
7 Essential Fruits & Vegetables for Beautiful Skin

Ever wondered if you could eat your way to beautiful skin?

I’ve worked in skin care and cosmetics for enough years to see many products go through the market.  Today cosmetic and skin care research is fueled by plant science.  Scientists and researchers pull nutrients from plants, fruits and vegetables, infusing skin products with their essential oils, vitamins and nutrients to create creams and serums to aid people in their quest for beautiful skin.

However, a person will be hard pressed to have beautiful skin simply by schlepping a bunch of cream on.

A lot of people want products to give them beautiful skin but they don’t realize there are other components.  For example, our diet plays a big part in creating beautiful or not so beautiful skin.

What we eat has the potential to show up on our faces.  And beauty isn’t just about the products applied on the face.  Beauty is also about what is kept off.  High levels exposure to harmful UV rays from the sun and buildup of bacteria and dirt in the pores are two things you definitely want away from your skin.

And what you has the potential to heavily impact the condition of your skin.  According to the Journal of American Academy of Dermatology many vegetables and fruits contain specific vitamins that not only protect our skin. They can reverse age as well.

If having beautiful skin is on your priority list for healthy living, make sure to pick up the following produce next time you are at the grocery store or farmers market.

7 Essential Fruits and Vegetables for Beautiful Skin

1.  Asparagus

Asparagus has a high alkaline content that balances the pH levels of the skin. Maintaining a balanced pH level in your skin is critical to clean, clear skin.  If the pH level goes too low or high, conditions such as dryness and acne can occur.

2.  Strawberries

The high amount of vitamin C and antioxidants in strawberries makes them a key contributor to good health.  Additionally, in a 2007 study the Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports strawberries play a part in the synthesis of collagen (the substance in our skin that keeps it firm).

3.  Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain Vitamin C and they also have properties that protect the skin from harmful sun rays.  A study states that people who ate an equivalent of 5 Tablespoons of tomato paste every day had 33% more protection from the sun than people who didn’t.  Spaghetti anyone?

4.  Pink Grapefruit

In 2008, a study in European Journal of Pharmaceutics found that people who ate diets high in lycopene in pink grapefruit had smoother skin than people who did not.  Lycopene’s ability to prevent free radicals from ravaging the skin is the secret behind how lycopene keeps the skin smooth.  Additionally, lycopene is thought to prevent blocked pores and protect the harmful rays of light.  Tomatoes and papayas also have significant levels of lycopene.

5.  Avocado

Fans of avocados credit the green fruit with all sorts of health benefits including keeping the skin soft and supple.  Avocados have high levels of vitamin E and essential oils which help keep skin looking and feeling smooth and healthy.

6.  Corn & Leafy Greens

Both corn and leafy green vegetables have high levels of lutein.  Lutein acts as a barrier against the sun’s most harmful rays.  The CDC reports that skin cancer is the most common form of cancer.  More than 67,000 people in 2009 were diagnosed with skin cancer- a good reason to keep on the SPF and increase our consumption of vegetables that protect us against the UV rays.

7.  Edamame

If you needed a good reason to get sushi tonight, here you are:   Edamame contains two fabulous health benefits for skin.

First, it absorbs the harmful free radicals caused by exposure to the sun.   Second, edamame helps to maintain collagen levels, thus keeping our skin firmer and younger looking for longer.

Final Thought on Eating Our Way to Beauty

An interesting final note:  the fruits and vegetables listed here are a variety of colors and types.  Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is the key to a diet that will help skin improve and stay beautiful.  Eat lots of them.   Cut back on processed foods that pull fluid and moisture from the skin.  Drink lots of water.

What we eat really does show up on our skin.

Beauty Health

My Favorite Supplement for Healthy Nails

If you suffer from brittle nails that have a hard time growing, you may want to check this supplement out.

It’s called Biotin and it helps with hair and nail growth. The hair growth may take some time noticing, but you will begin to see almost immediate results for nail strength and growth. I discovered this by accident when I was taking Biotin for weight loss and I quickly noticed a difference in my fingernails. They were noticeably longer, thicker, and stronger. I did a little research to discover that Biotin has been indeed proven to help with nail growth.

