
Another Republican – Arrested For Threatening The American Elected President

Another post for the insanity that’s brewing and overflowing in the Republican party. They still cannot accept the fact that Democracy worked and the best man won the presidential election.

Christopher Castillo threatened the president on his Facebook page.

“That’s the last straw, if he gets re-elected I’m going to hunt him down and kill him watch the life disappear from his eyes.”

Castillo’s father, Frank, defended him:

“A lot of people say things on Facebook that they don’t mean, and I understand the Secret Service has to do what they have to do, it’s their job,” said Frank Castillo of Tyler, Texas. “I would imagine they would find some people out there that really are loose cannons. Christopher is not one of them.”

The younger Castillo’s tone didn’t improve when he talked to the authorities.

When officials went to Christopher Castillo’s home Nov. 8, Castillo said “he made the comments out of severe anger towards [sic] the President for his views on health care and said ‘we’re all going to be screwed,’ ” the affidavit reads.

Christopher Castillo made further threats to the president in the interview with investigators, calling the president a terrorist and threatening to beat him up, according to court documents. When investigators told Castillo his statements violated federal law, he replied “it did not matter,” according to the affidavit.

Castillo is in custody, but will be released with a GPS monitor.

h/t Alan

Barack Obama George Bush Politics

Papa John’s Pizza Made More Money Under Obama Than Under Bush

Papa John’s Pizza founder and CEO John Schnatter has been making headlines this year with his one-man crusade against his customers, and now his employees, over his restaurant chain’s new responsibilities under President Obama‘s Affordable Care Act.

Schnatter has earned extra-large, stuffed-crust bad PR for his trouble, as photos of his extravagant Louisville estate have gone viral, and his company’s stock price has taken a 9% dive since his latest remarks. For all of his bitching about President Obama and support for Mitt Romney, though, Schnatter’s stock price was at $51.90 per share on Election Day, more than triple the $16.58 it closed with when President Obama was inaugurated.

On the other hand, during the eight years of the Bush administration, Papa John’s stock price leapt from $11.97 per share to $16.58, an improvement of $4.68.

Since Election Day, though, Schnatter one-upped his promise to jack the price of his ‘za up by a whopping 11 cents to cover his employees’ health care by explaining that his franchisees will probably cut those employees’ hours to avoid that “crippling” expense. Since Schnatter opened his yap this last time, Papa John’s stock has dropped $4.68, as of 2pm Thursday. That’s eight years worth of Republican presidenting, gone in a matter of days.

h/t Mediaite

Mitt Romney Politics

Bobby Jindal – “I Think [Mitt Romney] Is Absolutely Wrong” On That Gift Statement

I think it’s pure political ambition. I think Bobby Jindal saw an opportunity to be against the looser Romney and he jumped on it. It was just a week ago before the election when everything Mitt Romney said was automatically endorsed by Jindal, but now, Jindal is leading the opposition against  the former Republican presidential candidate.

Asked about Romney’s latest statement that he lost the election because of Obama’s “gifts” to different ethnic groups and women, the Republican governor of Louisiana couldn’t disagree more.

“No, I think that’s absolutely wrong,” he said at a press conference that opened the RGA’s post-election meeting here. “Two points on that: One, we have got to stop dividing the American voters. We need to go after 100 percent of the votes, not 53 percent. We need to go after every single vote.

“And, secondly, we need to continue to show how our policies help every voter out there achieve the American Dream, which is to be in the middle class, which is to be able to give their children an opportunity to be able to get a great education. … So, I absolutely reject that notion, that description. I think that’s absolutely wrong.”

I think Bobby Jindal is trying to get some recognition for 2016. Move over Chris Christie!

God Mitt Romney Politics

Romney Supporter Claims That God Will Punish America For Re-Electing President Obama

Remember when Mitt Romney appeared to be leading in all the polls and Republicans began celebrating their imminent victory? Then  hurricane Sandy happened across the east coast and Americans gravitated back to the president after seeing the way he handled the aftermath of the storm. Republicans immediately began blaming the hurricane for Obama’s new-found popularity, some even saying that Sandy as an act of God, stopped Romney’s rise in the polls.

Well it seems that Republicans cannot make up their mind which way they want to go. Before the election, they blamed God and the hurricane for slowing Romney’s rise to the presidency and now, they’re claiming that God will punish America for re-electing President Obama.

