Politics the daily show

Trevor Noah on Ted Cruz – “He reminds me of Pepe La Pou, The Skunk” – Video

It’s as if he couldn’t wait to get back to business as usual, and the terrorist attack in San Bernardino was taking him off his game. So right after the shooting, Ted Cruz made sure to remind his faithful followers to come out to his gun supporting event and to show their love for guns!

“Fourteen people just lost their lives in a shooting, and Ted Cruz’s first thought is, ‘Oh, that reminds me, gotta send out my invites to my gun party,’” Trevor Noah said on “The Daily Show”. “Yeah, that seems like something you’d only do if you were an asshole.”

Later on in his piece after a continued barrage of slams on Cruz, Noah said this; “You know what, Ted Cruz reminds me of Pepe Le Pou, the skunk! Because you know, when he thinks he’s being charming, he’s just being even more creepy!”

That was followed by a video clip of Ted Cruz talking about how happy he was that he didn’t have “17 daughters,” and how easy it was for him to get “rubbers” for sex.

Noah summerized that maybe Ted Curz is the perfect leader for America, because he has shown both Democrats and Republicans that they do have at least one thing in common – their hate for Ted Cruz!


Politics the daily show

Trevor Noah Calls Out The GOP Hypocrisy – They are Selectively Pro-Life

Trevor Noah, the new host of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, is picking up right where Jon Stewart left off – showing off with great ease, the hypocrisy of those in politics, namely, the Republican party.

On Monday’s show, Noah called out the Republicans for their hypocrisy when it comes to being “pro-life.” According to Noah, Republicans are only pro-life when it comes to the unborn, but when it comes to guns and the mass murders they cause, well, like Jeb Bush said, “stuff happens.”


the daily show Tid Bits

Jon Stewart To Leave Show For Summer – Where Will We Get Our News Now?

Well you can always come to EzKool . But unfortunately for our great nation, Comedy Central with their shows like Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show along with another masterpiece called The Colbert Report, bring more news than most so-called “News” network.

I hope we survive Stewart’s absence.

According to an announcement by Comedy Central, Stewart will leave the show in June for about 12 weeks to direct his first feature film. He is expected to be back early in September. In his absence, the show’s correspondent/writer John Oliver, will take over.

Mitt Romney Politics the daily show

Comedy Central Points Out More Republican Hypocrisy – Video

So we all know that the Republican Delegates are the ones who picked and solidify Mitt Romney’s position as their Nominee. And we all know that in their Platform, the Republicans have included language making no exceptions for abortions. But Mitt Romney recently changed his position on abortions, saying he would allow the procedure in the case of rape or incest, or if the mother’s life depends on it.

Which brings us to Comedy Central’s The Daily Show. Sent out to interview these Delegates, Samantha Bee asks how they plan to support Romney when he doesn’t agree with the Republican Platform. And in the process, these Delegates – who are trying to take away a woman’s right to choose – reveals something very interesting. Their hypocrisy.

“You can’t force Mitt Romney to choose,” said one Delegate.

“He is allow to choose. This man is not a robot,” said another.

And another, “we live in a free society, we live in America. It is up to any human being to choose. To decide what’s best for themselves.”

On and on, the Delegates continues to proclaim Romney’s right to choose. But when Samantha Bee shows the hypocrisy of their position when it comes to a woman’s right to choose, it seems that’s where the choice stops. When it comes to a woman’s right to choose, Government (a Republican government) has to step in and make that decision for a woman.

Samantha sums it up by telling one Delegate, ““Say hello to my uterus,” she said. “You own a little piece of it. ‘Hello! I belong to everybody!’”

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

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