And while I did lose a few pounds (I have no clue if Biotin was the true cause of that), I can say for sure it made a world of a difference on my nails.

You can take Biotin alone or with Vitamin B6 because they both help produce the keratin protein found in nails. Along with keratin, Biotin also helps with the production of collagen and elastin fibers which is found beneath the nail and also promotes healthy nail growth.

So, if you struggle and feel embarrassed with your nail appearance, give Biotin a try.

You just might lose a few pounds as an extra bonus. You can’t beat that!


Beauty Health

Oil Therapy

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve developed quite the fixation with different types of oils for cooking, aromatherapy, beauty aides, and alternative medicine.

So, I just wanted to take the time out to highlight some of my favorite oils and how I’ve found them helpful in my daily needs.

Coconut Oil: Organic, Unrefined, Cold-Pressed, Extra Virgin

  • The BEST natural body moisturizer I’ve come across. Slather this anywhere on your body and you’ll be amazed by how soft and supple your skin will be by the next day. Tip: If you have really dry feet, Try This: Rub coconut oil all over your feet, slip on some socks, and get some rest. You’ll thank me in the morning. 🙂
  • Dry hair? No problem. Apply this oil throughout the hair to give it some added moisture.
  • Some people swear that taking 1-2 tablespoons a day of coconut oil helps with weight loss. I can’t attest to those claims, but it is yummy when used to cook up some scrambled eggs. Delish!
  • Believe it or not, I sometimes use this on my face as a moisturizer and it does a great job of getting rid of dry patches and making the face more supple. However, I only recommend doing this for people with dry skin.

Castor Oil: The Palma Christi (Palm of Christ)

  • I have grown to love this oil. It’s great as an overnight spot treatment on pimples/acne. This oil is too thick to place  all over the face, so I don’t recommend it.
  • Great for dry hands and feet.
  • If you’re having trouble in the bathroom area(constipation), this is your go-to oil. It’ll clear that right up!
  • Castor Oil packs have been used for various issues such as inflammation, congestion, constipation, and liver, kidney, and pelvic disorders.
  • I don’t have this one confirmed yet, but it supposedly helps with the appearance of cellulite. I’m going to try this one out and let you know my results.

Olive Oil: Any type

  • This is my go-to oil for most of my cooking needs, unless I’m frying.
  • This is a good oil for body moisturizing, but I prefer coconut oil for my beauty needs over olive oil.
  • Many claim that it’s great in your hair. I tried this once and well, never again! Ok, maybe further experiments are needed, but I was not impressed.

Lavender Oil: 100% Pure Essential Oil

  • Great for healing my acne bumps and scars.
  • The anti-bacterial properties also help with any cuts and scrapes, including cat scratches (cat owners can relate!)
  • A few drops on my pillow case help me to finally doze off to sleep when my insomnia starts kicking in.
  • Always great to use in an oil diffuser as a room deodorizer.
  • Mix this with Eucalyptus oil in warm/hot water for a relaxing bath.

Peppermint Oil: 100% Pure Essential Oil

  • If you’re sick, this oil will surely give your sinuses some temporary relief and make it easier to breathe again. However, putting this oil in a bath will give you an extreme cooling effect in all areas including your nether regions, so be forewarned.
  • Another good choice to scent the room in an oil diffuser. However, the minty smell makes my cat go off-the-wall bonkers!

Clove Oil: 100% Pure Essential Oil

  • Believe it or not, this oil is stronger than lavender oil with its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. This oil can zap away a zit overnight. Warning: It can sting a little, so you may want to mix it with a carrier oil like  olive oil before applying to the skin.
  • I haven’t tried this, but apparently it’s great to use with your toothpaste/mouthwash for dental care.

Eucalyptus Oil: 100% Pure Essential Oil

  • This goes well with lavender oil as a calming and soothing bath oil.
  • This is another good choice for a room deodorizer.

