
President Obama Contributes $5,000 To His Own Campaign

Yes folks, things are really that bad. In the past, president Obama spoke of Romney’s ability to out raise him and warned supporters that he could actually lose in November if Romney is able to spend uncontested amounts on television ads.

Now, President Obama is putting his own money into his campaign, trying to keep pace with the handful of Billionaires buying our Democracy for Mitt Romney.

President Obama has contributed $5,000 to his own presidential campaign.

In an e-mail today to supporters, Obama wrote, “yesterday, I made my first donation to support this campaign,” though he did not reveal the amount.

The amount: $5,000, according to the campaign.

Obama again warned backers about the prospect of a massive Republican spending advantage in the fall race against Mitt Romney.

Wrote the president: “On its own, what I gave won’t be enough to surmount the unprecedented fundraising we’ve seen on the other side, both from our opponent’s campaign and from the outside groups and special interests supporting him.”


Mitt’s Bad Trip

If a Democratic strategist adopted an alias and described his vision of Mitt Romney’s trip overseas, it wouldn’t have been better than what’s actually happened. We can give Mitt credit for one bit of truth: He didn’t want his trip to mirror Barack Obama’s overseas adventure in the summer of 2008, which saw oversized crowds giving him thunderous ovations, and Mitt’s episode certainly didn’t. Remember that the McCain camp’s only response was that the US didn’t need a rock star president? To solidify that aspiration, McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate where she became, you know the answer, a rock star.

Romney’s trip appetizer as it turned out, was his disparaging remark about the London Olympics and that’s what 99% (oh, that 99%) of the world’s viewer’s will remember of the Olympics. Will the games lose money? Surely. Will there be empty seats, fraudulent tickets and missed buses? Yes. Will it matter to those watching on TV? Not at all. What will matter, and has rightfully gained all the headlines, is that Romney missed a free opportunity to act statesmanlike, responsible, upbeat, friendly and most important, presidential.

He snuffed it badly.

Then it was on to Israel for the main course, which was a full-blown endorsement of the most contentious issues facing the Israeli’s and Palestinians. Mitt called Jerusalem the “capital of Israel,” even though its a divided city and said that the real reason Palestine is behind Israel is because of Israel’s culture. The Jerusalem line is one that many American politicians use to galvanize Jewish support for their candidacies, but the US is not going to unilaterally or bilaterally with Israel, decide that city’s status. No Palestinian politician will agree to it and the larger Muslim Middle East will fight to the death to preserve and defend its holy sites against an Israeli assumption of Jerusalem. It’s the culture remark that tells us more about Romney than we probably want to know.

How much does culture determine a people’s success or failure? In the United States, culture has been used both historically and currently to explain why African-Americans live in poverty or have a stunningly high rate of single-parent families or a high obesity rate or why they want to live in segregated communities, not to mention that they made good slaves and like to eat certain foods. Likewise, the culture argument has been used to paint Jews, Irish, Italians, Poles, Latinos, Asians (with and without regional breakdowns) and the LGBT community as… well, you probably know the stereotypes. All of them are false. All of them are ugly. All of them have been used to discriminate against and paint groups as “un-American” and “dangerous.”

Onto that pile of malodorous claptrap comes the well-shod foot of the presumed Republican nominee.

“Culture makes all the difference. Culture makes all the difference,” Romney said, repeating the conclusion he drew from the book, by David Landes. “And as I come here and I look out over this city and consider the accomplishments of the people of this nation, I recognize the power of at least culture and a few other things.”

Thus, if culture makes all the difference, then it must mean that Palestinians want to live in their present dangerous, fetid, unsettled, poverty-stricken land. If they had a different culture, then they wouldn’t. Never mind the politics, the sanctions, the wall, trade embargoes and blowing up the houses of relatives who are suspected or convicted of being terrorists. No, it’s all culture.

Now, don’t get me wrong here. I’m Jewish. I support Israel 100% and believe that its existence is vital to the region and the world. But I’m not going to chalk up Israel’s economic vitality and thriving society to culture alone or as the most important factor in its success.

