an Obama Regime prosecutor, judge OR
Obama-packed agency! But if the Obama Regime and so-called “intelligence
community,” which includes the media, were to have first begun their
media-wide, full-court press targeting Christie simply with a charge of
“misallocation of Hurricane Sandy Funds,” and “depriving Democratic Mayors of
money to rebuild” it would have looked very much like a case of SOUR
GRAPES! Especially after Obama himself visited New Jersey 2 days after the
storm! Therefore, some other event was definitely needed and that event appears
to be the carefully worked out and fully and successfully orchestrated:
Bridgegate! The “intelligence community” knew all of Christie’s staff. They
knew all his appointments. Most importantly they had a person inside the
Christie Administration: Bridget Anne Kelly, who understood “National Security!”

The most
likely explanation for Bridgegate is that Chris Christie’s Deputy Chief of
Staff, Bridget Anne Kelly, was apparently contacted by a high-ranking person
from the misnamed, so-called “intelligence community” on the basis of “National
Security” and quizzed as to her position on Obamacare and other matters. Prior
to contact, so-called “intelligence” already had at their disposal Kelly’s full
dossier. The fact that she had worked for Senator John McCain’s fake
“presidential campaign,” which was deliberately self-sabotaged by McCain
himself and the media on the basis of “National Security” in order to insure
that the Democrat Obama would be elected President, because only a Democrat,
with the support of the traditional Democratic constituencies, could be able to
ram through what were previously known as the “Bush Programs.” And that has
happened in spades! Obama makes Bush look like a choirboy both in foreign
policy by the multiple wars he has started and by his multiple assassinations,
and also domestically with Obamacare, the “Sequester,” Government Shutdowns,
“Budget Deals” and “Race to the Top, ”all highly contrived programs of Enforced
Social Darwinism and population reduction!”

Anne Kelly
would HAVE TO HAVE KNOWN that McCain was
self-sabotaging his own 2008 campaign so the request by the “intelligence
community” for her to help carry out a similar maneuver which would sabotage
the 2016 Presidential Campaign of her current boss Chris Christie, if not his
prospects to even receive the Republican nomination would not be rejected out
of hand simply because she was already compromised by her participation in the
self-sabotaged 2008 McCain Campaign. During Kelly’s employment by McCain the
“intelligence community” already had her personality profile, resume
(curriculum vitae), family history and perhaps most importantly a record of all
of her recent telephone conversations word for word and her recent email
activity word for word and her Internet activity! The latter we know for a fact
from the revelations of Andrew J. Snowden. From this information the Capitalist
Dictatorship in its latest Obama Regime incarnation knew they had the woman for
the job! This is the ONLY explanation which fits the facts! Anne Kelly
was undoubtedly assured that no harm would come to her for helping out the
Regime. And in fact her rehabilitation as “team player” has already begun with
an extremely ingratiating article in the New York Times, (January 14, 2014). So it
appears that the Obama Regime and “intelligence community” are demonstrating
its thanks to Ms. Kelly and she undoubtedly still has a “bright future.”

In deciding
whether the above materialist analysis is correct the question then becomes
what makes the most sense and who had the actual MOTIVE to shut
down traffic to the George Washington Bridge and snarl traffic? Motive was
always the most important aspect of an crime according to Sherlock Holmes: “Who
has the MOTIVE dear Dr. Watson?” And WHO has the resources to point a BIG
TIME FINGER at Christie and partially at least FRAME HIM UP? Christie himself would have no such motive
to design such a contrived traffic jam with the support of over 58 Democratic
New Jersey mayors! But that number may now dwindle to nothing! Though he is a
Republican demagogue and generally rewards his friends and punishes his enemies
like all other capitalist politicians, Christie is an attorney and understands
the law very well. Moreover CHRISTIE HAD NO MOTIVE to
generate problems for himself or those traveling by car into Manhattan, which
would include many people from New Jersey! The Bridgegate allegations do not
make political sense. Christie—a Demagogue—would NEVER do anything
undermine his own political base—the citizens of New Jersey! Christie
had in addition no history of acting in such a way to inflict “vengeance” or
“seek revenge” on the constituencies of Democrats who did not support his
second gubernatorial bid! But that revenge seems to have now materialized.
Bridgegate appears to be a carefully thought, well designed PROVOCATION to damage
Christie’s nomination as the Republican candidate against the Democrat Hillary,
who has clearly already been made “president” by the capitalist dictatorship of
millionaires and billionaires in order to continue the Obama programs…as long
as she does not have to go against Chris Christie!


