Barack Obama Featured Republican

Fox News Calls President A “Vigilante” For Making Recess Appointment

If you listen to the fake news people at the fake news network called Fox News, you will believe that recess appointments started when President Obama became president. The fake news channel has been busy over the last few days criticizing the President for appointing Richard Cordray as head of the new Consumer Protection Agency. What got the fake news people upset is not only the recess appointment, but the way the President did the appointment.

You see, Republicans are on vacation. However, before they went on vacation, they did something to make sure that the President’s hands were tied. They wanted to make sure that nothing got accomplished in their absence, for it is in the absence or recess of this particular congress that the President is able to get his appointments through.

So what did Republicans do?

They employed an old trick to make it seem as though Congress was still in session. They had someone show up every day in the Congressional building and pretend that congressional business was being done. This person or persons would begin a session, discuss nothing, then close the session in order to continue their vacation for the rest of the day.

President Obama used this time to install Mr. Cordray as the head of the Consumer Protection Agency and this recess appointment was called a “vigilante” act by the “Fair and Falanced” brainiacs at Fox News.

pixy Fox News Calls President A "Vigilante" For Making Recess Appointment
Barack Obama Politics Republican Senate United States washington

President Overrides Republican Obstructionism – The Richard Cordray Appointment

President Obama today did what Republicans in Congress refused to do simply because of their political ideology. He bypassed the broken system in Washington and installed Richard Cordray to head the Consumer Protection Agency.

“When Congress refuses to act, and as a result, hurts our economy and puts our people at risk, then I have an obligation as President to do what I can without them,” the President stated  as he addressed his supporters in Shaker Heights, Ohio. “I’ve got an obligation to act on behalf of the American people. And I’m not going to stand by while a minority in the Senate puts party ideology ahead of the people that we were elected to serve.”

Congressional Republicans’ refusal to even schedule hearings on Mr. Cordray’s appointment falls in line with their obvious hypocrisy as the Consumer Protection Agency is all about protecting consumers and that is something Republicans will not do. The President said it best today, “The only reason Republicans in the Senate have blocked Richard is because they don’t agree with the law that set up a consumer watchdog in the first place.”

pixy President Overrides Republican Obstructionism - The Richard Cordray Appointment
Politics weekly address

Presidential Address – Everyone Must Have A Fair Chance

President Obama used his weekly address to tell the American people that things will be better if everyone gets a fair shot at the resources necessary for success. He points out that the rich already have a multitude of lawyers and lobbyists in Washington working on their behalf.

That’s why he nominated Richard Cordray to head up a brand new consumer protection watchdog agency, whose sole purpose is protecting consumers from the unscrupulous predatory ways of Corporation. But surprise, Republicans have blocked Cordray’s nomination too.

The President.

So I refuse to take “no” for an answer.  Financial institutions have plenty of high-powered lawyers and lobbyists looking out for them.  It’s time consumers had someone on their side.

Republicans have also stood in the way of a balanced plan to extend the payroll tax cut for working families – and the President made it clear he believes that elected officials should not go home for the holidays until they’ve done what is right for the American people and for the economy by extending this tax cut.

Elizabeth Warren Politics

Elizabeth Warren Out As Head Of Consumer Protection Agency

Elizabeth Warren, the favored candidate Progressives have pushed over the last few months to head the Consumer Financial Protection Agency, just confirmed that she would not be the nominee. Reports indicates that President Obama has decided to go with Richard Cordray instead, and will make that announcement as early as Monday.

Mrs. Warren explained to The Huffington Post:

“Rich has always had my strong support because he is tough and he is smart-and that’s exactly the combination this new agency needs. He was one of the first senior leaders I recruited for the agency, and his work and commitment have made it clear that he will make a stellar director.”

One of the most vocal voices for Warren’s nomination voiced their disappointment. The Progressive Change Campaign Committee said;

“With her track record of standing up to Wall Street and fighting for consumers, Elizabeth Warren was the best qualified to lead this bureau that she conceived — and we imagine Richard Cordray would agree,” PCCC co-founder Stephanie Taylor said in a statement. “That said, Rich Cordray has been a strong ally of Elizabeth Warren’s and we hope he will continue her legacy of holding Wall Street accountable.”

Mrs. Warren was originally chosen by the Obama Administration to set up the mechanism need for the new agency. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency is scheduled to begin its duties on July 21st.

Because of her liberal stance, it is said that Elizabeth Warren would have never gained the Republican votes in congress necessary for confirmation if the President nominated her.

Richard Cordray is the former Attorney General of Ohio.

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