Israel has a terrific friend in the United States, and we’re in a position to funnel billions of dollars in aid to its government and provide a likewise amount in weapons and defense. Much of the Middle East was supported by the Soviets during the Cold War, and when the USSR collapsed, so did many of those country’s economies. Add in the rise of Islamic terrorism and you have a situation where many people weren’t even able to make a cultural choice for their country. It was made for them by a ruling elite (Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Saudi Arabia) or a religious movement that had more guns than anyone else (Afghanistan, Iran, the PLO).

And yet, to Romney, it’s culture that is the main determinant of a country’s success. That strikes me as condescending, discriminatory and wrong. It’s convenient to blame culture because then you get to define the elements of that culture. So Palestinians are deficient and Israelis are superior. In Syria, Alawites must be superior because they have the government and the weapons, but if Assad losses, that must mean that the rebels and their concomitant groups are superior. Countries that receive enough rainfall to water their crops must have superior cultures, while arid areas must be deficient. OK, you get the point (and you most likely did 3 paragraphs ago).

The desert was light and fluffy, courtesy of Romney’s staff in Poland that was probably upset at all of those inconvenient questions about his trip, so they said some naughty things. But the damage has been done. Romney had hoped to make this trip about his commander-in-chief credentials and it became about everything but that. If these were isolated events, we could forgive Mitt, but with all of the other silly things Romney has said during the campaign, we need to begin worrying that he would damage more than his campaign. That’s something we truly cannot afford.

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Romney Embarrassment Tour Update: Aide To Reporters – “Kiss My Ass, This Is a Holy Site”

In London, Romney put his foot deep down his throat when he criticize the Olympic organizers by claiming they were not ready for the games. He later put on his flip-flops and said he was impressed with the organization.

In Israel, Romney placed a bigger wedge between Israel and Palestine when he praised Israel’s culture as the reason for their advancement. Palestine leaders immediately opposed Romney’s assertions that Israel was somehow superior to them and they called Romney a “racist” for his comments.

And now in Poland. On Monday, Romney and his aides visited a memorial to Pope John Paul II where reporters continued asking questions about gaffes Romney had made on his trip. Frustrated with the questions, Rick Gorka – one of Romney’s aides – responded;

“This is a holy site for the Polish people, show some respect.”

“We haven’t had another chance to ask some questions,” the reporter explained.

“Kiss my ass; this is a holy site for the Polish people,” Gorka shot back, adding, “Shove it.”

The aide later called the reporter and apologized.


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Barack Obama Dick Cheney Politics

Dick Cheney Humor – Claims President Obama is “One Of Our Weakest Presidents”

As you read this, keep in mind that the worst terrorist attack on American soil happened under the watchful eyes of Dick Cheney and George Bush. And keep in mind that President Obama’s foreign policy on terrorist have led to more legitimate terrorists captured and or killed in four years, than in Bush’s entire eight years.

With those two facts in mind, read the humor of Dick Cheney.

“Obviously am not a big fan of President Obama,” the former vice president told ABC News. “I think he’s been one of our weakest presidents. I just fundamentally disagree with him philosophically. I’d be hard put to find any Democratic president that I’ve disagreed with more.”

Even Jimmy Carter, Cheney was asked? “Yes,” he said.

Of course, the feeling is no doubt mutual; Obama and his backer say the policies of Cheney and President George W. Bush in Iraq and elsewhere lowered U.S. standing in the world.

Cheney did give Obama credit for the raid that killed Osama bin Laden in 2011, but said the intelligence that led to that action came from programs developed from the Bush administration.

He also criticized Obama’s decisions to withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan.

“We should not be running for the exits. We should not be turning our backs on our friends in that part of the world,” he said.

Cheney will not be delivering a critique of Obama at next month’s Republican convention; ABC reported that he plans to skip the proceedings.

Mitt Romney Politics taxes

Mitt The Mystery Romney – Not Right For America

There was a time in American politics when a candidate auditioning for the highest job in the land had to be vetted. Americans wanted to know everything about that candidate: their morals, their beliefs, their past associations, their work experiences, their family background, their taxes, their beer drinking skills and more.