Yesterday, John Hagee opened up the “Hagee Hotline” to answer questions from parishioners about the election; questions like “do you believe [President Obama] is the precursor to the Anti-Christ?”  Hagee never really answered the question, simply predicting that an economic crash is coming that will result in the rise of a global economic czar who will, in fact, be the Anti-Christ.

But as for the election, Hagee warned that “America chose a leader who is for men marrying men” and who is “pro-abortion” and who has “attacked freedom of religion” and so this nation is “about to face the consequences of our choices” because “God will hold America responsible for that choice”:

Mitt Romney Politics

Mitt Romney’s “Gift” Statement Shows That Republicans Still Don’t Get It

On Wednesday, both the President and Mr. Romney spoke in length about the presidential election that took place a week before. But the style of the two men and the things they had to say showed the vast contrast between them, as one extended an invitation to the other to move the country forward, while the other man continued in divisive politics guaranteed to divide this country along racial and social lines.

Can you guess who would like that division? If you said Mitt Romney, you’d be correct.

In his first press conference since winning reelection, President Obama was asked whether he had followed up on a statement he made in his victory speech about inviting Mitt Romney and finding a way to work together. The President replied that he was giving Romney some time to come to terms with the outcome of the election, but would make that invitation in the future.

The President;

“I do think he did a terrific job running the Olympics, and that skill set of trying to figure out how do we make something work better applies to the federal government.

There are a lot of ideas that I don’t think are partisan ideas but are just smart ideas about how can we make the federal government more customer friendly. How can we make sure that we’re consolidating programs that are duplicative; how can we eliminate additional waste. He presented some ideas during the course of the campaign that I actually agree with. So it would be interesting to talk to him about something like that. There may be ideas that he has with respect to jobs and growth that can help middle-class families that I want to hear. So I’m not either prejudging what he’s interested in doing, nor am I suggesting I’ve got some specific assignment. But what I want to do is to get ideas from him and see if there are some ways that we can potentially work together.”

But around the same time that Mr. Obama was promising to work with the Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney was busy with a conference call of his own. Speaking to his donors, Romney continued the same politics of division his campaign embraced in the final weeks of his run for president. Explaining why he lost the election, Romney attempted to remove himself and his failed ideas from the equation and credited “gifts” from the Obama administration to certain ethnic and socioeconomic groups as the reason for his loss.

Mr. Romney:

“With regards to the young people, for instance, a forgiveness of college loan interest was a big gift. Free contraceptives were very big with young, college-aged women. And then, finally, Obamacare also made a difference for them, because as you know, anybody now 26 years of age and younger was now going to be part of their parents’ plan, and that was a big gift to young people. They turned out in large numbers, a larger share in this election even than in 2008.

You can imagine for somebody making $25,000 or $30,000 or $35,000 a year, being told you’re now going to get free health care, particularly if you don’t have it, getting free health care worth, what, $10,000 per family, in perpetuity — I mean, this is huge. Likewise with Hispanic voters, free health care was a big plus. But in addition with regards to Hispanic voters, the amnesty for children of illegals, the so-called Dream Act kids, was a huge plus for that voting group.”

Of course, if Mitt Romney had won the election, getting rid of healthcare would have been his number one priority – he said it numerous times in his campaign. And when it came to women and their healthcare decisions, Romney was/is in favor of inserting the Government in the middle of those private decisions a women make about her own life. It was also no secret that he was against the Dream Act and favored the ludicrous idea that anyone found illegally in the country must “self deport” back to the country of their birth.

Yes, those were all policy ideas of the Romney/Ryan Republican ticket, and all those ideas sucked.

In a nation that considers itself the greatest nation on earth, what’s wrong with making sure that the citizens have affordable healthcare instead of going to the emergency room when it’s too late? What’s wrong with allowing women their right to make their own healthcare decisions? And what’s wrong with implementing smart and necessary immigration policies to ensure that children brought to this country at a very young age be allowed to stay in the only country they know.

Those are some of the policies President Obama implemented in his first term – affordable healthcare, allowing women to make their own decisions and The Dream Act that provided a legal status to children brought to this country through no fault of their own. People voted based on what helped their situations, and calling those policies “gifts” exemplifies the problem with Mitt Romney and the Republicans in general – they just don’t get it!

Two different men, two different governing styles, two different sets of policies. And if what these two men said on Wednesday was any indication, Americans chose the right man for the job of President.

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