Donald Trump Politics

Fox News Host Upset that Fox News Keeps Defending Donald Trump – Video

Sometimes, someone on Fox News gets hit with a jolt of truth. After yet another dumb statement by the Republican leader, Donald Trump, Greg Gutfeld, co-host of The Five showed his frustration at Donald Trump for his bullying of Hillary Clinton and his network’s unending attempt to defend the bully!

I just wanted to hear you defend this. Because I’ve heard people defend him about making fun of a disability, making fun of John McCain, making fun of women, a woman’s face, I wanted to hear somebody defend this as well. Because it never ends.

No one will ever stop defending the crass stuff he says. By the way, I haven’t used that word since I was seven years old. I don’t understand this. And I also, I don’t understand the comment about the bathroom. And I’m sick of hearing people defend this stuff. By the way, we’re not even allowed to use the word that he said, but somehow we’re going to have him on our network all the time. Meanwhile, we treat our employees far differently than that.

A little later in the interview, Gutfeld continued his outburst of truth, explaining that Trump is surrounded by “toadies” and because of that, Trump is always trying to be “the comedian,” saying foolish things and acting “very impulsive.” Gutfeld then concluded that an impulsive leader will not win against Hillary Clinton.

“When are you surrounded by toadies that cheer you on, you’re like a comedian, and you like the laughter. So I don’t  —  he’s very impulsive. Instead of thinking about what he says, he’s impulsive and it makes you wonder, do you want an impulsive leader, or do you want a leader that thinks? I want somebody who can beat Hillary. I don’t think an impulsive leader is going to beat Hillary.”


Express Yourself

A Response To A Bully You Have to See to Believe – Video

Someone broke into Caitlin Prater-Haacke’s locker at school and stole her iPod. The thief then took the time to access Caitlin’s Facebook account and posted a message telling her to die!

Now the average individual would have retaliated any way they could against this bullying tactic by an obvious coward, but Caitlin chose another path.

Caitlin, a student from Alberta Canada, handled the situation with a level of love and maturity the average person would not understand, and in so doing, started a wonderful movement.



Governor Dirty – More Retribution Claims aimed at Chris Christie

HOBOKEN — In the wake of the George Washington Bridge controversy, several Democratic mayors are speaking out saying they, too, believe they were punished by the Christie administration for failing to endorse the Republican governor’s re-election in November, WNYC reports.

Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer said that after Hurricane Sandy, she applied to the state for a Hazard Mitigation Grant. In the spring, when Christie asked her to endorse him for re-election during a face-to-face meeting, Zimmer told the governor no.

“He was quite disappointed, but I wouldn’t say that he was angry,” she told WNYC.

When her request for grant funding came back, she said, Hoboken received $300,000 of the $100 million in grants requested — less than 1 percent.

“With 20/20 hindsight, in the context we’re in right now, we can always look back and say, ‘Okay, was it retribution?'” Zimmer told the station. “I think probably all mayors are reflecting right now and thinking about it, but I really hope that’s not the case.”

Meanwhile Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop has said Christie’s office apparently canceled several meetings the day after Fulop refused to endorse the governor.

In Elizabeth, Mayor Chris Bollwage claims Christie targeted the city and shut down the Division of Motor Vehicle’s office there after its state legislators fought Christie on several pieces of legislation.

“The governor’s retribution was to close down the Division of Motor vehicles here in the city of Elizabeth, which is the fourth largest city in the state of New Jersey,” Bollwage said in the report.


Hazing Survivor on Richie Incognito – He’s “an Immature, Unrealistic Scumbag!”


An NFL having survivor had some harsh words for Richie Incognito. “I’m not afraid to say that he was an immature, unrealistic scumbag. When it came down to it, he had no personality, he was a locker-room cancer, and he just wanted to fight everybody all the time. It was bizarre beyond belief.”

Those are the words of Cam Cleeland who, as an NFL player some 15 years ago, went through a rookie hazing on the first day of training camp.

“Guys were just rabid,” Cleeland told the Los Angeles Times. “And you had a couple guys in the front that would stand in a three-point stance, and you would fire off the line like he was going to knock you over.

