New York Politics

President Obama Sings – “I’m So In Love With You”

Yes, the country is not where it should be as unemployment is still relatively high at 8.5% and the country is very divided along political lines. Yet, is that any reason why President Obama should not indulge the country in a little moment of relief by singing a few bars of a song? Well, if you listened to the talking heads on the right, you would think Mr. Obama just quit the office of the Presidency and is now auditioning full-time for American Idol.

Calm it down folks. The 5 seconds the President used to sing “I’m so in love with you,” did not add to the unemployment, nor did it further divide the country. But if the crowd in the auditorium was any indication, we can safely assume the nation – or at least the Democrats and some Independents – cheered… even if it was just for 5 seconds.

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