Donald Trump Politics

Hillary Leads Trump in 3 Battleground States

These are the polls Donald Trump hates. He loves the polls from his campaign showing him in the lead. Reminds me of Mitt Romney.

Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump in the crucial battleground states of Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Colorado, while the Republican presidential nominee leads his Democratic rival in Arizona, according to new polling.

Clinton holds an 8-point lead in Pennsylvania, according to a CBS News Battleground tracker poll out Sunday morning, and has 3-point leads in North Carolina, 48 percent to 45 percent, and Colorado, 42 percent to 39 percent.

Trump is up by 2 points in Arizona, 44 percent to 42 percent.

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Donald Trump Voter Arrested for Voter Fraud

You hear that Donald? It’s one of YOUR VOTERS.

Donald Trump regularly claims that the presidential election is “rigged” against him, thanks in part to “all too common” instances of voter fraud. “Watch Philadelphia. Watch St. Louis. Watch Chicago, watch Chicago. Watch so many other places,” the GOP nominee urged his supporters at a recent rally.

Election experts typically respond by pointing out that instances of fraud by voters at the polls are actually remarkably rare.

But they do happen. Case in point: Police in Des Moines, Iowa, said Friday that they had arrested Terri Lynn Rote, 55, on suspicion of voting twice in the general election.

Rote, a registered Republican, allegedly submitted ballots at two different early-voting locations in Polk County, Iowa, according to local media reports. She has been charged with first-degree election misconduct, a felony.

“I wasn’t planning on doing it twice. It was a spur of the moment,” Rote told Iowa Public Radio. “The polls are rigged.” She said she feared her first vote for Trump would be changed to a vote for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

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Just Like That Trump Changes His Mind on “Rigged” System Talking Point

Can you imagine this guy in the White House with all the power of the world at his disposal? A guy who can change his mind at the drop of a dime should not and cannot lead the free world or have his finger on the nuclear code.

Trump has shown time and time again that he is incapable of maintaining a steady position on any political issue. We’ve seen and heard situations where Trump says something one day and totally change position days, even hours later. So it comes as no surprise that Trump’s “rigged system” talking-point has come to an end now that the FBI announced a review of Hillary’s emails.

“It might not be as rigged as I thought,” Trump said at a campaign rally in New Hampshire after FBI director James Comey advised Congressional leaders of newfound Clinton emails. “The FBI, I think they are going to right the ship, folks. I think they are going to right the ship, and they are going to save their reputation by doing so.”

Just hours before the FBI’s announcement, Trump was interviewed on Fox News where he condemned the FBI, saying the agency “rolled over” by not throwing Hillary Clinton in jail.

“The system is rigged when Hillary Clinton is allowed to run for president, because what she did is criminal,” Trump told Baier Friday morning. “The FBI rolled over and the Department of Justice rolled over.” For extra emphasis, he added moments later, “When she’s allowed to run for office, the FBI rolled over.”

“Rolled over” no more. Trump has now changed his position on the very same FBI.

“I have great respect for the fact that the FBI and the Department of Justice are now willing to have the courage to right the horrible mistake that they made. This was a grave miscarriage of justice that the American people fully understood. And it is everybody’s hope that it is about to be corrected.”

I can see Trump in the Oval office snuggling with Russia’s Vladimir Putin on the phone, then bombing Moscow minutes later because Putin hung up without saying good night. Instability is not a trait we want in the next Commander-in-Chief and it is unbelievable that Republicans allowed Trump to get this close to the White House.

Donald Trump Featured sexual abuse

Video Shows Donald Trump Sexually Humiliating a Woman On Stage – Video

Look and listen to some of the things Donald Trump said on stage about a woman, in front of a live crowd, with the woman standing next to him – “So what happens is ― and you know what? She came tonight, she came ― came, she came, she came.”.

Emphasising that “she came, she came, she came” with a smile on his face before concluding that the audience had a dirty mind.

The current Republican presidential candidate is seen on a 2011 video telling a crowd how upset he was that Jennifer Hawkins – the 2004 Miss Universe Winner – refused to introduce him to the mic. And in the classic Trump style, the Republican presidential candidate explained to the crowd that when someone “screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard.”

Trump then calls Jennifer Hawkins on stage, not sure if the purpose was to “screw” her “10 times as hard.” But after Ms Hawkins arrived by his side, Trump then began to… well… watch!

The video even ends with Trump force-kissing Ms Hawkins.


Donald Trump Politics

Report – Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump in Early Voting States

Hillary Clinton appears to have a slight edge over Republican rival Donald Trump in a number of battleground states and among important demographic groups based on an analysis of the millions of votes already cast both at polling places and by absentee ballot, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Mrs. Clinton is seeing positive signs of enthusiasm in such states as Florida and Nevada. She is also seeing strong turnout rates in the early vote from Latinos and women.

But Mr. Trump may have an advantage in the midwestern battlegrounds of Ohio and Iowa, where Democratic voter interest appears to be flagging compared with the 2012 presidential, records show.

According to data compiled by the United States Elections Project and the Associated Press, at least 17 million votes had already been cast as of Friday. Early voting is under way in a number of top-tier battlegrounds including Florida, Nevada, Iowa and North Carolina. Absentee voting has been happening in some form in every state, thanks to laws that require military and overseas ballots to be ready by September.

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Donald Trump Wants to “Cancel the election and give it to Trump”

He’s losing in all the real polls and there seems to be no other way for him to get ahead of Hillary Clinton before the November 8th election. So what’s a Trump to do? Beg for the election to be canceled of course.

