Alabama Politics selma

Boehner Couldn’t Make It To Selma, But He Released This 4 Sentence Statement

This weekend marks the 50th commemoration of “Bloody Sunday” in Selma and across the nation, for it was 50 years ago when peaceful protesters were beaten to a pulp because they had the nerve to demand equal voting rights.

Bloody Sunday solidified the importance of voting for all Americans, and ultimately led to the 1965 Congress approving a Voting Rights bill, but today’s Republican leaders apparently had better things to do this weekend.

Failing to have any of their leaders attend the commemoration, Republican House Speaker John Boehner released this statement, a statement fitting for Twitter!

“Today, 50 years after the Selma to Montgomery marches began, the House honors the brave foot soldiers who risked their lives to secure the blessings of liberty for all Americans.  The harrowing images of that day – the unspeakable violence perpetrated against those who marched – summoned us to live up to our founding principles.  Their actions commanded change, and today we live in a better America because they fought and died to make it so.  Guided by their determination, inspired by their courage, and moved by their call for justice, let us honor their sacrifice by rededicating ourselves to the cause of freedom and equal opportunity for every American.”

Thanks Leader Boehner for at least acknowledging that something important is happening this weekend. But your absence and the absence of all your party leaders, speak volume!

Alabama ObamaCare Politics shooting

Republican Congressional Candidate Literally Shoots Obamacare – Video

You’re a Republican and running for public office? Here’s your sure and simple way to get elected. No policy ideas needed, just show your gun and maybe shoot at a copy of Obamacare.

That’s it. That’s all you need to do to satisfy the small minded, two-issue voter base of today’s Republican party. Alabama congressional candidate Will Brooke realizes this fact and his campaign video showing him shooting at the healthcare law means he has already won.

“We’re down here to have a little fun and talk about two serious subjects,” Brooke says. “The Second Amendment and see how much damage we can do to this copy of Obamacare.”

Yep. Those are the two major issues plaguing this country. The Republican brain at work.

Alabama News

Brain surgeon walks six miles in Alabama snow storm to perform life-saving surgery

Dedicated surgeon: Dr Zenko Hrynkiw walked six miles through a snow storm to perform brain surgery in Birmingham, Alabama

A brain surgeon walked six miles through a snowstorm in Alabama on Tuesday to perform life-saving surgery.

Dr Zenko Hrynkiw was at Brookwood Medical Center in Tuesday morning when he was needed for emergency brain surgery miles away at Trinity Medical Center.

The problem was the sudden snowstorm had locked down traffic, and the neurosurgeon didn’t get farther than a few blocks by vehicle.

‘The cell service was bad so we were fading in and out,’ said Steve Davis, charge nurse in the neuro intensive care unit at Trinity. ‘At one point, I heard him say, “I’m walking.”‘

Davis had alerted authorities, and they were looking for him. There were supposed sightings, but no one could find him.

‘The police were looking for him,’ Davis said.

Hours had gone by since the initial contact in the morning.

‘He finally called me and said, “Where’s the patient? What’s the status?”‘ Davis said. ‘He spoke to the family and went off to surgery.’

It was an emergency surgery for a traumatic brain injury. Hrynkiw is Trinity’s only brain surgeon, Davis said.

‘Without the surgery, the patient would have most likely died,’ Davis said. ‘But he is doing well.’

Traffic nightmare: Weather conditions in the South left many commuters trudging home after abandoning their cars

Local hospital: As the only brain surgeon at Trinity Hospital (pictured), Dr Hrynkiw decided to walk the six miles there after a snow storm caused huge traffic jams
Local hospital: As the only brain surgeon at Trinity Hospital (pictured), Dr Hrynkiw decided to walk the six miles there after a snow storm caused huge traffic jams

Davis said he and colleagues at Trinity were estimating the hike to the Montclair Road hospital at about eight miles, although Google Maps puts it at about six. The extreme weather Tuesday has been blamed for five deaths statewide and it stranded untold thousands away from their homes.

‘This just speaks volumes to the dedication of the man,’ Davis said. ‘When I saw him, all I could say was “You are a good man.”‘

Davis said Hrynkiw takes good care of himself and frequently walks for exercise.