Citrus-Scented Oils (Orange, Lemon, and Lime): 100% Pure Essential Oil

  • I only use these oils to get rid of any unpleasant smells that may pop up within my apartment. I have citrus oils to be great as a room deodorizer.
  • Certain citrus oil brands you can use for baking needs (pies, cakes, etc.) to boost flavor.

I do own and use a lot more oils, but these are my main staples. I’m always looking to experiment and add to my collection, so if you have any other good suggestions/recommendations please forward it my way!


Bring Back Healthy Hair

I always get asked “Your hair is so healthy, shiny, and silky. What products do you use??”

Well, when I was very young, I had one of those Michael Jackson Pepsi commercial type accidents with my hair (no lie) which was quite the traumatic experience, but it forced me to take extra care of my hair in order to get it back to a healthy, normal state.

I was blessed with having an aunt who was an expert in her craft of hair care and believed in using only quality products that actually work and benefit the hair.

I keep a minimal hair care routine by using quality products that do not cause damage and leaves my hair protected with a shine and silkiness that brings on the flood of compliments.

So listen up, Ladies (and Gentlemen) and see how hair care can really be that simple.

1) Shampoo: Original Mane ‘N Tail Shampoo 

I started using this product 2 years ago and fell in love. Yes, this shampoo was originally made to give horses that beautiful gleam for their mane while protecting the hair strands. Well, as many horse owners quickly figured out, it is quite excellent for human hair as well. This product is now specifically made for use on both human and horse hair.  Note: Don’t be turned off if your hair feels a little dry right after shampooing. The conditioner will fix that right away.

My Results: My hair grew significantly stronger and LONGER. My hair began achieving lengths I had never seen before. After my accident, I could never seem to grow my hair out longer than an inch past my shoulders. Now, I am able to grow it up to at least 5 inches below my shoulders.


2) Conditioner: Original Mane ‘N Tail Conditioner

This conditioner is protein-based which may be the reason for my hair becoming stronger and much longer after use of this shampoo and conditioner. This conditioner will leave your hair moisturized without weighing it down. My hair has a fine texture and I can’t use products that are too heavy as I won’t be able to have that volume and bounce to my hair.

My Results: Along with the the strength and length of my hair, I noticed less split ends and fuller/thicker hair once I switched to this shampoo/conditioner combo.


3) Essential Leave-in Product #1: Aphoghee Pro-Vitamin Leave-in Conditioner

I’ve been using this product for almost 20 years and it’s never stirred me wrong. This is an extremely lightweight leave-in conditioner where the texture is about the same as water. It has a Pro-Phytamine  complex which smooths hair and increases manageability. It is a must if you are going to put any heat on the hair. I use this product regardless of heat. After the process of shampooing and conditioning, I wring out the excess water from the hair wash, and spray this leave-in conditioner throughout the hair. Do not overdue it. Then I apply my last (and most favorite) product.


4) Leave-in Product #2: bain de terre Recovery Complex Anti-Frizz Silky Shine Serum.

Seriously, if you don’t buy anything else, buy this! It is a must have for some dam good silky shiny hair.  I have been using this product for over 20 years and it is one of the originators of the clear serums. I have tried main serums, this one is by far the best. I have used this product on all types of hair and ethnicities(both male and female) and it always does the job of improving the shine and feel of the hair. This product is one of your best chances at achieving soft, silky hair. I honestly have no idea what they put in this stuff, but your hair will love you for it! After spraying in the Aphogee, you put about 2-3 dime sized amounts of this serum into the hair(depending on your hair length) from the roots down to the ends. Again, do not overdue it.

My Results: Consistent shine and silkiness. It is my ultimate hair secret. I’ve used it on so many of my friends and they all love it.


Extras: Bio-Silk Silk Therapy Serum

This is a good back-up if you don’t have Bain de Terre. It is also great to apply this to the hair before doing any flat-ironing. I always use this whenever I need to flat-iron my hair. Always.


So, there you have it.

My recommended products to help you achieve that healthy, shiny, stronger, longer, and happier hair which means an even happier YOU!


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