But apparently, all those expectations stopped when Republicans decided that Mr. Romney’s past is none of our business. And Romney went through much trouble to destroy records from his time as Governor of Massachusetts and records dealing with his Olympics tenure.  There are more questions than answers pertaining to his work at Bain Capital and his taxes are hidden.

Plus, he’s not a drinker!

Republicans have decided to go to the polls this November and hire a worker they know nothing of. This is not acceptable in the real world and it should not be acceptable for someone applying for the most important job in the nation.

Mitt Romney Palestine Politics

Mitt Romney’s Position “Absolutely Unacceptable” to Palestine

JERICHO, West Bank (AP) – Mitt Romney’s assertion that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital is absolutely unacceptably , a senior Palestinian official said Monday, voicing the strongest Palestinian criticism yet of the Republican presidential candidate.

Palestinian officials had largely maintained diplomatic silence during Romney’s current visit to the region, even as the candidate embraced Israeli positions and in an apparent snub, avoided meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

The U.S. is the dominant broker in efforts — paralyzed since 2008 — to set up a Palestinian state through negotiations with Israel, and Palestinian leaders do not want to antagonize key players, including Romney.

However, Romney’s comments on Sunday about Jerusalem prompted a strong response.
The Palestinians want to establish a capital in east Jerusalem, captured and annexed by Israel in 1967. Most of the world, including the U.S., does not recognize the annexation. The U.S. and others keep their embassies in Tel Aviv.

On Sunday, Romney said flat out that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital and strongly suggested he would move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem if he were president, supporting two key Israeli demands.

Saeb Erekat, an Abbas aide, said Romney’s comments about Jerusalem were “absolutely unacceptable,” adding that “such statements and policy will push the region toward extremists

Elections Politics

Here’s Our Suggestion To You For The Last 100 Days – Video

We have entered the last 100 days before the November 6 election that will decide the future of this country. With two extremely opposing views on where this nation should go, it is up to you, the American people, to decide.

Should we go FORWARD with President Obama’s plans to invest in America and the middle class through building roads, schools, infrastructure, clean energy and jobs, or should we go back to the Bush-era, with policies that favors the richest few in our society with the hopes that their prosperity would someday (if we keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best) trickle down to the rest of us.

With 100 days remaining, do your part America! Volunteer and donate. Our future is at stake!


White Preacher Refuse To Marry Black Couple At His Church

Pastor Weatherford

Wait one second…. Yep! It’s still 2012. Just checking.

They had booked their wedding far in advance. The invitations had been sent, the programs printed. But one day before Charles and Te’Andrea Wilson were to be married at the Mississippi church they frequented, they said a pastor told them they would have to find another venue — because they were black.

There has never been a black wedding at the First Baptist Church in Crystal Springs, Miss., since its founding in 1883. According to Pastor Stan Weatherford, some church members objected so strongly to breaking that precedent, they threatened to oust him from his pastorship.

Rather than risk his job, Weatherford, who is white, said he decided to marry the pair at a black church down the road.

“My 9-year-old was going to the church with us. How would you say to your 9-year-old daughter, ‘We cannot get married here because, guess what sweetie, we’re black,'” Charles Wilson told ABC’s affiliate WAPT-TV.

Outrage over the wedding’s forced relocation swept the Jackson suburb of about 5,000 into a media firestorm.

The vast majority of Crystal Springs residents, blacks and whites alike, were “blown away” by the church’s decision, said Theresa Norwood, 48, who was born in Crystal Springs and has lived there her entire life.

Norwood said she believes Weatherford should have married the Wilsons regardless of the risk to his job.


Politics weekly address

Republicans Insist – We Will Raise Taxes On The Middle Class If The Rich Can’t Get A Tax Cut

President Obama used this week’s presidential address to continue his push on Congressional Republicans who are determined on raising taxes on the middle class come January.

Republicans have said, once again, that they will not cut taxes for hardworking middle class Americans if their friends in the richest 2% can’t get their taxes cut as well.

The President:

Now it comes down to this: If 218 Members of the House vote the right way, 98% of American families and 97% of small business owners will have the certainty of knowing that their income taxes will not go up next year.

