ObamaCare Politics

Republicans: Defending the Garbage Collectors of the Insurance Industry

Why would anyone want to keep an insurance policy that give them absolutely nothing in the unfortunate event of them getting sick, is beyond my level of understanding. But for the 5 percent of Americans who have received cancellation letters from their insurance companies, these Americans are apparently angry. And the Republicans are using this anger as their launching pad for yet another Obamacare is the worst thing to ever happen to the United States of America campaign.

You all have heard the president made this claim time and time again while campaigning fo the Affordable Health Care Act, akso known as Obamacare. The president said, “nothing is going to change for those people with insurance. If you like your insurance you can keep it.”

The president’s only mistake when  he made that statement was not anticipating that there are people out there who loves garbage. And given the opportunity to get rid of the garbage for some quality insurance, these people would prefer the garbage instead.

What Mr. Obama should have done was made an exception for these garbage collectors. He should have said something like, if you like your insurance you can keep it, especially the garbage collectors. You wouldn’t know what to do with quality insurance anyway.

Yes, Mr . Obama should have let these people know that they are special. That they belong in a special class all by themselves, and that the rest of the country knows how special they really are.

Health insurance is not a political game. For many, it is literally the difference between life and death. And given the opportunity to choose life, sensibility should overcome partisan gamesmanship. Instead, it’s the other way around with Republicans and the garbage collectors of the insurance industry complaining that they cannot choose death instead.

Yea, you folks are special alright!

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By Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

One reply on “Republicans: Defending the Garbage Collectors of the Insurance Industry”

He also did not anticipate that the federal government….thanks to the REPUB governed states…..would have to do EVERYTHING for everybody, without funds to the HHS….and thus be in such a bind. Then have the insurance companies commit the “sin of omission” by only giving their clients PART of the necessary information in order to BUY insurance.
These crafty SOBS are starting to get on my last nerve!

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