News Teacher Videos

I Never Thought I’d Want To High-Five A Teacher For Yelling At A Student, But I Was Wrong

Jane Elliot is a teacher and diversity trainer who developed the “Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes” exercise to teach students what it feels like to be a person of color. This video begins pretty abruptly, where one of the students who’s been singled out based on eye color is extremely frustrated.

At 2:46, Elliot explains why she keeps going even after she’s made the point. At 3:35, she delivers an important message.

A partial transcript from a very powerful portion of the video, beginning at 3:19:

h/t – upworthy
chuck todd Donald Trump Donald Trump Featured MSNBC Stupid

Donald Trump Gets Angry – Yells At Chuck Todd In Interview

That’s what you get when you ask a  nincompoop on your show for an interview. You get a nincompoop response to your question and everyone else watching collectively say, “you asked for that, you should have known better!”

That’s what MSNBC’s Chuck Todd got today when he tried interviewing Donald Trump. Straight off the bat, Donald went into a tirade, accusing Todd of lying and making sure the world know that MSNBC called him, The Donald, and not the other way around.

Chuck Todd asked Donald to respond to a poll of Republicans, where the majority of respondents said they are not likely to vote for a candidate endorsed by Trump. This made Trump livid. We’re sure he popped his wig at the poll’s suggestion that he is not as popular with Republicans as he would like to think.

Donald Trump is a regular on Fox News program. You can bet Fox will show this clip on a loop when the nincompoop makes his next appearance.

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