But right now, that’s not the case.  Instead of doing what’s right for middle class families and small business owners, Republicans in Congress are holding these tax cuts hostage until we extend tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.

Mitt Romney Politics

When The Mitt Hits The Fan, Mitt Brings Out The Yellow Flip Flops

Seems Mitt Romney didn’t forget his flip-flops. Maybe he’s planning to visit some nice beaches in London. Who knows. But on his first official visit to tout his foreign experience, Mitt Romney neatly placed his foot in his mouth… again.

In a matter of 24 hours, Mitt’s yellow flip-flops were flopping all over the London Bridge, as he tried desperately to turn back the hands of time and take back a statement he made about London being unprepared for the Olympics.

We would not be surprised to see a shoe thrown in Mitt’s direction before his apology tour is over. No, we won’t be surprised at all.

Mitt Romney Politics

PolitiFact Points Out Another Mitt Romney Lie

PolitiFact took on Mitt Romney’s constant claim that President Obama is anti-business. Romney’s attack on the President stems from a statement Mr. Obama made a few weeks ago, where he said – among other things -” If you have a business, you didn’t build that.”

PolitiFact – a fact checking organization that analyze political statements of both Democrats and Republicans – checked Romney’s attack and found Romney is, once again, lying.

From PolitiFact : Romney cherry-picked a quote that made it sound like Obama was dismissive of businesses when in fact he was making a point that success comes from the combination of “individual initiative” and the fact that “we do things together.”

The biggest problem is that the Romney campaign has left out the lead-up to the statement — that “if you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges.”

These words indicate that Obama was referring to infrastructure and educational opportunities that were paid for by taxpayers through the government — things that established a necessary foundation for making private businesses successful.

We think his meaning is clear — that both business people and government play a role in the American enterprise system, not purely one or the other.

Our ruling

In speeches and videos, the Romney campaign has repeatedly distorted Obama’s words. By plucking two sentences out of context, Romney twists the president’s remarks and ignores their real meaning.

Mitt Romney Politics

Mitt Romney Is Embarrassing America In His London Trip

It all started when Mitt Romney gave an interview to Brian Williams. In his interview, Romney said he was concerned about the Olympics in London. Romney told Mr. Williams that London may be unprepared for the games.


And so the embarrassment started as the media and London politicians defended their sovereignty. Leave it up to Mitt Romney to go into someone’s home and criticize how they live. Remember Cookie-gate?

Look at what some of London’s media is saying about the Republican nominee:

The British media was quick to launch into Mr Romney in the wake of his disastrous day.

The Daily Telegraph’s Lucy Jones branded him a ‘wazzock’ (which the Urban Dictionary defines as ‘an idiot or daft person’) after the candidate questioned Britain’s desire to host the Games.

She said: ‘Who does Mitt Romney think he is? I feel a glimmer of protectiveness and pride… there’s one thing Romney could learn while he’s in Britain this week: some manners.’

Nicholas Watt, from the Guardian, tweeted of his U-turn: ‘Mitt Romney rowing back like mad on Olympics: Now says outside No 10 games to be a great success.’

Meanwhile, Paul Harris said: ‘Good old Mitt. His charm offensive in the UK failed to be charming, but he really pulled off the offensive bit #gop #romney.’

James Kirkup, also from the Telegraph, drew attention to Mr Cameron’s response to Romney’s comments.

‘Mr Romney made his name salvaging the Salt Lake City Winter Games in 2002, an achievement he may think qualifies him to comment on preparations for London 2012,’ he said.

‘In the context of Mr Romney’s glittering resumé, one of Mr Cameron’s (faintly defensive) comments bears particular attention: “We are holding an Olympic Games in one of the busiest, most active, bustling cities anywhere in the world. Of course it’s easier if you hold an Olympic games in the middle of nowhere.”

‘Some cynics thought that the “middle of nowhere” comment could just be a swipe at Salt Lake City, which is quite near the middle of, er, Utah. Terrible people, cynics.’

On Twitter, users have been attacking Mr Romney deploying hashtags such as #Romneyshambles and #Mitthitsthefan.

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