“You tried to make it through, and they literally just beat the ever-loving crap out of you as you tried to get through. Everything you can imagine, from kicking, punching, scrapping.”

Cleeland’s case is back on the radar this week as the ugly Jonathan Martin-Richie Incognito situation boils up in Miami. Martin, now in his second season, left the Dolphins last week after allegedly being the victim of repeated, cruel bullying.

Incognito was suspended following the revelation of a voicemail in which he hurled racial slurs at Martin. On Thursday night, Martin’s lawyer, David Cornwell, released a scathing statement in which he said Martin was the victim of a “malicious physical attack,” but did not specify which teammate was involved.

Cleeland’s hazing ended tragically. Andre Royal, a free-agent linebacker, had been collecting pennies all day from teammates and put them in a sock that he would swing wildly at Cleeland. Royal’s blow shattered Cleeland’s eye socket and nearly cost him his eye. He still deals with partial vision.

“I was full of adrenaline at that time,” Cleeland told the paper. “You’re in that fight-or-flight mode, survival mode. You’ve got to get through. So I made it through, and next thing you know my nose is bleeding all over.”

Cleeland, who went on to play eight years in the NFL, would cross paths with Incognito on the Rams when the team drafted the offensive lineman in 2005. He does not sound surprised by some of the reports that now surround Incognito.

“I’m not afraid to say that he was an immature, unrealistic scumbag,” Cleeland said. “When it came down to it, he had no personality, he was a locker-room cancer, and he just wanted to fight everybody all the time. It was bizarre beyond belief.”


This guy is literally the bully in every cartoon ever.

I totally agree!

News trayvon martin

George Zimmerman Called a Bully By Former Co-Worker

His identity is hidden because he fears retaliation from those who supports George Zimmerman, but the details emerging from a former co-worker of George Zimmerman paints another disgusting picture of Trayvon Martin’s killer.

He is an Arab-American and he claims that as an employee at CarMax in Sandford Florida, George Zimmerman bullied him and made racist comments to him, calling him as a terrorist and making fun of his accent.

The bullying and racial comments became so intense that the unnamed man wrote a letter to management complaining about George Zimmerman. Zimmerman was not reprimanded by management and eventually got away with his behavior because of what the man called “a great poker face.”

‘The guy was so convincing when he was confronted by management to the point where I doubted my own self,’ said the unnamed man.

‘I would not be surprised if he got away with it,’ [referring to the Trayvon Martin shooting].

‘He’s got, like you say, a good poker face. Great poker face.

‘That pretty much summarises this guy’s personality.

‘Great poker face.’

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Mitt Romney Politics

Romney Then – A Bully | Romney Now – Doesn’t Care About the Poor and Likes Firing People

It’s all coming together. We’re slowly beginning to see who the real Mitt Romney is, as reports surfaced today exposing a young Mitt Romney bullying his classmates back in high school. And it makes perfect sense that the kid who bullied, mocked, laughed at and even held down another student and forcibly cut that student’s hair, would grow up to be the man who said he doesn’t care about the poor, that he liked firing people and he enjoys taking jobs away from Americans, closing down companies and shipping those jobs overseas.

Yes, it’s all coming together now.

Mitt Romney offered a qualified apology for his behavior as a high school student, without specifically saying whether a report that he bullied a student thought by his classmates to be gay was accurate.

“Back in high school I did some dumb things and if anybody was hurt by that or offended by that I apologize,” Romney told FOX radio host Brian Kilmeade Thursday. “If I did stupid things, I’m afraid I’ve got to say sorry for it.”

Romney, 65, noted he graduated from high school nearly five decades ago, and said, “I’m quite a different guy now.” He admitted “I participated in a lot of hijinks and pranks in high school and some of them might have gone too far, and I apologize.”

Five classmates described to the Washington Post on record an incident in which Romney, then a high school senior, teased and ultimately assaulted a student, John Lauber. According to their account, Romney mocked the student’s long blond hair, recalling that he once said, “He can’t look like that. That’s wrong. Just look at him!” before joining classmates in chasing him, pinning him to the ground and cutting his hair as Lauber screamed for help.

“I certainly don’t believe that I thought the fellow was homosexual,” Romney told Kilmeade. “That was the furthest thing from our minds back in the 1960s.


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