In one of his pointless rallies, Trump came to the conclusion that the only way for him to win would be to just give it to him.

“Just thinking to myself right now, we should just cancel the election and just give it to Trump,” the Republican presidential nominee said during a rally here on Thursday.
“Her policies are so bad. Boy, do we have a big difference,” he added of his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.
The apparently lighthearted comment falls against the backdrop of Trump’s repeated and serious questioning of the legitimacy of the presidential election in recent weeks as he has tumbled in the polls.
Donald Trump Featured sexual assault

Woman Number 12 Comes Forward – Accuses Trump of Sexual Assault

And now another woman… in another country… a woman who obviously has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton or the Clinton campaign, a woman who has no vote in America’s general election, has come forward to accuse the Republican presidential candidate of sexual assault.

A former Miss Finland has become the twelfth woman to come forward and accuse Donald Trump of sexual assault, with two weeks to go until the US election.

Ninni Laaksonen, now 30, was crowned Miss Finland in 2006.

Contacted by local newspaper Ilta-Sanomat, which rang all women known to have met Mr Trump, she accused the billionaire of grabbing her bottom in New York in July the same year.

Miss Laaksonen said the incident occurred moments before she appeared on the Late Show with David Letterman with three other contestants and Mr Trump.

“Before the show we were photographed outside the building,” she told the paper.

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Trump Supporter – Hillary Clinton “has to go by any means necessary”

Donald Trump keeps stroking the fears of the crazies and they are responding accordingly.

Big crowds still mob Donald J. Trump when he comes to town, with fans waiting in long lines to attend his rallies, where they eagerly jeer his Democratic rival and holler happily at his message.

But beneath the cheering, a new emotion is taking hold among some Trump supporters as they grapple with reports predicting that he will lose the election: a dark fear about what will happen if their candidate is denied the White House. Some worry that they will be forgotten, along with their concerns and frustrations. Others believe the nation may be headed for violent conflict.

Jared Halbrook, 25, of Green Bay, Wis., said that if Mr. Trump lost toHillary Clinton, which he worried would happen through a stolen election, it could lead to “another Revolutionary War.”

“People are going to march on the capitols,” said Mr. Halbrook, who works at a call center. “They’re going to do whatever needs to be done to get her out of office, because she does not belong there.”

“If push comes to shove,” he added, and Mrs. Clinton “has to go by any means necessary, it will be done.”

Interviews with more than 50 Trump supporters at campaign events in six states over the past week revealed a distinct change from the rollicking mood earlier this year, when Mr. Trump’s surprising primary successes and emergence as an unconventional Republican standard-bearer set off broad excitement. The crowds appeared on edge and quick to lash out.

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White Woman Holds “Blacks For Trump” Poster at Trump Rally – PIC

Maybe the blacks in attendance could not lie to themselves to hold such a sign. Or maybe the blacks in attendance were not paid enough to hold it. Or maybe the old white woman holding the sign didn’t know what it said. Whatever the reason, it was just amazing seeing this coming from Trump’s Florida rally.


Donald Trump Racism

Revealed – How Trump’s Father Denied Housing to Black Applicants – Video

Oh, so that’s why the Republican presidential nominee say the things he say. Apparently the apple really doesn’t fall too far from the tree.

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Donald Trump Tells Voters System Not Rigged if it Helps Him Win

It’s now become the calling card of the Republican presidential candidate to say the entire election process is “rigged.” The same process that took a “new-comer”, “outsider”, “non-political businessman” from his mansion in Manhattan and turned him into a presidential candidate, is now all of a sudden, “rigged!” That rigged system allowed Donald Trump to beat almost 20 seasoned Republican politicians in the nomination process, but now that Trump is behind in all the credible polls in the general election, he and his campaign are crying foul!

But wait!

According to Trump at a recent campaign event, the system can correct itself if it turns around and works in Trump’s favor again. Trump suggested that he might be hurting himself by saying the system is rigged, because if his supporters show up and vote multiple times for him to win, well, that will be just fine.

During a Saturday campaign stop in Cleveland, Ohio, Donald Trump doubled down on recent claims that the entire election is rigged, including what he baselessly argues is widespread voter fraud against him. In almost the same breath, he jokingly insinuated that his supporters could commit voter fraud to help him win, by illegally casting ballots in several locations.

“Maybe they’ll vote for Trump, I don’t know, maybe I shouldn’t be saying that,” he said, shrugging and egging the crowd on. “I may be hurting myself, you’re right. You’re right. Maybe they’re going to vote for Trump. All right, let’s forget that. It’s okay for them to do it.”

The statement came as Trump accused Democrats of relying on votes of undocumented immigrants and dead people. There is no evidence to suggest that either constituency turns up to the polls and votes on election day.


Donald Trump Politics

Donald Trump Believes the First Amendment Gives the Press “too much protection” – Video

If given a chance, Donald Trump wants to change the US Constitution. He wants to have a different system than the First Amendment, a system that would give him a better chance at winning a lawsuit against the press.

In a recent interview, Trump was asked if he thought the press was too protected. Trump answered;

“Our press is allowed to say whatever they want and get away with it. And I think we should go to a system where if they do something wrong… I’m a big believer tremendous believer of the freedom of the press. Nobody believes it stronger than me but if they make terrible, terrible mistakes and those mistakes are made on purpose to injure people. I’m not just talking about me I’m talking anybody else then yes, I think you should have the ability to sue them.”

Maybe a Russia or China type government controlled media would be more appealing to Donald Trump. The government telling the media what to say on television and what to write in their publication just seems to fit the model of a Trump presidency.


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