
Chicago Traders Throw McDonalds Applications At Occupiers

And you thought the traders in Chicago couldn’t stoop any lower. You thought that after placing a huge sign in their office windows saying, “we are the 1%,” these heartless parasites wouldn’t be able to offend the 99%, the Chicago Occupiers protesting outside their building any worse.

Well think again!

In yet another example of the insensitivity of the rich towards the middle class, Chicago Traders once again went to their windows and threw McDonalds’ applications down to the Occupy Chicago protesters below.

The actions of the Traders caused Occupy Chicago to tweet; “Real class acts. This week, it’s McDonald’s job applications they litter from the windows. Soulless place.”

These same traders belong to a financial industry that, through greed and market manipulation, contributed to the present economic crisis. And thanks to the American taxpayers, bailouts were allocated to traders with the hopes that a strong financial sector will eventually amount to a strong middle class, something Republicans call trickle-down economics.

This America, is what the Republicans mean when they say “Trickle-Down Economics.”


Republicans Blocked Yet Another Part of Obama’s Job Bill

This story is becoming old. For the third time, congressional Republicans blocked another part of President Obama’s Jobs Bill.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans in the Senate Thursday dealt President Barack Obama the third in a string of defeats on his stimulus-style jobs agenda, blocking a $60 billion measure for building and repairing infrastructure like roads and rail lines.

Supporters of the failed measure said it would have created tens of thousands of construction jobs and lifted the still-struggling economy. But Republicans unanimously opposed it for its tax surcharge on the wealthy and spending totals they said were too high.

The 51-49 vote fell well short of the 60 votes required under Senate procedures to start work on the bill. Every Republican opposed the president, as did Democrat Ben Nelson of Nebraska and former Democrat Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., who still aligns with the party.

Although they try, these Republicans still cannot keep the American people down. Reports out today found that the unemployment rate fell, from 9.1% to 9%.  A small drop, but given the Republican’s goal of making this president fail by destroying the middle class, any reduction in the unemployment figures are welcomed news.

Politics troops war

Americans Overwhelmingly Agree With the President On Iraq

On October 21st, President Obama announced that all military personnel in Iraq will be home for the Christmas holidays, officially bringing an end to the war and reflecting the wishes of the American people.

A new Gallop poll conducted on October 29th and 30th, shows that 75% of Americans agree with the President’s decision.

Independents and Democrats alike supports the idea of withdrawing our troops and ending the conflict. Of course, Republicans disagree.

Read the poll here

Mitch McConnell occupy wall street Politics

Occupying Mitch McConnell’s Office

Too close for comfort, as Occupiers take their message directly to the enemy – Republican Senate Leader, Mitch McConnell.

WASHINGTON — Roughly 30 jobless protesters from D.C. neighborhoods occupied Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office in the Russell Senate Office Building Thursday, saying they wanted to talk to him about jobs.

But McConnell was busy at the Capitol Building, where he led Republicans in blocking a $60 billion infrastructure bill. The protesters said they supported the measure.

McConnell’s legislative director offered to sit down with the group, but they declined, saying they’d rather wait for the senator himself. So they sat in his office, taking up every chair and lots of floor space while McConnell’s staff went about its business. A Capitol Police officer scoped the situation and said her heart went out to them for losing their jobs.

McConnell is known for saying that Republicans only priority is to make president Obama a one term president.

Apparently, the 99% of Americans think their priority should be what Republicans promised when they won the House of Representatives – Jobs!

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