occupy wall street Politics

Keith Olbermann Speaks To Lawyer Of Man Run Over By New York Police

There is absolutely no reason why any police officer should be allowed to intentionally cause harm to anyone, especially when an individual is in harm’s way, but is not putting  said officer’s life in danger. So don’t even try to understand this policeman’s actions in the video below – there’s just no plausible explanation.

Keith Olbermann interviews the lawyer of the victim. Be warned, more scenes of the attack are shown.

Politics weekly address

Although Republicans Killed American Jobs Bill, President Fights On

Senate Republicans handed the President and the American people a defeat earlier this week, when they joined together and voted against putting Americans back to work. But unlike other times when President Obama would move on to another issue, this time the President is not giving up the fight, vowing to get Americans working again, by making his jobs proposal issue number one.

Coming off a week when his nearly $450 billion jobs bill died in the Senate, Obama made no reference to that failure, instead promising to renew efforts to get Republicans to vote on individual components of the legislation.

“Next week, I’m urging members of Congress to vote on putting hundreds of thousands of teachers back in the classroom, cops back on the streets and firefighters back on the job,” Obama said in his weekly radio and Internet address Saturday.

“And if they vote ‘no’ on that, they’ll have to tell you why,” he said. “They’ll have to tell you why teachers in your community don’t deserve a paycheck again. They’ll have to tell your kids why they don’t deserve to have their teacher back. They’ll have to tell you why they’re against common-sense proposals that would help families and strengthen our communities right now.”

They will vote “NO!’

It’s what they’ve done ever since President Obama was sworn into office. So expect to hear their talking points, their lame excuses explaining why teachers shouldn’t get a paycheck, why middle class Americans don’t deserve to find work. And I’m sure we’ll be hearing these excuses real soon.

Christian family Tid Bits

What Did The Wife Of A Pastor Say On Family Feud?

Magen is a pastor’s wife. She and her family went on Family Feud and got the unfortunate question from host Steve Harvey, “Tell me something you put in your mouth but don’t swallow.”

The Pastor’s wife answered, “Sperm.”

That pastor is a happy man!

Well, watch it below.


Poor Rick Perry – His Son Lost His Job Because Of President Obama

Excuse me while I pass the tissues around. We’re all collectively crying for Rick Perry and his unfortunate family, as they suffer the consequences of the Obama Administration.

According to Anita Perry, Rick’s wife, her poor banker son lost his job because of President Obama’s regulations. So yes, the Perrys are just like us. They have first-hand experience of what if feels like to suffer from the effects of this wretched economy.

At a campaign stop for her husband in South Carolina, Mrs. Perry spoke with a voter, sharing his story about losing his job. Mrs. Perry, who couldn’t wait to tell the world about how terrible the Obama Administration is, and how all the regulations on corporations are causing so many others to lose their jobs as well, jumped in with her story;

“My son lost his job because of this administration,” she said.

Except for one thing…

Seems the young Perry – his name is Griffin btw – contrary to what Anita implies, didn’t actually lose his job at Deutsche Bank. He quit, but because he wanted to help his poor poor dad on the campaign trail. You see, Griffin’s dad is running for President.

Anita goes on explaining her son’s plight,

“He resigned his job two weeks ago because he can’t go out and campaign with his father because of SEC regulations,” she said. “He has a wife… he’s trying to start a business. So I can empathize.”

Yes, she empathizes…!

I remember when my dad was running for president I too had to quit my job…. oh wait… wrong lifetime.

With a show of hands –  how many of the millions of unemployed in the audience quit their high-paying corporate job to help their dad run for President? Hmmm…I’m not seeing any hands.

Yes, the Perrys are suffering just like us, and it’s all Obama’s fault!

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