Obamacare, which is consistently opposed by 55% of the population, is one of
the greatest fears of the far-right Obama Regime and the capitalist
dictatorship, which wants to reduce the USA population generally and
change the so-called “Population Demographic” in order to substantially reduce
the number of older people. The capitalist dictatorship intends to achieve this
objective by bringing a significant percentage of Americans to an earlier
death! This is to be accomplished by waging an economic war of extermination on
every conceivable basis against the American people! This is another way of
saying that the capitalist dictatorship seeks to murder a significant
percentage of its people. The Obama Regime and the USA capitalist dictatorship
of millionaires and billionaires is using as its weapons in the population
reduction scheme: 1.) The Targeted Depression affecting primarily the Working
Class, the Poor and People of Color; 2.) Obamacare; 3.) the “Sequester;”4.) The
unanimous cutting of Food Stamps by both Republicans and Democrats in both the
House and the Senate; 5.) The consistently high rate of Mortgage Foreclosures;
6.) The cutting of $716 Billion from Medicare and 7.) The program of
“Biofuels.” ALL are designed to help achieve this objective of a reduced
population and changed population demographic! For example, Biofuels are NOT designed
to make the USA energy independent or energy efficient. By LAW, By Mandate, 40% of the U.S. corn
crop must be sold to be burned to produce a 10% Biofuel, which destroys
internal combustion engines. Biofuels are ALL much more expensive to
produce. Biofuels are actually designed to raise food prices, create food
shortages and generate Mass Starvation starting in sub-Saharan Africa.

In order to hoodwink the traditional Democratic constituencies and manipulate
support for Obamacare, which is a textbook definition of a scam and a total
healthcare disaster on virtually every basis, from raising the cost of medical
visits and surgical procedures to outright rationing healthcare to a trickle of
what was even previously available, all sorts of Big Lies have been employed.
Closet right-wing Democratic Party characters like Senate Majority Leader Harry
Reid, have actually tried to foster the ridiculous false belief that Obamacare
might be a back door to a supposed “Single-Payer” Healthcare System, namely
Socialized Medicine! Reid answered: “Yes, yes! Absolutely yes!” when he was
asked on the PBS program “Nevada Week in Review” if his goal was to “move
Obamacare to a single-payer system”—meaning Socialized Medicine! In this
instance we can not simply assume that Reid is a naïve simpleton. Reid knows
very well that capitalism has a development sequence, a dynamic of its own
entirely independent of the wills of the capitalists and politicians and that
politicians like himself simply ride that dynamic to the top based on the
extent that they express and further that One-Way Dynamic of Capitalism, which
leads to Fascism, barbarism and the End of Civilization. Reid further knows
that Obamacare—a Far-Right-Wing, Fascist Scheme—is an expression of this
One-Way Dynamic of Capitalism. For Reid to imply that Obamacare “could
be moved to” Socialized Medicine is like saying Fascism is the road to Communism,
when both occupy the opposite ends of the political spectrum. Reid’s suggestion
would be that of idealist/nihilist idiot Susan Sontag in reverse, who claimed:
“Communism is a variant of Fascism with a human face.” The Law of Unity of
Opposites, the Second Law of Dialectical and Historical Materialism, which does
permit a person to be both a capitalist and Communist simultaneously, would
probably not apply to Reid’s suggestion! But such a knowingly and deliberately
false illusion is being perpetrated by the Obama Regime and the capitalist
dictatorship in order to try to manipulate support for the Fascist Obamacare!


Capitalist Dictatorship intends to hang their orchestrated Bridgegate
Provocation around the neck of Chris Christie and possibly rightfully add the
charge of ABUSE OF POWER in order to discourage support for Christie and
possibly run him out of office! If Christie is able to expose and properly
explain Bridgegate as a Deliberately Orchestrated Provocation carried
out by HIS Enemies in the Obama Regime and the Federal Government,
who fear that he could lead the overturning of Obamacare, he can might
still win the Republican nomination and the presidency. Even if he is not able to
explain this Provocation entirely because of the fact that he himself is the
target, there is a general awareness that Bridgegate does NOT MAKE SENSE coming out
of nowhere. But many people understand cause and effect and some are able to
think inductively and are able to fill in the few gaps! Although it is always
possible that Chris Christie could be terminated with extreme prejudice it is
much more likely that the USA capitalist dictatorship will be able to continue
legal proceedings against Christie to a sufficient extent so that his
nomination or candidacy will be permanently sabotaged. The media will also do
everything possible to discredit him on a continuous basis. Further
provocations, though possible do not appear to be necessary and it does
look like it will be necessary to directly ASSASSINATE CHRIS CHRISTIE. We are
living in End-Stage Capitalism and it is true that Obama is the
“Assassination President” as Bush II was the “Torture President,” although Bush
also had Senator Paul Wellstone and his whole family assassinated for refusing
to halt his criticism of the Bush Regime! Chris Christie should therefore still
watch his back.

William H. Depperman, Coordinator

United Front Against Racism

And Capitalism-Imperialism

New York, N.Y. 10003

January 22, 2014

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