Gun Control Politics

Fox News Guest Loses Job After Making Dumb Statement About UCSB Shooting on Fox

First, Robi Ludwig went on Fox News after the shooting in California and said that the mass shooting could have been caused by the shooter not being able to cope with his “homosexual impulses.”

Ludwig, a spokesperson for Coldwell Banker, apparently did not check with her employer before making that statements. After her appearance on the Fox, a concerned viewer shared Ludwig’s statement with Coldwell Banker. The viewer – Scott Wooledge – also asked, “I believe she is a spokesperson of yours, correct?”

Coldwell replied with this: “Dr. Robi’s comments on the tragedy in Santa Barbara do not represent the opinions of Coldwell Banker. Therefore at this time we feel it best to part ways with her as our lifestyle real estate correspondent.”

coldwell Fox News Guest Loses Job After Making Dumb Statement About UCSB Shooting on Fox

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