Featured Sarah Palin Waterboarding

Sarah Palin Insists – Baptism and Waterboarding Are Equally The Same

Ever wondered why they say “arguing with a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon? Here’s a perfect example.

Everyone, from liberals to conservatives, are up in arms over Sarah Palin’s recent NRA speech where she compared religion with Waterboarding. But instead of Palin realizing the folly of her ways and apologizing for her dumb remarks, she went on Facebook and double down on her nonsense.

Heres the rambling from her Facebook Page.

Actions to stop terrorists who’d utterly annihilate America and delight in massacring our innocent children? Darn right I’d do whatever it takes to foil their murderous jihadist plots – including waterboarding. Whatever one thinks of my one-liner at the NRA rally about treating evil terrorists the way they deserve to be treated to prevent the death of innocent people, it’s utterly absurd for MSNBC to suggest that I could put our beloved troops in harm’s way, but we’ve come to expect the absurd from that failing network.

Again Sarah Palin, this is not about keeping America safe. This is about your decision to politicize a religious activity, with something as the immoral as waterboarding.

But then, explaining this to you would be like playing chess with a pigeon.

Christian Politics Sarah Palin Waterboarding

Christian Conservatives Blasting Sarah Palin for Insane Waterboarding Speech

Finally, The veil has been lifted and the conservative media is beginning to see what the liberals have seen from day one – that Sarah Palin, the quitter from Alaska, is a selfish loser who will do or say anything to further her name with a particular group.

What brought this realization to these people was Palin’s recent NRA soeech, where she foolishly compared waterboarding and baptism.

In the highly pitch shriek – or speech if that’s what you wanna call it – Palin said;

“Oh, but you can’t offend them, can’t make them feel uncomfortable, not even a smidgen. Well, if I were in charge, they would know that waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists.”

And understandably, Christians should be outraged! Baptism is not a political ploy. It is not something you invoke to further your politics in front of a certain group. It is a sacred belief based deep in the Christian foundation, and Palin’s Ill-advised association with waterboarding was truly sacrilegious.

But don’t just take my word on it,  I’m just a liberal. Here’s an example of what the conservatives are saying.

From The American Conservative.

Man, the 12 minute speech Sarah Palin gave to the NRA convention is awful. It’s just witless, red-meat blathering, delivered in that nasal whine of hers that makes it sound like she’s chewing wads of tinfoil. For people who like this sort of thing, this is the sort of thing they like.

Fast-forward in the video to the 6:30 mark, though, and listen to what she says about terrorists. It’s part of a long harangue about lily-livered liberals, delivered in such a way that makes Archie Bunker sound like Cicero. Money quote:

“Oh, but you can’t offend them, can’t make them feel uncomfortable, not even a smidgen. Well, if I were in charge, they would know that waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists.”

OK, stop. Not only is this woman, putatively a Christian, praising torture, but she is comparing it to a holy sacrament of the Christian faith. It’s disgusting — but even more disgusting, those NRA members, many of whom are no doubt Christians, cheered wildly for her.

I’m with my Lutheran pal Mollie Hemingway on this. Excerpt:

I’ve long defended Palin against the offensive treatment she’s received at the hands of a blatantly biased media, a media that collectively lost its mind the moment she entered the national stage. But that hardly means she must be defended at all times. … This is a perfect example not just of civil religion but also how civil religion harms the church. Civil religion is that folk religion that serves to further advance the cause of the state.

Palin and all those who cheered her sacrilegious jibe ought to be ashamed of themselves. For us Christians, baptism is the entry into new life. Palin invoked it to celebrate torture.

Here’s the video.

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