Mitt Romney Paul Ryan Politics taxes

Mitt Romney – “I Admit, [President Obama] Did Not Raise Taxes In His First Four Years”

Mitt Romney is shaking things up again, and I do mean the etch-a-sketch. Romney spent a major part of his campaign criticizing President for “raising taxes” on the middle class. But with the debates looming and the realization that he will meet with the President face to face, Mitt Romney is now trying to erase some of the lies.

Now Romney is saying that President Obama did not raise taxes.

Mitt Romney veered off message Tuesday when he told a crowd of supporters in Ohio that President Barack Obama “did not” raise taxes in his first four years in office, undercutting his own line of attack on the president.

“His idea now, he’s got one new, he’s got a new idea,” Romney said during a rally with running mate Paul Ryan. “I admit this, he has one thing he did not do in his first four years, he’s said he’s going to do in his next four years, which is to raise taxes.”

The statement strayed from the Romney campaign’s usual criticism of the president. While Obama’s efforts to let the Bush-era tax cuts on families with an annual income above $250,000 expire have faltered under Republican opposition, Romney’s campaign has repeatedly argued that the president has raised taxes in other ways.

Benghazi Benghazi Politics

President Obama Remembers Chris Stevens at The United Nations

President Obama spoke today at the United Nations and discussed the unfortunate recent events Libya, where a mob attacked and killed four Americans including Chris Stevens, U.S. Ambassador to Libya.

The attacks on our civilians in Benghazi were attacks on America. We are grateful for the assistance we received from the Libyan government and the Libyan people. And there should be no doubt that we will be relentless in tracking down the killers and bringing them to justice. I also appreciate that in recent days, the leaders of other countries in the region – including Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen – have taken steps to secure our diplomatic facilities, and called for calm. So have religious authorities around the globe.

But the attacks of the last two weeks are not simply an assault on America. They are also an assault on the very ideals upon which the United Nations was founded – the notion that people can resolve their differences peacefully; that diplomacy can take the place of war; and that in an interdependent world, all of us have a stake in working towards greater opportunity and security for our citizens.


Right-Winged Radio Host Tells Listeners To “Post Negative Ads About Islam”

Dumb people come a dime a dozen and for some strange reason, ten of the dozen comes from the Republican party. Here’s an example:

A radio host in Sacramento is asking his listeners to post negative ads and comments about Islam and their leader, Prophet Mohammed. I guess the killing of innocent Americans in Islāmic countries and the fact that deployed troops would be in danger means nothing to these wing-nuts if the outcome of their rants is havoc in the world and an opportunity for them to blame President Obama for that havoc.

Jack Armstrong on KSTE’S Armstrong & Getty show asked his listeners to post negative ads about the prophet Mohammad.

“Some of you people that are good with the computer make an anti-Mohammed ad post it to Al Jazeera. We need to swamp them with ads until they grow up,” said Armstrong.

“We just ask for you to respect other faiths just as in the Muslim faith we don’t insult Christians and Jews and other prophets,” said Sacramento area Muslim Tawfiq Morrar. “Couple hundred in the streets of Afghanistan do not represent the 25 million residents of Afghanistan. That said, we know that Jack Armstrong does not represent the majority of Americans.”

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