Healthcare Politics

President Obama Defends “You Can Keep Your Insurance” Claim – Video

They’re attacking from all angles. Republicans are circling the president like sharks tasting blood in the water. They think they have the upper hand this time and they’re going all out to convince you that having affordable health insurance is not a good thing for you.

They’re now attacking the claim the President made during the campaign when he said, “if you like your insurance you can keep it.” Republicans are now using this claim to say the President lied to you, because Insurance companies are now forced to cancel the garbage plans some people had, and upgrading those plans to acceptable plans.

Some people just don’t get it, so now the President has to explain his phrase, if you like your insurance you can keep it. “What we said was you could keep [your plan] if it hasn’t changed since the law was passed,” Obama said, as quoted by CBS News. “If the insurance company changes it … they’ve got to change it to a higher standard.”

But these people don’t care about getting a better plan or having their garbage plans upgraded to a higher standard. This is not about health, it is about winning a political argument. So the garbage collectors will happily give up their healthcare – some wouldn’t even look at the upgrades available – if it means winning the argument.

Dumb, yea, I know…


President Obama on The Buffett Rule – “Not Just About Fairness, It’s Also About Growth”

President Obama urges Congress to pass the Buffett Rule — which asks those who make more than $1 million a year to pay at least the same percentage of their income in taxes as middle class families — as a principle of fairness.

And as many Americans rush to file their taxes this weekend, it’s worth pointing out that we’ve got a tax system that doesn’t always uphold the principle of everyone doing their part.

Now, this is not just about fairness.  This is also about growth.  It’s about being able to make the investments we need to strengthen our economy and create jobs.  And it’s about whether we as a country are willing to pay for those investments.

The president then goes on to explain what the Buffett Rule is and who it will affect if members of Congress – namely Republicans – pass that bill this week.

As Warren points out, that’s not fair and it doesn’t make sense.  It’s wrong that middle-class Americans pay a higher share of their income in taxes than some millionaires and billionaires.

This week, Members of Congress are going to have a chance to set things right.  They get to vote on what we call the Buffett Rule.

It’s simple:  If you make more than $1 million every year, you should pay at least the same percentage of your income in taxes as middle-class families do.  On the other hand, if you make less than $250,000 a year — like 98 percent of American families do — your taxes shouldn’t go up.

Mitt Romney Politics

Fareed Zakaria To Mitt Romney – You Don’t Know The True Meaning Of “Post American”

Fareed Zakaria took on one of Mitt Romney’s claim, that president Obama “fundamentally believes that this next century is the post American century.” It’s a claim Romney has used numerous times in attacking the President.

Fareed’s response… “Mitt, we’re in a different world now.”

Zakaria then went into a “then and now” comparison, showing how things were decades ago when America was the only dominant nation, how things are now. Zakaria credits the growth of these other nations to new leadership and policies, and suggests that the world is no longer the place Mitt Romney talks about and desires to return to.

Zakaria’s take…

“Mitt by and large, you have ridiculed this approach to foreign policy, arguing that you will instead expand the military, act unilaterally and talk apologetically. But chest thumping triumphalism won’t help  you secure America’s interests on ideals in a world populated by powerful new players. You can call this new century whatever you like, but it won’t change reality. After all, just because we call it the world series, doesn’t actually make it one.”

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