The doctor was hardly the only person to talk miles through the storm. Roads around metro Birmingham were still lined with thousands of abandoned cars and trucks on Thursday.

Read more: DailyMail

Alabama Mitt Romney Politics

Mitt Romney – All the Grits In The World Cannot Help You Win The South

Although he won some delegates in Mississippi and Alabama in yesterday’s primaries, Romney’s clear focus on “math” as his only way to winning the Republican nomination is quite frankly, lame. What we are  witnessing before our very eyes is a Republican candidate who is proving time and time again, that he simply cannot win a majority of the Republican votes in southern states – something that must be done if he expects to come close to competing against President Obama in the general elections.

Given yet another chance to seal the deal and wrap up this primary process, Romney placed third with 29% of the votes in Alabama with Gingrich slightly ahead. Santorum came in first with 35%. The story wasn’t much different in Mississippi – Santorum 33%, Gingrich 31% and Romney 30%. For entertainment value, 4% of the Republicans voted for Ron Paul. But even with this problem with winning the popular vote in southern States on their hands, Romney’s campaign went on CNN to highlight that they managed to win some delegates in those two states, inching them even more closer to the magic figure of 1144 – the total amount needed to win the Republican nomination. According to a CNN tally, Romney has 489 and leads second place Santorum by 255 delegates.

But can math alone bring Mitt Romney a victory? Newt Gingrich puts it this way: “The elite media’s effort to convince the nation that Mitt Romney is inevitable just collapsed. The fact is that in both states, the conservative candidates got nearly 70% of the vote, and if you’re the frontrunner and you keep coming in third, you’re not much of a frontrunner. And frankly, I do not believe that a Massachusetts moderate who created Romneycare as the forerunner of Obamneycare is going to be in a position to win any debates this fall, and that is part of the reason I’ve insisted in staying in this race.”

If you’re the Republican candidate and you cannot get Republicans in Republican states to vote for you, then you have some serious problems. The math may work to get you the nomination, but at some point, you have to prove you can get the votes.

McKay Coppins wrote:

“…while the campaign’s slow, methodical approach to collecting delegates in obscure, boring, or otherwise un-noteworthy contests has served them well logistically, it hasn’t helped them win the argument. The rhetoric of strength and leadership that could give them momentum heading into the general has been replaced with a list of math-centered talking points that deal with delegate counts, percentages, and margins of victory.

Campaign in poetry and govern in prose, the old political adage goes. The Romney campaign, it appears, has chosen to forego words altogether and make their case with numbers. But how long can the party’s would-be standard-bearer hinge his entire campaign message on math?”

Alabama Mitt Romney Politics

Post Primary Blues: The GOP’s Gone South “Y’all!”

Rick pulls off the daily double and the race pushes on. I can’t say as I’m terribly surprised but the results certainly were a sharp rebuke to Romney and his claims to be a conservative. Perhaps in the fall, when he’s the nominee, this will help him as moderate voters will determine this election.

The Mississippi Results:

Predict             Survey says!

Gingrich          33%                  31.3%

Romney          32%                  30.3%

Santorum        29%                  32.9%

Paul                 6%                    4.4%

And Alabama

Romney          32%                  29.0%

Gingrich          31%                  29.3%

Santorum        30%                  34.5%

Paul                 6%                    5.0%

The GOP will win these two states in the fall, so no worries there. Newt Gingrich has promised to fight on, but he’s lost any claim to being the conservative alternative to Romney and can only be a spoiler. Santorum can say all he wants about being the nominee, but I don’t see him winning any of the big, less conservative states still to come. If he can manage to pick off a couple (IL, NY, CA), then we’ll talk. My take is that this positions Rick as a possible VP candidate if he has enough delegates and clout to force the issue in Tampa.

I’m sure that recent polls showing president Obama to be vulnerable (again and still) have emboldened conservatives not to settle on a candidate they don’t want. The remaining question is whether they want to go all in for Santorum.

For more, please go to: and Twitter @rigrundfest  

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